Esntial Oil Composition of Four Endemic Tanacetu

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Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology A 4 (2014) 197-202
Earlier title: Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, ISSN 1939-1250
Esntial Oil Composition of Four Endemic Tanacetum L. (Asteraceae) Taxa from Turkey and a Chemotaxonomic Approach
Ömer Kiliç
Technical Science Vocational College, Bingol University, Bingol 12000, Turkey
Received: February 17, 2014 / Published: March 20, 2014.
君子之道Abstract: In this study the esntial oil components aerial parts of Tanacetum heterotomum (Bornm.) Grierson, T. zahlbruckneri (Nab.) Griersson, T. densum (Lab.) Schultz Bip. subsp. amani Heywood and T. cadmeum (Boiss.) Heywood subsp. orientale were examined by HS-SPME/GC-MS technique. Thirty six, thirty nine, forty and forty five constituents were determined reprenting 88.9%, 90.1%, 90.8% and 91.5% of the oil, respectively. The main compounds of studied Tanacetum L. taxa; borneol, α-pinene, 1,8-cineole, β-pinene, camphor, germacrene D, spathulenol are determined. Studied Tanacetum taxa showed congruency with the discription in Flora of Turkey as morphological properties;
on the contrary esntial oil composition were detected very quiet diver infrageneric level. Chemotypes of Tanacetum L. taxa were reported as borneol, germacrene D, spathulenol, α-pinene, 1,8-cineole, β-pinene and camphor. The results obtained from this study were discusd in terms of chemotaxonomy and natural products.
Key words:Tanacetum L., esntial oil, chemotaxonomy, natural products.
1. Introduction
The genus Tanacetum L. which is an important member of the Asteraceae or Compositae family, is spreaded in Europe and West Asia throughout the northern temperate areas [1]. Tanacetum contains veral annual and perennial taxa and reprented in Turkey by 45 species, 18 of them are endemic and endemism rate 40% [2, 3].
Tanacetum have not perated any ctions but have placed three groups (A, B and C) bad largely on capitula and flower characters, in Flora of Turkey. T. heterotomum and T. zahlbruckneri are belong to group A; T. densum subsp. amani and T. cadmeum subsp. orientale are belong to group B. T. heterotomum, T. zahlbruckneri, T. cadmeum subsp. orientale and T. densum subsp. amani are endemic
Correspounding author: Ömer Kiliç, assistant professor, rearch fields: botanic, biochemical systematic, plant systematic, plant esntial oil, ethnobotany, plant morphology andanatomy.E-mail:*********************.taxa in Flora of Turkey [2].
Tanacetum taxa are known in Turkey as “pireotu” and their esntial oils are ud as repellent against incts [4]. Tanacetum spp. are rich in esntial oils, squiterpene lactones and bitter substances and they have antiinflammatory, antibacterial and antihistaminic activities; in moderate dos, tansy esntial oils are stomachic, cordial effect and ud as
a food additive [5]. Various extracts of plants materials and esntial oil of plants have agitated interest as sources of natural products. The esntial oils and conder metabolites of plant samples have been investigated for their potential us as alternative remedies for the treatment of many dias. Especially antioxidant, antimicrobial and antibacterial activities of plants esntial oils and various extracts
of plant samples have formed the basis of many applications, including pharmaceuticals, alternative
medicine, natural and aroma therapies [6].
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Esntial Oil Composition of Four Endemic Tanacetum L. (Asteraceae)
Taxa from Turkey and a Chemotaxonomic Approach
Some earlier works have been reported on the esntial oils of various Asteraceae taxa [7-10]. Some Tanacetum taxa have been cultured in gardens [11] and ud in salads, omelets, cakes, dyes, medicines, cosmetics and prervatives as herbal cure [12]. Some members of Tanacetum have also been ud as anti-helmintic for migraine, neuralgia, rheumatism, loss of appetite [13], antiinflammatory [14], antibacterial and antifungal [15] activities.
The objectives of this rearch were: (1) to reach chemotaxonomic results from obtained data; (2) to obtain the chemical constituents isolated from the east part of Anatolian region taxa of the Tanacetum genus;
(3) to discuss the phytochemical relations and ufulness of the studied taxa. For purpos of this, the esntial oil composition of four endemic Tanacetum taxa (T. heterotomum, T. zahlbruckneri, T. densum subsp. amani, T. cadmeum subsp. orientale) from eastern part of Turkey is reported.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1 Plant Materials
T. heterotomum was collected from north of Dikme village (Bingol), stony slopes, 1,550-1,600 m, 20.VI.2013, Kiliç 4690. T. zahlbruckneri was collected from North of Dikme upland from vicinity of Yelen village (Bingol), slopes, 1,450-1,500 m, 20.VI.2013, Kiliç 4801. T. densum subsp. amani was collected from West of Mandıra district (Elazığ), slopes, 1,200-1,300 m, 20.VI.2012, Kiliç 4564. T. cadmeum subsp. orientale was collected from vicinity of Aslankaşı village (Elaziğ), steppe, 960-1,000 m, 20.VI.2012, Kiliç 4563. The voucher specimens have been deposited at the Herbarium of Biology Department, Bingol University (BIN).
2.2 HS-SPME Procedure
The dried aerial part of 5 g plant samples were powdered with a liquidizer and was filled a 40 mL vial.
The vials were equipped with a “mininert” valve and were carried out by a HS-SPME (headspace solid pha microextraction) method using a DVB/CAR/PDMS fiber, with 50/30 lm film thickness; before the analysis the fiber was preconditioned in the injection port of the GC as indicated by the manufacturer. The vials was kept at 35 °C with continuous internal stirring and the sample was left to equilibrate for 30 min; then, the SPME fiber was expod for 40 min to the headspace while maintaining the sample at 35 °C. After sampling the SPME fiber was introduced into the GC injector, and was left for 3 min to allow the analytes thermal desorption. In order to improve the technique, sample volume, sample headspace volume, sample heating temperature and extraction time, were studied on the extraction efficiency as previously reported by Verzera et al. [16].
2.3 GC-MS Analysis
A Varian 3800 gas chromatograph interfaced with a Varian 2000 ion trap mass spectrometer (Varian Spa, Milan, Italy) was ud. Injector temperature, 260 °C; injection mode, splitless; column, 60 m, CP-Wax 52 C
B 0.25 mm i.d., 0.25 lm film thickness (Chrompack l., Milan, Italy). The oven temperature was programmed 45 °
C held for 5 min, then incread to 80 °C at a rate of 10 °C/min, and to 240 °C at
2 °C/min. Helium ud as carrier gas was at a constant pressure of 10 psi; the transfer line temperature 250 °C; the ionisation mode, electron impact (EI); acquisition range, 40-200 m/z; scan rate, 1 us-1. The compounds were identified using the NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) library, mass spectral library and verified by the retention indices, which were calculated as described by Van den Dool and Kratz [17]. The relative retention indexes were calculated on the basis of peak-area ratios. The esntial oil compositions of studied samples were showed in Table 1.
3. Results and Discussion
In this study the esntial oil composition aerial parts of T. heterotomum, T. zahlbruckneri, T. densum
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Esntial Oil Composition of Four Endemic Tanacetum L. (Asteraceae)
Taxa from Turkey and a Chemotaxonomic Approach
Table 1 Esntial oil composition of studied Tanacetum taxa.
Compounds *RRI
T. heterotomum T. zahlbrucknei T. densum subsp. amani T. cadmeum subsp. orientale
0.4 -
Santolinatriene 998
- 0.6
- 0.4
Tricyclene 1012
0.1 -
α-thujene 1016
α-pinene 1023
1.5 5.4
Camphene 1035
天生丽质什么意思- 0.2
Sabinene 1054
β-pinene 1059 4.5 - 8.9    1.8
Bicyclo (3.1.1) heptane 1065 - 0.4 0.1 0.8
- -
Benzene 1071
0.1 - 0.2    1.1
α-phellandrene 1082
γ-terpinene 1085 0.2 0.8 - 0.5
Benzene, 1-methyl-4 1090 - 0.2 0.3 -
-    1.2
Limonene 1094
16.7 19.6
1,8-cineole 1101
0.6 - 0.1 0.1
Trans-sabinenehydrate 1124
市场定位案例- -
α-terpinolene 1135
1.2 0.7
- -
Cyclohexene 1145
1.7 -    1.3 -
Cis-sabinenehydrate 1151
Bicyclo (3.1.0) hexan-3-one 1165 -    2.1 - 0.8
-    1.7 0.7    3.1 Trans-chrysanthemol 1168
4-acetyl-1-methylcyclohexan 1171 0.3 -    1.2 0.6
Trans-pinocarveol 1178
- 0.3 - -
26.8 17.2
Camphor 1182
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2.4    1.8
Pinocarvone 1190
Cis-chrysanthemol 1195
- 0.5 1.3 - 2-cyclohexen-1-ol 1203
0.5 - 0.5    1.7
Borneol 1208
3.8 5.3
0.7 2.4 - 0.4
3-cyclohexen-1-ol 1211
- - α-terpineol 1218
0.4 0.8
Myrtenol 1222
0.7 0.4
Trans-carveol 1231
Propanoic acid 1246 - 0.2 - -
excel使用技巧大全0.4 - - 0.5
Trans-geraniol 1256
Bicyclo (2.2.1) heptan-2-ol 1282 0.2    1.1 0.4 -
0.3 0.2
Thymol 1285
- 0.5
Phenol 1291
0.2 -
α-terpinene 1332
- 0.4
- 0.1
Cis-verbenol 1353
2.6 2.8
α-copaene 1360
β-bourbenene 1371 0.4 0.1    1.4 -
β-elemene 1374 - - -    1.9
0.3 - 0.2 0.7
Trans-caryophyllene 1385
β-cubebene 1396 - 0.2 0.4    1.3
Trans-β-farnene 1412 0.9 -    1.2 0.3
-    1.5
Isoledene 1420
Germacrene D 1432 0.8 21.4    3.9 -
β-linene 1442 1.4 0.1 0.3 0.1
0.8 0.4
Naphthalene 1453
- -
Esntial Oil Composition of Four Endemic Tanacetum  L. (Asteraceae)
Taxa from Turkey and a Chemotaxonomic Approach
(Table 1 continued)
Compounds *RRI T. heterotomum T. zahlbrucknei T. densum subsp. amani  T. cadmeum subsp. orientale
1460 0.4 - - 0.3 Spathulenol 1495 0.6 16.2 1.4 - Caryophylleneoxide 1500 1.1 0.2 - 0.2 Muurolene 1518 - - 0.2    1.6 Epi-bicyclosquiphellandrene 1532 0.8 - -    1.7 Copaene 1539 - 0.4 0.3 - α-cadinol 1541 0.4 0.1 -    1.3
1551 - -    1.1 0.8 Aromadendrene 1558 0.3 1.2 -    1.3 2-pentadecanone 1625 - 0.4 0.2 - Hexadecanoic acid 1685 1.6 - 0.3 0.7 Carene 1741 0.3 0.2 - 0.4 Octadecanal 1862 - - 0.1 0.5 Tricosane 1902 0.7 0.5 - - Eicosane 1935 - 0.6 0.2 0.6 Total  88.9 90.1 90.8 91.5 *RRI: relative retention index.
subsp. amani and  T. cadmeum subsp. orientale were
investigated by HS-SPME/GC-MStechnique. Germacrene D (22.4%), borneol (18.8%) and spathulenol (17.9%) were detected the main constituents of T. heterotomum. Germacrene D (21.4%), borneol (21.3%) and spathulenol (16.2%) were determined the main components of T.
zahlbruckneri. Camphor (26.8%), 1,8-cineole (16.7%), β-pinene (18.8%) and α-pinene (6.7%) were f
ound to
be the main constituents of T. densum subsp. amani.
1,8-cineole (19.6%), camphor (17.2%) and α-pinene
报效祖国的诗句(18.8%) were reported the major constituents of T.
cadmeum subsp. Orientale (Table 1).
1,8-cineole was found to be the main compounds of
T. densum subsp. amani (16.7%) and T. cadmeum subsp. orientale (19.6%); whereas this compound was reported low amounts in the ential oil of T. heterotomum (0.8%) and  T. zahlbruckneri (1.3%) (Table 1). Like our study 1,8-cineole was characterized the leaf (31%) and herb (11%) oils of T. armenum [4]. Camphor was detected the main compounds of T. densum subsp. amani (26.8%) and T. cadmeum subsp. orientale (17.2%); whereas this compound was detected low amounts in the ential oil of T. heterotomum (0.8%) and  T. zahlbruckneri (3.8%) (Table 1). Camhor also has been detected the main compounds of T. chiliophyllum  var. chiliophyllum (17%) and  T. haradjani  (16%) [4]; T. parthenium  (56.9%) [18] and T. chiliophyllum  var. chiliophyllum  (28.5%) [19]. The esntial oi
ls of Turkish T. aucheranum  and T. chiliophyllum  var.
chiliophyllum  were analyzed by GC-MS and the major components of T. aucheranum  oil were 1,8-cineole
(23.8%), camphor (11.6%), terpinen-4-ol (7.2%) and α-terpineol (6.5%); on the other hand camphor (17.9%), 1,8-cineole (16.6%) and borneol (15.4%) were detected the main constituents in the oil of T. chiliophyllum  [20]. Borneol was obtained high amounts in T. heterotomum (18.8%), T. cadmeum subsp. orientale (5.3%); and T. zahlbruckneri (21.3%) oils; whereas borneol was detected only low amount in the ential oil of T. densum subsp. amani (3.8%) (Table 1). α-thujone was found to be the major constituent of T. argyrophyllum  var. argyrophyllum  leaf (52%) and flower (63%) oils; this compound also has been reported in the T. argenteum  subsp. canum  var. canum  (12%) and  T. praeteritum  subsp. massicyticum  (51%) esntial oils [21] whereas in our study α-thujene was found to be very low amount in the esntial oils of T.
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Esntial Oil Composition of Four Endemic Tanacetum L. (Asteraceae)
Taxa from Turkey and a Chemotaxonomic Approach
densum subsp. amani (0.1%) and T. zahlbruckneri (1.2%) (Table 1). In another study, the main compounds of T. nitens were 1,8-cineole (27.57%),
α-pinene (4.62%) and spathulenol (4.14%), whereas
α-pinene (27.86%), santolinatriene (8.82%) and 1,8-cineole (6.82%), were detected the major constituents of T. argenteum subsp. Argenteum [22] similarly α-pinenecontained high concentrations of T. densum subsp. amani (6.7%) and T. cadmeum subsp. orientale (7.6%) (Table 1). Germacrene D and spathulenol was determined the major components of T. heterotomum (22.4%, 17.9%) and T. zahlbruckneri (21.4%, 16.2%) respectively; it is noteworthy that Germacrene D and spathulenol detected only low amount in the ential oil of T. densum subsp. amani (3.9%, 1.4%) respectively and no percentages in the esntial oil of T. cadmeum subsp. orientale (Table 1).
4. Conclusions
It is possible to conclude from the results of this study that germacrene D/borneol/spathulenol are the most probable chemotypes of the esntial oil in T. heterotomum and T. zahlbruckneri which wer
e in the same group (A group) in Flora of Turkey. In additioncamphor/1,8-cineole/ -pinene and 1,8-cineole
/camphor/α-pinene are the most probable chemotypes
of the esntial oil in T. densum subsp. amani and T. cadmeum subsp. orientale, respectively, which were
in the same group (B group) in Flora of Turkey. So chemical findings of studied Tanacetum taxa are overlapping with morphological results from Flora of Turkey. The results showed that the genus Tanacetum had a considerable changing in esntial oil composition and our study shows the occurrence of germacrene D/borneol chemotypes of T. heterotomum and T. zahlbruckneri; camphor/1,8-cineole chemotypes of T. densum subsp. amani and T. zahlbruckneri in Eastern Anatolian region of Turkey. Besides, the results of esntial oil compositions of four endemic Tanacetum taxa have demostrated that studied taxa can be ud for medicinal, agricultural and pharmaceutical purpos.
The authors thank the financial support from the Bingol University Scientific Rearch Project Unit, Bingol/Turkey, Project No. BAP-203-129-2013.
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