America's economy
Over the cliff?
Barack Obama must do more than avoid an economic abyss. He has a chance to fix America’s finances
Dec 15th 2012 | from the print edition
BEN BERNANKE, the chairman of the Federal Rerve, is not known for his turns of phra. But “fiscal cliff”—the term he coined to describe the tax increas and spending cuts that will hit America’s economy at the start of 2013 unless politicians agree to avert them—has inspired songs (“The fiscal cliff is a danger zone/It’s where grown men go when budgets are blown,” croons Merle Hazard, a satirical singer) and television comedy
(Jon Stewart’s “The Daily Show” calls it “Cliffpocalypmageddonacaust”).
There have also been more rious conquences. The shadow of the fiscal cliff has depresd corporate investment. American consumer confidence has started to wobble. Growth is slowing, perhaps to as little as 1% in the fourth quarter. Policymakers around the world are fretting: Australia’s central bank has just cut rates, citing the cliff as a worry.
The worries are understandable but overblown (e article). In the short term the risk of economic catastrophe is minimal. The real threat—and the real opportunity for Barack Obama—lies in the medium and long term.
The long and the short of it
If lawmakers do nothing, America faces fiscal tightening in 2013 worth up to 5% of GDP. That is a Greek-scale squeeze. It would not take many months for it to push the country i
nto recession. A complete stand-off between Mr Obama and Congress would lead to disaster even sooner, for unless America’s lawmakers vote to increa the “debt ceiling” (the maximum amount of debt that the Treasury can issue) by around March, the federal government will be unable to pay its bills—including, potentially, its bondholders. The damage from a lf-induced default would dwarf even that from the fiscal cliff.
如果立法者无所作为,2013年美国将面临高达 GDP 5%的财政紧缩(与希腊的规模持平)。这种紧缩用不了几个月就会让国家陷入衰退。假如奥巴马和国会之间完全处于僵局,这场灾难将来得更快——因为除非美国立法者投票在明年三月前后提高“债务上限”(财政部所能发放债务的最大限额),否则联邦政府将无力负担其开支,还可能无力向持券人支付利得。在自身违约所带来的危害面前,即使是财政悬崖的负面影响都相形见绌。
However, precily becau the conquences of prolonged stalemate would be so disastrous, there almost certainly will not be one. Either towards the end of December, or
early in 2013, Mr Obama and the Republicans in Congress are likely to reach an agreement that avoids most of the tax increas and spending cuts, and rais the debt ceiling. Elements of that deal are becoming a little clearer: the Republicans em to have given in to Mr Obama and accepted that wealthier Americans will have to pay more tax, probably through both limited deductions and higher tax rates.
But there are still two big reasons for America—and the rest of the world—to worry. First, depending on the details of the deal, there could still be too great a fiscal squeeze in 2013. Second, and more important, entitlement spending is America’s biggest long-term fi
scal challenge. Any fiscal deal must reform Social Security (pensions), Medicare (for the old) and Medicaid (for the poor). Mr Obama has been demanding tax increas of $1.6 trillion over the next ten years, but has offered entitlement cuts of only some $400 billion. He needs to increa the latter, to entice the Republicans into a deal and becau it is the right thing to do.
America has a chance to straighten out not just its finances, but also the highly polarid politics that underpin them. Republicans believe passionately that higher taxes will wreck
the economy; no Republican in Congress has voted for higher income taxes since 1990. Democrats believe equally passionately in the sanctity of health-care and pension schemes for the old. The last time pensions were overhauled was in 1983. Since then politicians have added handouts even as medical costs have soared and the population has aged. The result is a gaping, and growing, fiscal hole. America’s underlying “structural” budget deficit is almost 7% of GDP. Among rich countries, only Japan’s is bigger.
美国不仅有机会整顿国家财务,还有机会去整顿为国家财务打下基础的、高度两极分化的政坛。共和党人坚信增税会破坏经济;自从1990年以来,国会里的共和党人从来没有投票支持过提高所得税。同样,民主党人坚信医保和养老金方案神圣不可侵犯。美国上一次对养老金进行彻底改革是在1983年。从那时起,政界在医疗成本猛增、人口老龄化的情况下加大了相关的拨款力度——结果产生了越来越大的财政漏洞。美国基础的“结构性”预算赤字约为 GDP 的7%,在发达国家中仅次于日本。
Since the financial crisis America’s ideological stand-off has, as it happens, produced nsible short-term fiscal policy. The United States cushioned its recession with stimulus and, by keeping fiscal policy loo, has supported the recovery. With many other rich countries tightening further and faster, that did the world a rvice.
In today’s weak recovery the same logic holds. With bond yields near record lows America need not, and should not, tighten policy too fast. Some tightening in 2013 is both expected and manageable. Most forecasters expect around 1.5% of GDP, as measures that were always designed to be temporary, such as the payroll-tax cut, expire. But there is a danger that a minimalist deal would result in too big a squeeze. An agreement that extended tax cuts only for the middle-class, for instance, would imply a tightening of som
e 3% of GDP in 2013. That is too fast.
如今经济复苏不振,同样的道理也是说得通的。在债券收益接近历史最低点的情况下,美国不需要也不应该过快地收紧财政政策。在2013年进行一些紧缩,这既在预料之中,又具有可行性。大多数预测人士估计,过去总是临时措施的政策(比如个人所得税削减)到期之后,紧缩量将约为 GDP 的1.5%。但最低限度的协议将导致紧缩量过大这种风险也是存在的。比如,如果协议让减税仅仅适用于中产阶级,就意味着2013年美国的紧缩量将约为 GDP 的3%。这样的紧缩速度太快了。
小岛造句To prerve the recovery, a deal must be less draconian. It should focus on long-term entitlement reform rather than short-term cuts. That is good politics, since overhauling entitlements is a Republican priority. And it is good economics. Spending on the old will ri faster in America than in most other rich countries. That is partly becau Europe’s austerity plans have already delivered some fairly tough pension reforms, but mainly becau America’s health-care costs are so high and rising fast.
入户玄关柜A big deal
Mr Obama has the opportunity to fix this and to reform entitlements—something that has eluded every president since Ronald Reagan. The combination of his re-election and the fiscal cliff has forced the Republicans to show some flexibility on increasing the tax take. That victory has given Mr Obama leverage over the left of his own party. If he us it to fo
rce real change, from lower indexation of pension payments to tougher means-testing of health-care benefits, he will transform America’s long-term fiscal outlook.
So far the president has shown lamentably little boldness, arguing that pensions should not be part of any deal and that health-care costs can be controlled by reducing payments to providers, such as hospitals (as oppod to cutting benefits). In private, things may be different. Mr Obama is said to want a big deal that not only averts the fiscal cliff but ts America on a sustainable fiscal cour. Such a deal is within his reach. He should grasp it.
from the print edition | Leaders
1. Cliffpocalypmageddonacaust 是由美国电视主持人乔恩•斯图尔特在《每日秀》节目中创造的词,由 Cliff、Apocalyp、Armageddon 和 holocaust 缩略复合而成,是对财政悬崖的戏谑提法。文中根据构词成份译为“悬崖末世决战之灾白椿”。
2. the long and short of sth:
(idiomatic) The gist; the esnce or substance; the most important or salient features. 即“要点”。