1)合理的:logical,rational, reasonable, sound, cerebral, intellectual
2)否认,拒绝,驳斥:contradict, dispute, refute, renounce, naysay,
gainsay, reject, repudiate, discredit, rebut, negate, disnt, protest, disprove,repudiate
3)轻视,贬抑:disdain, despi, reject, scorn, contempt, derogate,
disparage, depreciate
4)残忍的,野蛮的:ferocious, bloodthirsty, brutal, cruel, fierce, vicious,
wild, atrocious
5)邪恶的,有害的:sinister, diabolic, corrupt, forbidding, pernicious,
virulent, deleterious
6)节约的,谨慎的:frugal, prudent, saving, economical, sparing, thrifty,
abstemious, meticulous, wary, circumspect, cautious
7)浪费的:prodigal, extravagant, lavish, spendthrift, wasteful, squander
8)欺骗:deceive, beguile, dupe, hoax, bamboozle, cheat, delude,
9)后悔,哀叹: deplore, bemoan, regret, lament, dirge, bewail, repent
10)例外的,奇特的,罕见的:exceptional, stupendous, miraculous,
11)取消,撤销,废除:repeal, nullify, abolish, quash, withdraw, abrogate
12)持久的:everlasting, perceptual, permanent, endurable, abiding,
13)短暂的: momentary, temporary, transient, ephemeral, evanescent,
14)相称的:condign, fitting, proper, suitable, appropriate
15)妨碍,阻挠:filibuster, encumber, impede, hamper, hinder, stymie,
curb, obstruct
欧象地板16)促进, 帮助:precipitate, accelerate, avail, advance, facilitate, hasten,
promote, quicken, foster, bolster
17)开始:initiate, embark on, inaugurate
18)提供:furnish, render, accommodate
19)废除:repeal, nullify, abolish, quash, withdraw, abrogate
20)加强,巩固:strengthen, enhance, reinforce, intensify, consolidate,
upgrade, heighten
21)激励:motivate, stimulate, inspire, encourage, provoke, arou
22)固执的:headstrong, obstinate, stubborn, willful, firm, dogged,
adamant, tenacious
23)忠诚:fidelity, allegiance, attachment, devotion, faith, fealty, loyalty
24)精确,精准:accuracy, exactness, exactitude, precision
25)合适的:condign, fitting, proper, suitable, appropriate, felicitous
26)合理的:possible, rational, reasonable, feasible, practical, legitimate,
27)重要的:important, esntial, significant, vital, imperative, necessary,
端午节的来源indispensable, paramount, crucial, primary, high-ranking, decisive
28)微不足道的:trivial, frivolous, measly, paltry, superficial, trifling,
worthless, venial, insignificant, unimportant, negligible
29)影响:affect, influence, impact, change, modify
30)教育:teach, educate, instruct, tutor, impart, instill
31)阐述,解释:explain, account for, clarify, demonstrate, illustrate,卒获有所闻
illuminate, enlighten, explicate, expound, justify
32)声称:claim, mention, asrt
33)假设:assume, suppo, hypothesize, speculate, surmi, postulate,
34)有关的:related, connected, linked, relevant, correlated, interrelated,
35)有用的:uful, helpful, beneficial, positive, constructive, valuable,
effective, functional, rewarding, salutary
36)导致:lead to, cau, generate, engender, render, trigger, give ri to,
contribute to,result in
37)因为:result from, becau, since, owing to, becau of, since, for, on母亲怎么画
account of, on ground of, be attributed to
38)举例:for example, for instance, as a ca in point, to be specific,
imagine, suppo
39)强调:stress, emphasize, highlight, underline, underscore, insist
40)解决,处理:deal with, solve, resolve, crack, tackle, unravel,
surmount, overcome, address, decipher, figure out
41)获得,得到:get, receive, obtain, acquire, harvest, attain
42)认为:think,deem, reckon, embrace the idea that, believe, suppo
粤语童谣43)给予:give, impart, bestow, offer, provide
44)成功:succeed, achieve, accomplish, prosper, thrive
45)勤奋的:hard-working, diligent, industrious, assiduous, productive
46)令人信服的:convincing, persuasive, compelling, captivating,
enthralling, forceful, powerful
47)创新的:creative, innovative, original, imaginative, inventive,
resourceful, ingenious, productive
48)传统的:conventional, formulaic, orthodox
49)削弱,损害:undermine, founder, destabilize, demoralize, weaken,
challenge, deteriorate, degrade, emasculate, enervate, devitalize, exacerbate
50)可得到的:available, accessible, obtainable
51)理解:understand, comprehend, grasp, apprehend, recognize, realize,
be aware of
52)独有的:distinct, characteristic, unique, typical
53)不同的:difference, diver, parate, discrete
54)可疑的:doubtful, implausible, dubious
55)替代:supplant, replace, swap, substitute, take the place of
狼的祖先是谁56)证明:vindicate, justify, exonerate, support, defend, exculpate,
substantiate, corroborate
57)虚假的,错误的:spurious, fallacious, flawed, specious, forged
58)使困惑:perplex, confu, mystify, puzzle, confound, baffle, bewilder
59)支持:support, espou, bolster up, prop up, endor, favor,
60)缓解,缓和:relea, alleviate, mitigate, moderate, lesn, pacify,
assuage, mollify
61)实施:implement, execute, carry out
62)利用:utilize, make u of, avail, employ, exploit, manipulate
63)明显的:obvious, conspicuous, noticeable, prominent, striking,
apparent, evident, eming
64)无处不在的:pervasive, widespread, ubiquitous, prevalent, abundant
65)挑战,质疑:challenge, defy, question, dispute, take issue with
66)熟练的:adept, skillful, adroit, proficient
67)激增:multiply, propagate, proliferate, burgeon, magnify, enlarge,
reproduce, mushroom
68)传播:promulgate, broadcast, circulate, spread, propagandize
69)共识:connsus, agreement, concord
70)难理解的:impenetrable, obscure, incomprehensible, indistinct,
71)暗示:suggest, hint, allude, imply, infer, indicate
72)有声誉的:renowned, famous, distinguished, prominent, eminent,