1-3 国民经济和社会发展结构指标
Composition Indicators on National Economic and Social Development
性别 Sexual Composition
男 Male51.5 女 Female48.5 年龄 Age Composition
0-14岁 Aged 0-14
15-64岁 Aged 15-64
65岁及以上 Aged 65 and Over
城乡 Urban and Rural Composition
城镇 Urban17.9 乡村 Rural82.1国民经济核算National Accounting
国内生产总值(生产法) Gross Domestic Product(Production Approach)
第一产业 Primary Industry28.2 第二产业 Secondary Industry47.9 第三产业 Tertiary Industry23.9 国内生产总值(支出法) Gross Domestic Product(Expenditure Approach)
消费支出 Expens on Consumption62.1 固定资本形成 Fixed Capital Formation38.2 净出口 Net Exports-0.3就业Employment
第一产业 Primary Industry70.5 第二产业 Secondary Industry17.3 第三产业 Tertiary Industry12.2人民生活People's Living Conditions
城镇居民人均现金消费支出Cash Consumption Composition of Urban Residents
食品 Food
衣着 Clothing
女子国居住 Residence
家庭设备及用品 Houhold Facilities and Articles
交通通信 Transport and Communications
文教娱乐 Education, Culture and Recreation
医疗保健 Health Care and Medical Services
其他 Others
农村居民人均消费支出Consumption Composition of Rural Residents
食品 Food
衣着 Clothing
居住 Residence
家庭设备及用品 Houhold Facilities and Articles
交通通信 Transport and Communications
文教娱乐 Education, Culture and Recreation
医疗保健 Health Care and Medical Services
其他 Others
1-3 续表 1 continued
公共财政收入 Composition of Public Government Revenue
中央 Central Government15.5 地方 Local Governments84.5 公共财政支出 Composition of Public Government Expenditure
中央 Central Government47.4 地方 Local Governments52.6 公共财政收入 Composition of Public Government Revenue
税收收入 Tax Revenue45.9 #国内增值税 Domestic Value-added Tax
#国内消费税 Domestic Consumption Tax
#营业税 Business Revenue Tax
#企业和个人所得税 Corporate and Individual Income Tax
#关税 Tariffs 5.5能源Energy
能源生产 Composition of Total Energy Production
原煤 Coal70.3 原油 Crude Oil23.7 天然气 Natural Gas 2.9 水电、核电、风电 Hydro-power, Nuclear Power, Wind Power 3.1 能源消费 Composition of Total Energy Consumption
煤炭 Coal70.7 石油 Petroleum22.7 天然气 Natural Gas 3.2 水电、核电、风电 Hydro-power, Nuclear Power, Wind Power 3.4固定资产投资Investment in Fixed Asts
德意志意识形态读后感全社会固定资产投资 Composition of Investment in Fixed Asts
建筑安装工程 Construction and Installation
设备工器具购置 Purcha of Equipment and Instruments
其他 Others
实际到位资金 Composition of Actual Funds for Investment
国家预算资金 State Budget
国内贷款 Domestic Loans
利用外资 Foreign Investment
自筹和其他投资 Self-raising Funds and Other Investments
货物进出口Imports and Exports of Goods
出口 Composition of Exports
初级产品 Primary Goods
工业制成品 Manufactured Goods
进口 Composition of Imports
初级产品 Primary Goods
工业制成品 Manufactured Goods
利用外资Utilization of Foreign Capital
实际利用外资 Composition of Foreign Capital Actually Utilized
外商直接投资 Foreign Direct Investment
外商其他投资 Other Foreign Investment
1-3 续表 2 continued
农林牧渔业产值 Composition of Gross Output Value of Agriculture
#农业 Farming80.0 林业 Forestry 3.4 牧业 Animal Husbandry15.0 渔业 Fishery 1.6工业Industry
工业企业资产 Composition of Asts of Industrial Enterpris
采矿业 Mining
制造业 Manufacturing
改革开放变化电力、热力、燃气及水生产 Production and Supply of Electricity, Heat,
和供应业 Gas and Water
工业企业资产 Composition of Asts of Industrial Enterpris
大型企业 Large Enterpris
中型企业 Medium-sized Enterpris
小型企业 Small Enterpris
货运量量 Composition of Freight Traffic
教研活动记录教研内容铁路 Railways34.5 公路 Highways47.5 水运 Waterways14.8 民航 Civil Aviation0.002 管道输油(气) Pipelines 3.2金融业Financial Intermediation
金融机构资金来源 Composition of Sources of Funds in Financial Institutions
各项存款 Deposits
金融债券 Financial Bonds
饼赋流通中货币 Currency in Circulation
对国际金融机构负债 Liability to International Financial Institutions
其他 Others
金融机构资金运用 Composition of Fund Us in Financial Institutions
各项贷款 Total Loans
有价证券 Portfolio Investments
股权及其他投资 Shares and Other Investments
黄金占款 Position for Bullion Purcha
外汇占款 Position for Foreign Exchanges Purcha
在国际金融机构资产 Asts with International Financial Institutions
社会融资规模 Composition of Social Financing
#人民币贷款 RMB Loans
外币贷款(折合人民币) Foreign Currency Loans (RMB)
委托贷款 Credit Loans
信托贷款 Entrusted Loans
自由辩论未贴现银行承兑汇票 Undiscounted Bankers' Acceptances
企业债券 Corporate Bonds
非金融企业境内股票融资 Domestic Equity Financing of Non-financial Enterpris
1-3 续表 3 continued
教育经费 Composition of Education Funds
国家财政性教育经费 National Government Appropriation for Educatior #公共财政教育经费 Public Expenditure on Education
科技Science and Technology
研究与试验发展经费支出 Composition of Expenditure on R&D
基础研究 Basic Rearch
应用研究 Applied Rearch
试验发展 Experimental Development
研究与试验发展经费来源 Composition of Expenditure on R&D
政府资金 Basic Rearch
企业资金 Applied Rearch
卫生Health Care
卫生技术人员Composition of Medical Technical Personnel
#执业(助理)医师 Licend (Assistant) Doctors39.7 注册护士 Registered Nurs16.4 药师(士) Pharmacist10.8 卫生费用Composition of Total Health Expenditure
政府卫生支出 Government Health Expenditure32.2 社会卫生支出 Social Health Expenditure47.4 个人现金卫生支出 Out-of-pocket Health Expenditure20.4社会保障Social Security
社会保险基金收入 Composition of Revenue of Social Insurance Fund
城镇职工基本养老保险 Basic Pension Insurance of Urban Staff
失业保险 Unemployment Insurance
城镇基本医疗保险 Basic Medical-care Insurance
工伤保险 Work Injury Insurance
生育保险 Maternity Insurance
社会保险基金支出 Composition of Expens of Social Insurance Fund
城镇职工基本养老保险 Basic Pension Insurance of Urban Staff
失业保险 Unemployment Insurance
城镇基本医疗保险 Basic Medical-care Insurance 工伤保险 Work Injury Insurance
生育保险 Maternity Insurance
环境保护Environmental Protection
工业污染治理投资 Composition of Investment in the Treatment of Industrial Pollution
治理废水 Waste Water Treatment 治理废气 Waste Gas Treatment 治理固体废物 Solid Waste Treatment 治理噪声 Noi Abatement
其他 Others
51.551.651.2 48.548.448.8
27.722.916.4 66.770.173.9
26.436.253.7 73.663.846.3 41.345.943.9 31.539.046.1
62.562.349.8 34.935.347.8 2.6 2.4 2.4 21.422.530.1 18.527.538.5
54.339.435.0 13.410.010.6 4.811.39.7 8.57.5 6.7 3.28.515.2 8.813.412.7 2.0 6.4 6.2 5.2 3.4 3.9
58.849.137.7 7.8 5.7 6.6 17.315.518.6 5.3 4.5 5.8 1.4 5.612.0 5.411.27.3 3.3 5.29.3