学钢管舞Sections and Details
游泳训练Sectional Drawings
凉菜菜谱大全带图片Ud to reveal the internal construction Provide information concerning materials
and asmbly
Detail ctions show specific parts of construction
Different Cutting Planes Full ctions:
面积法Transver ctions (preferred): Longitudinal ctions:
Detail ctions
Full ctions
Showing interior relationships of the foundations, walls, floors, roof and other parts
Illustrating vertical dimension and elevations, including floors, roofs, openings of doors and windows
Showing structural grid coordinates and its symbol, title of drawing, scale, index of detail drawings, materials of some important parts, notes.
谐音歌词Lines specification:
Heavy solid lines: Ground line; walls that the cut plane cross
Mid solid lines: visible walls and other parts that the cut plane doesn’t cross
真玉Light solid lines: minor parts, hatching lines, symbols
Concrete parts are usually hatched in solid style to distinguish from masonry walls in large scale drawings, such as 1:100, and 1:200.
First Floor Plan