
更新时间:2023-06-29 10:35:22 阅读: 评论:0

mc我的世界服务器指令(MC my world rver directive)
[building clothes] [basic plug-in instructions can refer to the MC rver permissions.Txt]
...... Is it so complicated, that's becau one goes into the tourist group without permission
The lazy pack should have a OPS document and fill in your urname,
[from network]
Then enter the game and enter the instruction /op (your name) And then type in the instruction /manuadd (your name) (Group) the right to include yourlf above the public Jurisdiction!!!
Newcomer (new man), Citizen (citizen), Guard (guard), Mayor (mayor)
First of all, /manuadd, XX, GM?
You need permission to u this command if you want to u this command
Enter manuadd XX admin at the console辩证法思想
Then add thome permissions
Manlect world name (default world)
Enter mangaddp esntials.thome default (it should be this format does not work, try mangaddp default esntials.thome)
This adds the thome permissions
初中日记600字In addition, when you start the launch, type in the plugins command and e how the plug-in nds the screenshot
The default is all admin with full permissions
[single machine]
Ascend - elevate yourlf to the next platform
Bind < command > {command keyword} t a key command
Clear - empty the console
Damage - turn off or open, damage is invincible
Descend - move yourlf to the next platform
Destroy [all] - destroys the current thing (backpack)
Defu [all] - demolition of the bomb (demolition of the already ignited TNT explosive)
Diff - X
Difficulty - t the difficulty of the game
Dropstore - create a locker at your side
*drops - when the switch is off and off, the mining doesn't come off.
Dupe [all] - copy things
Duplicate [all] - copy the things on your hands and throw them out
Explode [range] - t a place to explode (with caution at home)
Extinguish [all] - put out all the fire around
Ext [all] - the same goes out with fire
Falldamage - switch high altitude damage
Firedamage - switch fire damage
Fly - flight mode
*freeze - freeze monsters
Give < item > [quantity] - give the same thing
Goto < name > - go to a place
Grow [all] - let the immediate wheat grow
H [COMMAND] - command list / help
Heal - complement designated blood
Health - ts the health value
Help [COMMAND] - command list / help
Home back to birth
I < item code > [quantity] - brush things
Instantmine - switch instant mining (mining without delay)
Item < | item code item name > [number] [cost] game player to items, if not specified is the largest number of
Itemname - displays the name of the item on the current hand
钻木取火的故事Itemstack < item code > [quantity] - specifies a quantity of articles for the player
Kill suicide doesn't explain
Jump - Teleport to the mou point
Killnpc [all] - kill all NPC around, or kill all living creatures other than yourlf
咖啡巧克力L - X
*light - permanently turn the light off
Listwaypoints - lists all the path points
Macro < filename > {parameter} - allows to run macros
Maxstack [ID|] | all goods goods name [number] - the largest heap of something
*mobdamage - Monsters don't hurt you
MSG < News > - add a message to the console
Music [volume] - play music
Noclip - through walls
P - displays the current coordinates
POS now the player's coordinates
Reach - player to designated place
Return - transfer to the previous location

本文发布于:2023-06-29 10:35:22,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:服务器   诗经   科技   辩证法   指令
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