机械设计大赛A Walt Disney Walt Disney died in 1966, but hid work and his dreams did not die. A new generation of children watched his animal movies such as Snow White and even his old Mickey Mou cartoons. The are the sane Disney creations the parents and grandparents of the children enjoyed. Millions of people also came to the United states to enjoy Disneyland in California and Disney World. But although Disney's work was extraordinary, in many ways Walt Disney was an ordinary man. He was born in Chicago and had a rather typical childhood in the Midwest . his family was not rich or successful. In fact, his father failed in business veral times. Walt had to work hard, but he did not mind.十一言春联大门对联
He did not mind hard work, and he did not give up easily. One summer Walt wanted a fob at the post office, but they told him he was too young. He went hone, drew some lines on his face, and put on his father's suit and hat. Then he went back to the sane office and told them he was 18. They gave him the job.
Later in his life, Disney had ma dream. He wanted to build a new kind of amument park. I
t would be clean and beautiful. There would be rides for children and nice restaurants for adults. It would be fun for people of all ages. Disney drew a plan for this park. It was called Disneyland. Engineers told him it was an impossible dream. His family and friends told him it was crazy, but Disney did not give up his idea. In 1955, Disneyland opened its gates to the public and became the most successful amument park in the United states.
1. Where was Walt Disney born?
A. In California B. In Chicago
C. In Mexico D. In Disneyland
一岁半女宝宝身高体重标准2. According to the passage, once he worked ________.海运提单的作用
A. as an office B. At a port
哄女生的情话C. in a post office D. As a boss
3. What was the first amument park designed by Walt Disney?
A. Snow white B. Mickey Mou
C. Disneyland D. Disney World
4. Walt Disney was born into a family which was ________.
A. rich but nor successful B. successful but nor rich
C. neither rich nor successful D. rich and successful
5. What was Walt Disney's dream in his later life?
A. He wanted to open a restaurant
B. He wanted to have a beautiful a garden for himlf
C. He wanted to produce more cartoon movies for both children and adults
D. He wanted to build a new kind of amument park
"That's a fine picture of a hor," said the doctor. The boy looked up happily. Young Walt Disney loved to draw.
"I'd draw all day long, but I have work to do," he told his friend, doc Sherwood. Walt's father had many jobs for him to do.
如何疏通下水道"Stop all that drawing," Mr. Disney would say. "There's work to be done."
When he was older, Walt decided to make art his work. He worked hard at drawing cartoons. When he had time, he studied art. He began to make cartoon movies. But he didn't have much money and he didn't always have enough to eat.
Sometimes when he worked in his little office, a mou would run near his desk.
"Would you like to be my pet?" Walt asked the mou. He caught the mou and kept hi
m as a pet. He called him Mortimer.
A few years later. Walt remembered Mortimer and decided to make a cartoon about him.
"I'm making a cartoon about a mou named Mortimer." He told his wife.
"Mortimer Mou? I think Mickey Mou would be a better name." She said.
"You're right! It would."
Disney made many Mickey Mou cartoons. People all over the world saw Mickey and loved him. Mickey Mou made Walt Disney famous. Then came Donald Duck and Goofy and others.
Walt began to make full-length cartoons. One was Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Both old and young loved Snow White and the funny little men. Then Walt made movies for television. Millions of children watched the shows every week.
Walt had two daughters. He took them everywhere. They liked to go to amument parks.
Walt dreamed of making a beautiful amument park that adults as well as children would like. The park would be alive and exciting. And it would be clean and safe. They'd come from far and near to e it. His dreams came true with Disneyland. In 1955, he opened a wonderful land in California. Real boats, castles, trains, mountains, rivers--- all in one beautiful park. Millions of people came to Disneyland.
Years later, Disney World was built. Walt Disney now had another wonderful world of fun in Florida.