ambivalent mixed feelings
anomaly/atypical a deviation from the norm
sarcastic/sardonic derisive mocking comments
dearth/paucity scarcity or shortage
prattle to babble incessantly
wry dry humor
unconventional/unorthodox not ordinary or typical
painstaking/meticulous/exacting highly detailed蔡襄
audacious very bold; daring
indifferent/apathetic lack of interest or concern
diffident lacking lf-confidence
pragmatic practical, nsible
evocation an imaginative recreation。。。
presumptuous overbearing; impertinently bold
recalcitrant/obdurate very stubborn, defiant
boon a timely benefit
bane a source of harm
clandestine/surreptitious cretive, not aboveboard, covert
affable/amiable/genial/gregarious agreeable, friendly
confounded/perplexed/mystified puzzled, confud
prodigious enormous, massive
ambiguous unclear, not definitive
丰胸频道reproach/censure to scold, rebuke
nostalgia a ntimental longing for the past
conjecture/supposition an inference
obsolete no longer in u
auspicious very favorable
moro/despondent very depresd
impas failure to reach an agreement
anachronism not in the proper time period
belie to give a fal impression
mitigate/mollify/assuage/alleviate to ea, relieve, lesn
covet to strongly desire; to crave
antithesis/antipodal direct opposite
prototype an original model
aloof detached, rerved
trite/hackneyed/pedestrian/platitudinous/banal commonplace
国企面试自我介绍antecedent/forerunner a preceding event
plausible believable
prudent careful, cautious
aesthetic an appreciation of what is beautiful or attractive
paradox a eming contraction that express a truth
enigmatic/inscrutable mysterious; baffling
acquiesce to comply
naïve/credulous unsophisticated
kazaaautonomous independent
futile doomed to failure
indigenous/endemic native to an area
ubiquitous/prevalent everywhere, widespread, prevalent
pandemic widespread epidemic
fortitude strength of mind
diminutive very small大召
archaic out of date
exhort to strongly encourage
antipathy/animosity strong dislike
digress to depart from a subject
tenacious showing great determination
indulgent overly tolerant
polarize/divisive to break into opposing factions
nebulous vague, lacking a fully developed form
analogy a similarity or likeness
fleeting/ephemeral very brief, short lived
penchant/predilection a preference for something; inclination
capricious/mercurial fickle, constant shifting moods
boorish/uncouth vulgar, crude