Part I Listen ing Compre hensi on ( 10 minute s )
Sectio n A
Direct ions: In this ctio n, you will hear ten statem ents. Number s 1 to 6 are badon Text A whilethe rest are badon Text B. Each statem ent will be read ONLY ONCE. Listen carefu lly and decide whethe r each statem ent is true or fal.
A) T
B) F
Script: People came to fish the stream s, whichflowed clearand cold out of the hillsand contai ned shadypoolswheretroutlay.
A) T
B) F
Script: The doctor s were not puzzle d by new kindsof sickne ss appear ing amongtheirpatien ts.
A) T
B) F
Script: Therewas now no sound;only silenc e lay over the fields and woodsand marsh.
A) T
炖鱼头怎么做好吃B) F
Script: Therehad been vera l sudden and unexpl ained deaths amongadults and childr en.
A) T
B) F
Script: Though the litter s were small,the youngsurviv ed, thus the farmer s were stillable to raipigs.
A) T
母爱无边B) F
Script: The people silenc ed the rebirt h of new life in this strick en worldthemse lves.
A) T
B) F
Script: The most alarmi ng of all man's assaul ts upon the enviro nment is the contam inati on of air, earth, rivers, and a with danger ous and even lethal materi als.
A) T
B) F
Script: Such a barrag e of poison s called"inct icide s" is possib le to lay down on the surfac e of the earthwithou t making it unfitfor all life.
A) T
B) F
Script: Chemic als spraye d on cropla nds lie shortin the soil withou t enteri ng into living organi sms.
A) T
B) F
Script: One in six countr ies in the worldface food shorta ges becaus e of vere drough ts.
Sectio n B
Direct ions: In this ctio n, you will hear a passag e threetimes. When the passag e is read for the firsttime, you should listen carefu lly for its genera l idea. When the passag e is read for the cond time, you are requir ed to fill in the blanks with the exactwordsyou have just heard. Finall y, when the passag e is read for the thirdtime, you should checkwhat you have writte n.
M ost people have (11)_________________ enviro nment al pollut ion in the form of an open garbag e dump. Howeve r, pollut ion can also be (12)_________________ . Some kindsof pollut ion do not actual ly dirtythe land, air, or water, but they reduce the qualit y of life for people and (13)_________________ . For exampl e, noifrom (14)_________________ and machin ery can be consid eredformsof pollut ion.
E nviro nment al pollut ion is one of the most (15)_________________ proble ms facing humani ty. Badlypollut ed air can cau(16)_________________ illnes s. Some air pollut antshave reduce d the capaci ty of the atmosp hereto (17)_________________ the sun's harmfu l ultrav iolet(18)_________________ . Many scient istsbeliev e that theand otherair pollut antshave begun
to change
(19)_________________ around the world.Oceanpollut ion
(20)_________________ many marine organi sms.
Script: Most people have witnes d enviro nment al pollut ion in the form of an open garbag e dump. Howeve r, pollut ion can also be invisi ble. Some kindsof pollut ion do not actual ly dirtythe land, air, or water, but they reduce the qualit y of life for people and otherliving things. For exampl e, noifrom traffi c and machin ery can be consid eredformsof pollut ion.
Enviro nment al pollut ion is one of the most riou s proble ms facing humani ty. Badlypollut ed air can caulife-threat ening illnes s. Some air pollut antshave reduce d the capaci ty of the atmosp hereto filter out the sun's harmfu l ultrav iolet radiat ion. Many scient istsbeliev e that theand otherair pollut antshave begunto change climat es around the world.Oceanpollut ion endang ers many marine organi sms.
正确答案:witnes d
正确答案:otherliving things
正确答案:riou s
正确答案:life-threat ening
正确答案:filter out
正确答案:radiat ion
正确答案:climat es
宝组词Part II Readin g Compre hensi on ( 25 minute s )
Sectio n A
Direct ions: In this ctio n, thereis a passag e with vera l blanks. You are requir ed to lect one w
ord for each blankfrom a list of choice s givenin a word bank follow ing the passag e. Read the passag e throug h carefu lly before making your choice s. Each choice in the bank is identi fiedby a letter. You may not u any of the wordsin the bank more than once.
T herewas once a town in the heartof Americ a whereall life emed to live 21 its surrou nding s. The town 22 the midstof a checke rboar d of 23 farms, with fields of grainand hillsi des of 24 where, in spring, whiteclouds of bloom 25 abovethe greenfields. In autumn, oak and mapleand bircht up a blazeof colorthat flamed and 26 across a backdr op of pines. Then foxesbarked in the hillsand deer silent ly crosse d the fields, half 27 in the mistsof the autumn mornin gs.
Alongthe roads, laurel, viburn um and alder, greatfernsand wild flower s, 28 the travel er's eye throug h much of the year. Even in winter the roadsi des were places of beauty, where 29 birdscame to feed on the berrie s and on the ed headsof the driedweedsrising abovethe snow. The countr yside was, in fact, famous for the 30 and variet y of its bird life, and when the floodof migran ts was pourin g throug h in
spring and autumn people travel ed from greatdistan ces to obrv e them.
A) lay on B) in harmon y with C) counta ble D) lay in
E) prospe rousF) orchar ds G) abunda nt H) drifte d
I) proper tyJ) flicke red K) hidden L) deligh ted
M) countl ess N) abunda nce O) flicke d
21. ______________________
22. ______________________
23. ______________________
24. ______________________
25. ______________________
26. ______________________
27. ______________________
28. ______________________
29. ______________________
30. ______________________