1、 The most popular beverage in china,tea figures prominently in daily life in China.
2、 For veral thousand years, the tradition has been to rve tea when a guest arrives, and tea was once a favorite wedding gift .Today a social occasion almost always calls for a tea party. Tea hou in city parks are where friends like to stop and chat----over a cup of tea, of cour.
3、 Tea drinking in China dates back 4,000 years. The book on Tea by the Tang dynasty scholar LU YU ,the first treati on the subject , deals with the origin, variety, preparation, and crewing of tea. It also discuss the proper tea t and tea’s healing powers.
ferment 发酵
unfermented 未发酵的
mifermented 半发酵的
fermentation 发酵 fermentation process 发酵工序
drying process 烘干工序
chemical reaction 化学反应
enzymatice reaction 酶促反应
rolling process 揉捻工序
捕捉昆虫finished product 成品(茶) dried product 干茶
oxidation 氧化作用 sift 筛分
oxidize 使氧化 condensation 冷凝、凝聚
oxida 氧化酶 enzyme 酶
wither 萎凋
polyphenol 多酚
caffeine 咖啡碱
evaporation 蒸发,蒸发作用
amino-acid 氨基酸
catchin 儿茶素
theaflavin 茶黄素
thearubigin 茶红素
odour 气味
aroma 香味
chemical composition 化学成分 physical composition 物理成分
tea bush 茶丛
pluck 采集
prune 修剪
bud 芽
leaf 叶
stem 茎、干
clonal garden无性系茶园
superior tea 特级茶
one and a bud 一芽一叶
two and a bud 一芽二叶
Sri Landka 斯里兰卡
Assam 阿萨姆
production cost 生产成本
fan 风扇
tray 托盘
茶树 tea bush
采青 tea harvesting
茶青 tea leaves
萎凋 withering
日光萎凋 sun withering
室内萎凋 indoor withering
静置 tting
搅拌(浪青) tossing
发酵 fermentation
氧化 oxidation
杀青 fixation
蒸青 steaming
炒青 stir fixation
烘青 baking
鹿茸的吃法及禁忌 晒青 sunning
揉捻 rolling
轻揉 light rolling
重揉 heavy rolling
布揉 cloth rolling
干燥 drying
炒干 pan firing
烘干 baking
晒干 sunning
渥堆 piling
精制 refining
筛分 screening
剪切 cutting
拔梗 de-stemming
整形 shaping
风选 winnowing
拼配 blending
紧压 compressing
覆火 re-drying
陈放 aging
加工 added process
焙火 roasting
熏花 scenting
调味 spicing
饮料茶 tea beverage
包装 packaging
真空包装 vacuum packaging
充氮包装 nitrogen packs
碎形小袋茶 shredded-tea bag
原片小袋茶 leave-tea bag
我们将茶分为四大类茶,即“不发酵茶”(non-fermented)——绿茶(green tea)
“后发酵茶”(post-fermented)——普洱茶(puer tea)
“部分发酵茶”(partially fermented)——乌龙茶(oolong tea)
“全发酵茶”(complete fermentation)——红茶(black tea)
绿茶——蒸青绿茶(steamed green tea)
粉末绿茶(powdered green tea)
银针绿茶(silver needle green tea)
原型绿茶(lightly rubbed green tea)
松卷绿茶(curled green tea)
剑片绿茶(sword shaped green tea)
条型绿茶(twisted green tea)
圆珠绿茶(pearled green tea)
普洱茶——陈放普洱(age-fermented puer)
渥堆普洱(pile-fermented puer)
乌龙茶——白茶乌龙(white oolong)
条型乌龙(twisted oolong)
球型乌龙(pelleted oolong)
熟火乌龙(roasted oolong)
白毫乌龙(white tipped oolong)
红茶——工夫红茶(unshredded black tea)
碎型红茶(shredded black tea)
熏花茶(scented tea)——茉莉绿茶 (jasmine scented green tea)
调味茶(spiced tea)
茶壶 tea pot
壶垫 tea pad
茶船 tea plate
茶盅 tea pitcher
盖置 lid saucer
奉茶盘 tea rving tray
茶杯 tea cup
杯托 cup saucer
茶巾盘 tea towel tray
茶荷 tea holder
茶巾 tea towel
茶拂 tea brush
计时器 timer
爱你真的不容易煮水器 water heater
水壶 water kettle
煮水器底座 heating ba
茶车 tea cart
坐垫 at cushion南昌市社保局官网
杯套 cup cover
包壶巾 packing wrap
茶具袋 tea ware bag
茶盘 tea ware tray
同心杯 strainer cup
个人品茗组 personal tea t
水盂 tea basin
冲泡盅 brewing vesl
盖碗 covered bowl
渣匙 tea spoon
茶器 tea ware
幼儿园春季开学温馨提示热水瓶 thermos
茶罐 tea canister
茶瓮 tea urn
茶桌 tea table
茶筅 tea whisk
茶碗 tea bowl
有流茶碗 spout bowl
备具 prepare tea ware
从静态到动态 from still to ready position
备水 prepare water
温壶 warm pot
备茶 prepare tea
识茶 recognize tea
赏茶 appreciate tea
温盅 warm pitcher
置茶 put in tea
闻香 smell fragrance
冲第一道茶 first infusion
计时 t timer
烫杯 warm cups
倒茶 pour tea
备杯 prepare cups
分茶 divide tea
端杯奉茶 rve tea by cups
冲第二道茶 cond infusion
持盅奉茶 rve tea by pitcher
茶食供应或品泉 supply snacks or water