中国素有“茶的故乡”之称,是世界上最早种植茶,制作茶,饮用茶的国家。茶是世界三大饮料(beverage)之一,茶的发展和利用是中国人对人类文化史的一大贡献。几千年以来,中国人品茶的热情始终未减,因为茶是一种有益健康的天然饮品。在明朝李时珍所著<<本草纲目>>( In Guide to Chine Medical Herbs)中,茶是一种有利于消化系统和大脑的饮品.现代科学研究也证明了茶是有利健康(salutary)的饮品.中国悠久的饮茶历史,形成了颇有特色的中国茶文化.
China, the homeland of tea, is the first country to grow, produce and drink tea. The discovery of tea, one of the three beverages of the world, is a great contribution to the history of human culture. Throughout the dynastic history in China, the enthusiasm of the Chine people in tea drinking has remained unchanged. This is probably due to the fact that tea is a health drink. “In Guide to Chine Medical Herbs”by Li Shizhen of the Ming dynasty. Tea is described as a drink good for our digestive system and the brain. Recent scientific analysis has also verified that tea is a salutary beverage. Over the long history of tea drinking, a special Chine tea culture came into being.
To be humane is to be a man
——From Analects of Confucius询价函>元旦王安石
Is it not pleasurable to study and practice what one learns? Is it not delightful to have friends come from afar? Is he not a gentleman who remains dignified though going unrecognized?七里小学>黄花菜排骨汤
中国娃歌词——From Analects of Confucius