
更新时间:2023-06-29 05:45:21 阅读: 评论:0

Appendix 4
HSE Provisions in the Contract Text
1 Responsibility责任
1.1 The Contractor shall plan and run the activity in a manner that ensures that the Work can be
performed without loss of life or harm to health, without damage to plant and equipment, without unplanned emissions or discharges to the environment, and in such a way that production or process are not unexpectedly halted. The Contractor shall, therefore, posss documented systems that comply with CNODC Company’s requirements relating to control and follow-up of occupational health, safety and the environment as described in the Contact. 承包商必须通过策划和开展HSE活动确保开展合同工作不会导致伤亡、损害健康、损坏场站和设备、计划外废气或废水排放、意外中断生产或流程。因此,承包商必须有符合CNODC公司要求的、有关控制和跟踪合同中描述的职业健康、安全和环境工作的文件化体系。
1.2 The Contractor shall in the execution of the Work be fully responsible for compliance with:承包
a) relevant local, national and international laws and regulations; 相关的当地、国家和国际法
b) local, national and international standards or codes of practice whichever are the more
stringent unless specified otherwi; 当地、国家和国际标准或规程中更严格者(除非另
c)  CNODC Company's regulations.作业者规定。
1.2 The Contractor shall be fully responsible for supervision of its personnel to ensure that they
strictly adhere to all applicable HSE requirements.承包商必须承担监督其员工,确保他们严格
1.3 The Contractor shall appoint one of its personnel on the work site as its safety advir and shall
ek the Company's approval for the individual so appointed.承包商必须指定其在作业现场的
1.4 The Contractor's line manager in charge on site shall be responsible for coordinating the
Contractor's safety activities. He and the Company's reprentative shall be the focal points for
all safety matters.承包商负责现场的线性经理必须负责协调承包商的安全活动。此人及作业
Training and Key Personnel招聘、培训和关键员工
2 Recruitment,
2.1 The Company may, if it so wishes, monitor the Contractor's staff recruitment criteria. The
Contractor shall provide the relevant information for this. 如果作业者愿意,可以对承包商的
2.2 When asked to do so by the Company, the Contractor's personnel shall demonstrate their ability
and skills relative to their qualifications. 承包商员工应当按照作业者的要求证明与自己具备
2.3 The Contractor shall submit details of its supervisors in key positions and other key personnel
for the Company's approval.承包商必须将其关键岗位的监督人员和其它关键人员的详细信
2.4 The Contractor shall at its own expen ensure that all its personnel and Sub-contractor's
personnel have been given the necessary safety, survival and job-related training required by law,
Company regulations and good practice, prior to the start of the work, and will provide
certificates to that effect (if so required).承包商必须自负费用确保在开始工作前为其所有员
2.5 The Contractor's personnel shall participate in any additional training which may be provided by
the Company.承包商员工必须参加作业者提供的任何其他培训。
2.6 The Company may refu access to its work site by the Contractor's personnel who, in its
opinion, do not comply with Company standards for safe and good workmanship owing to
attitude, lack of skill or insufficient training or experience.如果作业者认为承包商的员工由于
3 Safety
3.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining and enhancing the safety awareness of its
personnel and Sub-contractor's personnel, including arranging its own safety meetings and
participating as appropriate in safety meetings held by the Company or its other contractors.承包
瞻基3.2 The Contractor will inform the Company reprentative of the time and place of safety meetings
arranged by it.承包商应告知作业者代表其组织的安全会的时间和地点。
3.3 Copies of minutes of the Contractor's safety meetings shall be nt to the Company. The
Contractor's and Sub-contractor's personnel are to be encouraged to contribute actively to safety
meetings and to identify safety topics for inclusion in the agenda for a safety meeting.承包商安
4 Reporting
4.1 The Contractor shall have an accident reporting system compatible with that of the Company.承
4.2 The Contractor shall immediately notify the Company of all accidents resulting in对于造成以下
 ·fatalities and other lost-time injuries to its personnel or Sub-contractor personne l其员工或分包商员工死亡或发生其他误工伤害事件
 ·comparable injury to third parties第三方遭受类似伤害
 ·damage to plant or equipment厂站或设备损坏
 ·loss of containment限制失效
 ·actual or potential damage to the environment实际或可能造成环境破坏
 ·an outbreak of fire失火
Immediate notification shall be followed by a full written report within 24 hours.立即通报后的
4.3 Both tho accidents referred to in 4.2 and tho resulting in less rious injuries shall be
recorded and the statistics reported periodically to the Company (period to be specified).必须记
4.4 The Contractor has a duty to provide the Company with any information which the Company is
obliged to submit to the public authorities and other stakeholders. Upon completion of the work under the contract and/or on an annual basis, whichever is more frequent, the Contractor shall prepare a summary report of its safety performance including statistics. Priority must be given to ens
uring that the contractor undertakes to submit specified HSE data to the Company in sufficient time for the Company to meet reporting obligations to the authorities and other stakeholders.承包商有义务给作业者提供它们必须提交给政府部门和其他利益相干人的任何信息。完成合同工作之后和/或每一年度终结时,承包商必须编写包括统计数字在内的安全业绩综述报告。必须优先确保承包商给作业公司提交指定的HSE数据时留出充足的时间让作业公司履行向政府部门和其他利益相干人报告的义务。
4.5 The Contractor is responsible for ensuring that all public authorities and institutions acting on
behalf of government authorities receive the statutory information relating to the delivery. The Contractor also undertakes to ensure that all sub-contractors down the line report to the public authorities as required by applicable statutes and regulations.承包商负责确保代表政府行事的所有政府部门和机构获得与履行合同相关的规定信息。承包商还负责确保其下属的所有分包商按照适用的法律法规向政府部门报告。
In addition to submitting the copies required by statutes and regulations, the Contractor shall supply the Company's reprentative with copies of its own reports to the authorities. When sub-contractors are ud, this also includes reporting any agreements concluded and the u of workers. In the event of changes to contracts or the u of workers, updated data must be nt to the authorities wit
h a copy to the Company’s reprentative, as in the ca of first-time reporting. The Company shall not be liable for any costs incurred by the Company as a result of the Contractor's failure to obrve statutes, regulations or agreements. The Company rerves the right to offt such costs together with an administration charge, against any sums which might be owed by the Company to the Contractor.除了提交法律法规要求的报告外,承包商还必须向业主公司代表提供自己交给政府的报告的备份件。如果使用分包商,还包括报告达成的任何协议以及人员的使用。如果合同或用人发生变更,必须将更新的信息提交给政府部门,并给业主公司代表一份,就像第一次报告时那样。业主公司不承担由于承包商不遵守法律、法规或协议而导致业主公司承担的任何费用。
5 Occupational Health and Hygiene职业健康和卫生
5.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for the medical welfare of its own and Sub-contractor
personnel and shall provide for:承包商必须负责保障自己和分包商员工的医疗福利,提供:
 ·facilities for administering first aid急救设施
 ·periodic medical examinations定期体检
 ·arrangements for professional medical treatment安排专业医疗
5.2 The Contractor shall ensure that all its personnel and Sub-contractor's personnel are medically fit
to perform their work. If requested by the Company, the Contractor shall provide health
certificates for its own and Sub-contractor personnel.承包商必须确保其全体员工和分包商员
5.3 If applicable, the Contractor shall adhere to Government regulations or CNODC Company
guidelines for medical surveillance or industrial hygiene monitoring.承包商必须遵守政府或作
5.4 The Contractor shall ensure that its personnel and Sub-contractor's personnel shall maintain high
standards of hygiene.承包商必须确保其员工及分包商员工执行高的卫生标准。
5.5 If parate accommodation for Contractor personnel is provided (e.g. contractor huts), the
Contractor shall comply with the Company's standards for: sanitation, wage, water supply,
sleeping quarters, food establishments, laundry and garbage disposal.如果单独安排承包商员工
6 Environment环境
The Contractor shall pay due regard to the environment by prerving air, water, soil, animal and plant life from adver effects of the Contractor's activities, and minimizing any nuisance which may ari from such operations.承包商必须尽力保护环境,避免任其活动对空气、水、土壤、动植物造成不利影响,尽可能减小作业可能造成的损害。
7 Alcohol and Drugs酒精和药品
The Contractor shall ensure that at any time during the performance of the work its personnel are neither under the influence of nor partake of any alcoholic liquor, drug or other intoxicating substance, other than for bona fide medical reasons or other proper reasons which must first be approved by the Company.承包商必须确保在工作期间的任何时候都不受酒精、药品或其他致醉物品的影响,不服用任何酒精、药品或其他致醉物品,除非是因为医疗原因或其他合理的理由,这些理由必须事先得到作业者的批准。
Audit by the Company作业者的技术/安全审计
8 Technical/Safety
8.1 The Contractor shall allow the Company's reprentatives and nominees access at any time to
plant, equipment, personnel and records when requested, to enable the Company to inspect or
audit any aspect of the Contractor's operations relevant to safety and the work environment.承包
8.2 The Contractor shall establish a system of checks and audits to ensure that the work is being
performed in accordance with the safety requirements applicable to the work.承包商必须制定
9 Conduct of Contractor's Personnel承包商员工的行为
The Contractor shall instruct its personnel to comply with the following:承包商必须要求其员工做到以下几点:
 No one shall enter any part of the Company's premis, including the work site, other than for the purpo of carrying out the work. All Contractor personnel needing access will be required to
obtain a pass issued by the Company and to produce it if requested.除非需要开展工作,否则任
 Smoking on the Company's premis is strictly forbidden, except in the authorized smoking rooms
or other designated areas. Anybody found smoking outside the authorized smoking rooms
or designated areas will be immediately removed from the Company's premis.在作业者的场
 No fire or naked light, matches, cigarette lighters, or any apparatus which can cau ignition, shall be taken onto the Company's premis or elwhere, as instructed by the Company unless
covered by a hot work permit (referred to in 10 below).除非是动火作业许可证允许的,否则不
 Personal protective equipment shall be ud and worn in accordance with the safety regulations.
 It is esntial that good houkeeping is maintained throughout the period of any work, both at the work site area and in and around any temporary buildings. The working area shall be kept
tidy at all times, escape and other access ways kept clear, safety equipment kept accessible, and
surplus/scrap material removed daily. Cleaning up only at the end of a job is not considered
sufficient. Spillages of oil or chemicals shall be cleared up immediately in view of the hazards
from fire, slippery surfaces, toxic substances, etc. Appropriate safety precautions shall be taken
during the clearing up.在开展任何工作期间均要始终保持作业区域和任何临时建筑物内及
10 Permits许可证
10.1 The Contractor shall be fully aware of the details of the work permit system as laid down in
the Company's regulations.承包商必须非常清楚作业者规定的作业许可证制度的细节。
10.2 Unless the Company expressly states otherwi, the Contractor shall obtain a work permit
signed by the Company's authorized reprentative before any work is started. The work
permit shall be accompanied by associated permits, such as a hot work permit or permits for
specific work, and shall define the conditions under which the work is to be carried out.除非
10.3 A hot work permit shall be obtained for any work involving the u of fire, naked lights,
spark-producing tools and instruments or other potential sources of ignition, e.g. welding arcs,
combustion engines, torches, matches, lighters, etc.涉及使用火种、明火、产生火花的工具
10.4 For specific work such as that on electrical equipment or with radioactive sources or for
excavation work, specific work permits are required.对涉及电动设备或放射源的特殊作业
10.5 It is esntial that Contractor personnel read, understand, sign to that effect and carry out any
conditions or precautions laid down in work permits. If any doubts exist, guidance from the Company's reprentative shall be obtained.承包商员工必须阅读、理解、签名并执行作业许可证上规定的任何条件或预防措施。如果存有任何疑问,必须寻求作业者代表的指导。
10.6 T he Contractor is duty-bound to obtain and assist the Company in obtaining required
approvals and permits from local government agencies. 承包商有义务获取并协助作业者获取当地政府要求的批准和许可。
仙剑一演员表11 Sub-contractors分包商
11.1 The Contractor shall inform the Company of names of Sub-contractors and obtain the
Company's approval prior to their engagement.承包商必须告知作业者分包商的名称,并在
11.2 The Contractor shall ensure that Sub-contractors be informed of, and have the opportunity to
participate in, the safety activities required by the Company and which the Contractor is obliged to instigate pursuant to the contract. The Contractor shall stipulate in any sub-contract that the Sub-contractor shall take active steps in the field of safety identical to tho required of the Contractor. The Contractor shall regularly check Sub-contractor's compliance with safety

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标签:作业   承包商   员工   要求   工作   确保
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