为方便答题,所有判断题目答案附在chapter9后之后 Chapter 1 Introduction to Organizational Behavior
True/Fal Questions
1.Organizational behavior is the study of human attitudes, behavior, and performance in organizations.2.Organizational behavior is the study of values, goals and policies in an organization.3.The study of organizational behavior focus on organizations, groups and individuals.4.Organizational behavior draws on many different business disciplines.5.Contributions from psychology, sociology, economics and industrial engineering are applied in organizational behavior theory.6.Practical experience is more relevant to the study of organizational behavior than rearch and theory.7.Scientific management involves the study of work process to make them more efficient.8.Efficiency
and quality can be improved by studying work process.9.Administrative management propos that a manager’s job include the basic functions of planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating and controlling.10.Organizations could reduce conflict by getting employees and managers focud on shared goals.Short Answer Questions 1._____________ consists of the actions and interactions of individuals and groups in organizations.Answer: organizational behavior(OB)declined>开讲啦周润发
2.A social entity that is goal directed and deliberately structured is known as a(n)_____________.Answer: organization
卡扎菲上校3._____________ is a school of management that involves developing a standard method for performing each job, training workers, and offering wage incentives.Answer: scientific management
4.The _____________ school of management explores ways managers can influence productivity through human relations.Answer: human relations
Essay Questions 1.Describe the various management schools of thought.Answer:
仕途升迁• Scientific management—developed a standard method for performing each job, trained workers in the standard, eliminated interruptions, and offered wage incentives.• Administrative management—identified what structured would be most efficient in a given • • • • environment and advocated putting policies and procedures into writing.Human relations school—explored way managers could influence productivity by establishing positive relationships with employees.Management science—applies scientific method and mathematical models to management problems.Open systems—describes organizations as systems that interact with their environment, transforming inputs into outputs.Sustained competitive advantage—focus on the means organizations can create to sustain an advantage over competitors.2.Outline the assumptions about employees identified as Theory X and Theory Y.Answer: • Theory X assumes workers dislike their work and must be coerced into doing it.• Theory Y assumes that work is a natural part of employees’ lives and that employees will be industrious and creative if they are committed to their work.3.Identify and discuss five core values of Total Quality Management.Answer: There are ten core values with descriptions offered in Exhibit 1.3, p
age 15.U this table to guide your grading of the question.4.Identify and discuss the four management functions.Which function is most important and why? Answer: Planning—defines goals and determines how to achieve them Organizing—assigns tasks, delegates responsibility, and allocates resources.Leading—u of influence to inspire and empower others to work toward the organizational goals.Controlling—measures performance to its objectives.The most important function is planning becau it influences all the other functions in how each function is administrated.Chapter2 Individual Differences True/Fal Questions小学语文三年级上册
活动英文1.Productivity, innovativeness, creativity, and other organizational outcomes are influenced by how employees behave.2.People are an organization’s most valuable resource and are least likely to cau problems.3.Individual differences do not influence whether a person will be able to successfully perform a job.4.A psychological contract describes what an employer expects from the employee and what the employee will contribute bad on the expectations.5.A psychological contract outlines what an employee expects to contribute and what the organization will provide to the employee fo
r the contributions.6.Psychological contracts are negotiated and written down as terms of employment.7.If an organization violates the psychological contract, employee satisfaction, trust and desire to stay with the organization goes down.8.Psychological contracts in today’s work environment emphasize job curity for the employee.9.Psychological contracts in today’s work environment emphasize employee career management and development.10.If an employee is struggling in a job, the manager should reshape the job.Short Answer Questions 1.__________________ are an organization’s most valuable resource.Answer: People
Page: 89
2.__________________ are characteristics that vary from one person to another.Answer: Individual differences Page: 89
3.What an employee expects to contribute and what the organization will provide to the employee for their contributions is known as __________________.Answer: Psychological contract Page: 90
4.The extent to which a person’s ability and personality match the requirements of a job is called __________________.Answer: Person-job fit Page: 93
5.When __________________ is poor, jobs need to be restructured or employees need to be replaced.Answer: Person-job fit Page: 94
6.__________________ refers to the match between an individual’s personality, goals, and values and the organization culture.Answer: Person-organization fit Page: 94 Essay Questions
1.Explain cognitive ability and define its three specific dimensions.Answer: • Cognitive ability refers to an individual’s capacity to think and analyze information.Three dimensions are verbal comprehension, quantitative ability, reasoning ability.• Verbal comprehension refers to a person’s capacity to understand and u written and spoken language.• Quantitative ability refers to an individual’s speed and accuracy in solving math problems.• Reasoning ability refers to an individual’s capacity to solve different types of problems