“El Torito” Bootable CD-ROM Format Specification
Version 1.0
(翻译和注解)“El Torito”可引导CD-ROM格式规范V1.0 翻译和注解:wxleasyland(****************)
1.0 Overview
This specification defines how makers of CD-ROMs can package veral "images" of floppy and hard disks on a single CD with the ability to catalog the images and to lectively boot from any single image.
The possibility of booting a PC from a CD ROM has raid veral possibilities, including: 从CDROM引导PC的可能性引出一些可能性,包括:
1. Self-configuring CD-ROMs that manage their own resources, including operating systems and
drivers 自配置CDROM,管理它们自已的资源,包括操作系统和驱动程序。
2. The embedding of multiple operating systems and drivers on the same CD-ROM for a variety of
applications, e.g., multi-language 多操作系统和驱动程序集成在同一CDROM中来用于各种应用,如多语言
3. The ability of the end ur to lect which operating system to boot 让用户选择引导哪一个
4. Copy protection for the CD ROM software and data CDROM软件和数据的拷贝保护
To accomplish this facility, there are currently two available technologies: 为达到这种易用性,有2种可用的技术
1. DOS-bad drivers (e.g., SCSI or ATAPI) 基于DOS的驱动程序(如SCSI或ATAPI)
2. The system BIOS. 系统BIOS
Attempting to u DOS-bad drivers (e.g., SCSI or ATAPI) to boot from a CD ROM creates a
number of problems such as resource conflicts and inordinate u of memory.
The BIOS, however, avoids the problems and offers other advantages, including: 而BIOS,则避免了这些问题并且提供了其它的优点,包括:
1. Can boot from a variety of operating systems by accessing a Boot Catalog on the CD-ROM.可以
2. Offers the choice of configuring the CD ROM as a hard disk (C: or D:) or floppy (A:). 提供
将CDROM配置为一个硬盘(C: or D:)或软盘(A:)的选择
3. Renames existing drives when necessary. 当有需要时,重命名已经存在的驱动器
4. Us existing BIOS technology (Logical Block Access) to access code and data. 使用已存在的
5. Compatible with all DOS and Windows applications using INT 13 functions. 和所有使用INT13功
Using the BIOS to boot from the CD ROM requires using the available system header on the CD ROM 使用BIOS来从CDROM引导,需要使用CDROM上的可用的系统头。
1.1 Scope
This document describes in detail how to format a CD-ROM from which you can boot a suitably-equipped computer system. It assumes you are familiar with standard BIOS INT 13 functions, ISO document number 9660,IBM/Microsoft INT 13 Extensions Dated 9/92, Version 1.0 of the Enhanced Disk Drive Specification (authored by Phoenix), and ATAPI.
1.2 Notation and Conventions
All numbers in this document are hexadecimal unless otherwi specified. All rerved or unud bytes are assumed to be zero. All character strings are padded to their full length with hex zeros. All word, double word and quad word values listed in this spec are in “Little Indian”(Intel) format.
1.3 Introduction
ATAPI-compliant IDE as well as SCSI CD-ROM drives can optionally provide new boot capabilities for personal computer manufacturers and urs. In the past IBM and compatible personal computers would first attempt to boot from the floppy drive and if no floppy was prent, from the hard disk.
ATAPI兼容的IDE,以及SCSI CDROM驱动器,都可以可选地提供新的引导能力给PC制造商和用户。以
This specification explains how the BIOS boot procedure can be enhanced to support a new medium, the CD-ROM. The CD-ROM is a removable media type, much like a floppy, but with the capacity of a hard disk.
这个规范解释了BIOS引导过程如何增强支持一个新的媒介CDROM。 CDROM是一个可移除的媒介类型,很
Maintaining compatibility with current software requires using INT 13 calling conventions but providing an entirely new device interface. INT 13 places some restrictions on the information which a CD-ROM contains and also provides veral new options for booting a system. The following is a list of new system capabilities and constraints:
保持与当前的软件相兼容需要使用INT13调用惯例,但是提供一个全新的驱动器接口界面。 INT13在一个CDROM包含的信息上放置了一些限制,并且也提供了一些新的用于引导一个系统的可选功能。下面是新系统能力和约束:
1. The CD-ROM may boot as the A drive or the C drive. CDROM可能作为A盘或者C盘引导
2. If the CD-ROM boots as the A, drive it will contain a 1.2M, 1.4M or 2.88M floppy image. 如
果CDROM作为A盘引导,它将包含一个1.2M, 1.4M 或 2.88M软盘镜像。
3. If the CD-ROM boots as the A drive the systems normal A drive will become the B drive. If
the system has a B drive it will become inaccessible. 如果CDROM作为A盘引导,系统中原有的A驱动器将变成B驱动器,如果系统有B驱动器,则它将变成不可见。
4. If the CD-ROM boots as the C drive, it replaces the C drive. 如果CDROM作为C盘引导,它将
5. No device drivers are necessary for applications which u the INT 13 interface. This means
that normal MS- DOS compatible software can access the CD-ROM without a device driver. Some
OS software, such as Windows, can be configured to u INT 13 giving the ur immediate
benefits from his CD. 那些使用INT13接口界面的应用程序不需要设备驱动程序。这意味着,普
6. Formatting a portion of the CD ROM as a “write protected” hard disk is an easy method of
copy-protecting off-the-shelf software as well as allowing MS-DOS to function normally.消耗殆尽
7. You can also copy-protect the non-disk-formatted portions of the CD ROM by embedding
special CD-ROM drivers on the CD. 你也可以防拷贝CDROM的非盘格式部分,通过集成特别的CDROM驱动程序在CD上。
1.4 Implementation Options
Adding CD-ROM booting to a system will also require changes to the “SETUP” ur interface. Many systems allow the following boot options.
A: then C:
C: then A:
C: only
CD-ROM booting now adds veral new possibilities. The table below is a complete list: CDROM引导现在加入了一些新的可选项。下面是完整的列表:
楚辞诗句A: then CD ROM then C:
CD ROM then A: then C:
CD ROM then C: then A:
C: then A: then CD ROM
CD ROM only
Many systems will not require all of the options, but it is necessary to give the ur a CD-ROM boot disable capability. The ability to disable CD-ROM booting is required becau there has been no standard for using the first few ctors of the CD. In the event that random data caus the system to find a valid “Validation Entry” on a non- compliant CD the ur must have the recour of disabling the boot capability.
If the end-ur lects one of the Boot CD-ROM options on the Setup Menu, and if during POST the BIOS detects the prence of a CD-ROM drive, INT 19 at the end of POST will then attempt to load the operating system using the boot quence specified in Setup.
To accomplish this, the installable Boot CD ROM feature makes available one of two INT 19 functions:
1. Single-Image INT 19. This feature, if instructed to boot from the CD ROM, does the
following: 单镜像INT19。这个特性如果用来从CDROM引导,则做以下工作:
a. Access the Booting Catalog in the CD-ROM header (See below). 访问在CDROM头的
“引导目录Booting Catalog”。
b. Verifies the existence of a boot image on the CD ROM. 核实CDROM上引导镜像的存在。
c. Reads the Initial/Default Entry (See below) and boots from the disk image specified
in this entry. 读出“初始/默认入口”,并且从这个入口指定的镜像引导。
Single-Image INT 19 knows nothing about multiple-images, nor does it know about their
possible entries listed in the Booting Catalog. 单镜像INT19不知道多镜像的任何东西,它也
2. Multiple-Image INT 19. This feature, if instructed to boot from the CD ROM, does the
following: 多镜像INT19。这个特性如果用来从CDROM引导,则做以下工作:
a. Access the Booting Catalog in the CD-ROM header. 访问在CDROM头的“引导目录”。
b. Verifies the existence of a boot image on the CD ROM 核实CDROM上引导镜像的存
c. Boots from either the image specified in the Initial/Default Entry or from one of
the other images listed in Section Headers and Section Entries (See below) that
follow the Initial/Default entry. The lection of which image to boot from depends
on Selection Criteria determined by the OEM (See below). 从在“初始/默认入口”中徐家汇商圈