Automotive engine maintenance(汽车发动机维护维修)
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Classification of generator regulators
Generator regulator according to its structural characteristics and principles of operation can be divided into vibration (depending on the vibration of contacts to regulate) and transistor two major categories. If the voltage regulator and current limiter, the relay closure is called a contact, and the contact of each log on is called the ries, at the same time, each associated with a pair of contacts that single stage, two pairs of contacts is called double stage, is the regulator and contact number and ries that is,
古代日本Two, generator regulator models, specifications and applicable models
前鼻韵母和后鼻韵母1. generator regulator model and meaning
樱花壁纸JB1546-75 "car and tractor electrical products model preparation method" stipulates that the regulator's name is FT, F means "hair", "T" means "tune"". The classification and grouping code is貔貅怎么摆放最好
Among them, the meaning of voltage class code and structure code is listed as shown in table 2-1-5 and 2-1-13 respectively.
Generator nominal voltage level code table 2-1-5
什么争艳Code number 123456
Voltage class (V) 12246
Structural code table 2-1-13
Generator regulator single connection triple connection数学报二年级
形容雪的诗句唯美For example, type FT121 regulators:
2. models, specifications and applicable models of domestic generator regulators
The models, specifications and applicable models of the domestic direct and alternator regulators are listed in table 2-1-14, 2-1-15 and 2-1-16.
Three. The working principle of generator regulator