Study on Influence Factors of English Vocabulary Teaching
1 Introduction
1.1 Rearch Background
As it is acknowledged, vocabulary acquisition plays a key role in cond languageacquisition. Abundant vocabulary makes us express ourlves fully and meaningful. Somastering effective and corrective words promis us to communicate smoothly, which hasbeen the hot topic to the rearchers.So how to master and memorize words effectively in the English teaching has been therearched and explored topic. For many years, learners and scholars have been paying moreattention to the explicit teaching, discovering explicit and intentional learning influencesvocabulary acquisition effectively (Fan Hua 2008). Recently, more and more scholars havebegun to focus on the effect of incidental vocabulary acquisition (IVA), discovering IVA playsan positive part in the building of words (Gai Shuhua 2003; Pulido 2007). Being theby-product of language learning, IVA d
oesn’t require learner’s to memorize every wordintentionally; however, it does occupy a key proportion of the vocabulary growth, so many ofthe prent study focus on IVA through reading. According to the structure of the theory toacquire language put forward by Gass (1988), the cour of acquiring language could beclassified into four parts: ①apperceived input ; ②comprehended input; ③intake; ④integration. What’s more, they categoty the practice to enhance vocabulary into five (the levelof processing vocabulary from low to high): ①Selective Attention; ②Recognition;③Manipulation; ④Innterpretation; ⑤Production. And then, Laufer and Hulstijn (2001)propod “Involvement load Hypothesis”, that is tasks with different involvement load willlead to different incidental vocabulary acquisition. In Laufer and Hulstijn’s construct ofinvolvement, involvement is handled by designed tasks with need, arch and evaluation.Involvement Load combines the prence or abnce of one of the three elements. Teacherswho want to design teaching tasks could apply one, two or all of the three elements, whichmeans different involvement load leads to different tasks.
1.2 Objectives and significance
The prent study aims to inspect enhancement input, task load involvement and theirinfluences on incidental vocabulary acquisition. A proper experiment is designed for testingand evaluation, so as to achieve the objectives.In the paper, many related theories concerning vocabulary acquisition, such as Nation’sword knowledge framework, Richard’s word knowledge types, Krashen’s Input Hypothesis,Schmidt’s Noticing Hypothesis and Laufer & Hulstijn’s Involvement Load Hypothesis, andthe ralated rearch on them will be introduced. Bad on the theories, the relationshipbetween enhanced input, task load involvement and incidental vocabulary acquisition will befurther dealt with.Most people agree that reading is one of the best ways to acquire vocabulary. However,eyeless reading only reacts in the acquisition of vocabulary. As is known, the learning ofvocabulary involves in many factors, such as the reader’s interest, the understanding of thetext and the guessing-ability of the new words and so on.
2 Literature review
2.1 Theoretical Framework
To study the incidental vocabulary acquisition with the two elements: inputenhancement and task load involvement, it is necessary to prent some related theories tomake readers more clear for the study. Here, the key theories will be put forward one by one. In this part, two important elements are discusd to interpret vocabulary knowledge:the depth of vocabulary knowledge, which means to what degree a learner knows a word, thatis, all knowledge prented for each word; and breadth of vocabulary knowledge whichmeans a mount of words, that is, vocabulary size. Breadth of vocabulary knowledge means the amount of words. The amount of words isregarded as something priceless. According to Webster’s Third International Dictionary, thereis a vocabulary of about 54.000word families, which is a learning goal far beyond most nativespeakers, and let lone cond language learners.Kucera (1982) declares that 2.000 most frequency word f
amilies of English makeslearners recognize and u approximately 80% of the words. A great larger of vocabulary sizeis benefit to all language learners. Further rearch done by Nation (2001) shows a readershould recognize 98%of all words to read for fun, excluding in looking up dictionary. Inaddition, a good reader needs at least 3,000 high frequency words. Nation (1990) puts forwards that low frequency words should be learned after knowing the high frequency words.Many studies suggest indirect or incidental learning is an effective way to learn words.
罗卜丁2.2 Related Rearch
The different definations and studies have been propod in the above. In this part,some related empirical studies on incidental vocabulary acquisition will be reviewed.Most vocabulary is learned incidentally, both for first and cond language. Manystudies have been put forward in order to solve the problems related to incidental vocabularyacquisition through reading. Many studies on IVA have been carried out and pr
oved thepitoval effeects the IVA had in cond language vocabulary acquisition. Nagy&Hermanpropod the term “IVA”, then they did more resrch on it. “Even the most systematicdirect vocabulary instruction could neither account for a significant proportion of all thewords one actually learns, nor can it cover a modest proportion of all the words they willencounter in school reading material”(Nagy&Herman, 1985). Children learn words is mainlynot from instruction in class, and assistant by dictionary, but from extensive reading, listeningto radio, watching TV,etc. It is found that when people learn their native language, they canlearn fifteen words one day, which indicates that the direct instruction of vocabulary cannotstand for the large proportion of students’ knowledge of words. Therefore, they encourageteachers to promote extensive reading (Nagy&Herman,1985). The term also has its differentinterpretation. Incidental vocabulary acquisition is “ a by-product, not the target, of the maincognitive activity, reading” put forward by Huckin and Coady(1999: 180).
3.1 Rearch question and hypothes .....19
3.2 Rearch Design .....19
3.3 20
4 Results 23
4.1 Results ..... 23怎样腌制白萝卜
4.1.1 Immediate vocabulary form acquisition .... 23
4.1.2 Delayed vocabulary form acquisition ........ 24
4.1.3 Immediate vocabulary meaning acquisition ........ 25
4.1.4 Delayed vocabulary meaning acquisition ....... 26
4.2 Discussion ..... 26
4.2.1 The effect of 26
4.2.2 The effect of task 28
4.2.3 The interaction effect between 29
5 Conclusions ........ 31
5.1 Major Findings ...... 31
5.2 The Revelation, suggestion and limitation of 31
4 Results and discussion创业准备
4.1 Results
桌面设置什么叫五险一金The study is aimed at inspecting the immediate and delayed effects of different taskinvolvement of load, input enhancement and non-input enhancement have, on the vocabularyform and meaning acquisition, so we will analysis the conquence from the effect ofimmediate form acquisition , delayed form acquisition, immediate meaning acquisition anddelayed meaning acquisition. On the condition of two levels of task load involvement and two levels of inputenhancement, the average score and standard deviation of the test of filling in blanks on theimmediate vocabulary form acquisition are as table 4. From table 4, we know the score of the acquisition of vocabulary form with en
hancedinput is (m=8.630, 7.699), which is higher than the score without enhanced input (m=7.799,6.930). Whether having the enhanced input or not, the score of vocabulary form acquisitionwith high task load involvement (m=7.799, 8.630) is always higher than the score with lowtask load involvement (6.933, 7.699). The result of variance analysis with many factors showsthe main effect of enhanced input is remarkable. (F=9.770, p=0.002) and the main effect oftask load involvement is also remarkable (F=12.365, p=0.01). However, the interaction effectof the two is unremarkable. (F=0.160, p=0.898).