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读书笔记—Second Language Acquisition(Rod Ellis, 上海外语教育出版社)
2006-12-03 20:15:41
——Second Language Acquisition(Rod Ellis, 上海外语教育出版社)
采草莓1. What’s ‘Second Language Acquisition’?
1) Introduction: describing and explaining L2 acquisition
L2 is fairly a recent phenomenon, belonging to the cond half of the twentieth century. ‘L2 acquisition’ can be defined as the way in which people learn a language other than their m
other tongue ,inside or outside of a classroom, and Second Language Acquisition (SLA) as the study of this.
东方小威尼斯2) What are the goals of SLA?
In general, SLA has not focud on the communicative aspects of language development but on the formal features of language that linguists have traditionally concentrated on. One of the goals of SLA description of L2 acquisition. Another is explanation : identifying the external and internal factors that account for why learners acquire an L2 in the way they to . One of the external factors is the social milieu in which learning takes place. Another external factor is the input that learners receive, that is , the samples of language to which a learner expod.
The internal factors are as follows: (1) Learners posss cognitive mechanisms which enable them to extract information about the L2 from the input ;(2)L2 learners bring an enormous amount of knowledge to task of learning an L2;(3)L2 learners posss general knowledge about the world which they can draw on to help them understand L2 i
nput; (4) L2 learners posss communication strategies that can help them take effective u of their L2 knowledge.
The goals of SLA , then , are to describe how L2 acquisition proceeds and to explain this process and why some learners em to be better at is than others.
2. The nature of learner language
1) The main way of investigating L2 acquisition
The main way of investigating L2 acquisition is by collecting and describing samples of learner language . The description may focus on the kinds of errors learners make and how the errors change over time, or it may identify developmental patterns by describing the stages in the acquisition of particular grammatical features such as past ten, or it may examine the variability found in learner language.
2) Errors and error analysis
(1) The first step in analyzing learner errors is to identify them. It is difficult to identify errors becau of two reasons: firstly, it is often difficult to identify the exact errors that learners make. condly, it’s hard to distinguish errors and mistakes.
(2) The cond step is describing errors. Once all the errors have been identified , they can be described and classified into types. There are veral ways of doing this . One way is to classify general ways in which the learners utterances differ from the reconstructed target-language utterance. Such ways include ‘omission’, ‘misinformation’ and ‘disordering’.
(3) Explaining errors: the identification and description of errors are preliminaries to the much more interesting task of trying to explain why they occur.
(4) Error evaluation
3) Development patterns
(1) The early stages of L2 acquisition : in the circumstances which L2 learners learn a lan
guage as a natural, untutored process, they undergo a silent period. When learners do begin to speak in the L2 their speech is likely to manifest two particular characteristics. One is the kind of formulaic chunks. The cond characteristic of early speech is propositional simplification.
(2) The order of acquisition: accuracy order and the order of acquisition
(3) Sequence of acquisition
4) Variability in learner language神秘代码
Learner’s language is systematic, but it is also variable. The two characteristics are not contradicted becau it is possible that variability is also systematic.
属于你我的森林(1) It appears that learners vary in their u of the L2 according to linguistic context.
(2) Learners also vary the linguistic forms they u in accordance with the situational context.
(3) Another important factor that accounts for the systematic nature of variability is the psycholinguistic context.
But it would em that at least some variability is ‘free’. Learners do sometimes u two or more forms in free variation.
3. Interlanguage
1) Behaviorist learning theory
2) A mentalist of language learning