Defines the process for generating, tracking, and completing an Internal Corrective Action (ICAR). The objective is to document conditions that have led to non-conformances or the need for process improvement and to correct or to create process to ensure that the conditions are eliminated and for continuous process improvement.
This ICAR procedure applies to热闹的反义词是什么
SHG for all non-conformances and/or process improvements pertaining to product, process and continuous
improvement requiring ICARs. Corrective actions resulting from customer, supplier, or production yield out of control, are addresd via the CCAR/RMA, SCAR, and OCAP process, respectively. The ICAR address identification, removal, and prevention of recurrence of non-conformances from XY’s business process in order to optimize their performance or for quality process improvements.
纠正措施程序适用于解决G全范围内在的不符合及改进,由客诉,供应商及产品合格率失控引起的不符合除外,后者由专门的CCAR/RMA, SCAR及OCAP程序来管理. ICAR 用以对不符合进行识别,消除和防止再发生。白菜大虾
Any XY employee may initiate an ICAR. The initiator/originator must provide sufficient information in appropriate detail so that the nature of the discrepancy or improvement required is clear. Originator is responsible to describe the problem/issue and provide supporting details.
Quality Assurance coordinates the issuance, tracking, and closure of ICA R’s.
Owners review, resolve problems, document respon and implement corrective actions as required. Owners are responsible for the containment, root cau identification, corrective action plan definition and effective
Quality Assurance, ICAR Owners, ICAR Teams are responsible for ensuring that any corrective actions,
containment actions or other steps taken in the cour of ICAR processing, are consistent with the XY Management Policy.
QA, 责任单位和ICAR团队负责确保任何临时措施/纠正措施的采取与XY的方针保持一致
See Agile Bill of Material (BOM)
Corrective Action– Action taken to correct or remove an existing nonconformity (defect) or other undesirable
situation or to improve/enhance existing process. Actions taken to: contain, determine root cau, define and verify solutions, implement solutions, and verify the effectiveness of the implemented corrective action.
纠正措施-对已存在的不符合或不理想状况所采取的消除行动. 该行动包括:临时措施,查找原因,制定和实施解决方案以及验证方案实施后的有效性
ICAR– Internal Corrective Action Request
Preventive Action– Action taken to eliminate the caus of a potential nonconformity (defect) in order to prevent occurrence.
Root Cau is analysis that helps identify what, how and why something happened. A root cau is a cau that is at a root of a nonconformance. A nonconformance can have more than one root cau. A root cau is the most basic reason for a defect or problem in a product or process. Elimination of the root cau leads to the elimination of the defect or problem.
Containment is action(s) taken to prevent the nonconformance from growing and to isolate customers (internal or external) from its effects. The customer must be protected until permanent corrective actions can be implemented and verified. The effectiveness of the containment actions must be verified.
Validation is the prescribed process(es) for checking if the defined corrective actions satisfy the criteria established by the identified nonconformance. It is the process to verify that something is correct or conforms to the originally
documented standard and is effective.
Verification– Confirmation, through the provision of objective evidence that specified requirements have been fulfilled. The verification process is the act of reviewing, inspecting, testing, checking, auditing, or otherwi
establishing and documenting whether items, process, rvices, or documents conform to specified requirements after implementation of corrective action.
QCN: Quality Ca Number
CCAR: Customer corrective action request
RMA: Return material authorization
SCAR: Supplier corrective action request
OCAP: Out of control action plan
1101651 ICAR, SHG
ICAR records kept in folder: \\Cn-file01\public\Quality\Quality Ca Summary
?QA Manager
?Global ICAR Team •Any Finisar employee may initiate an ICAR to QA thru e-mail. The initiator/originator must
provide sufficient information details so that the
nature of the discrepancy is clear
•The request e-mail is saved in QCN share folder: \ \Cn-file01\public\Quality\Quality Ca Summary •任何员工都可以通过邮件向QA申请签发ICAR,但需提供足够详细的信息,QA将申请信息保存
?QA ICAR Coordinator •ICAR coordinator reviews the ICAR request, and determines the ICAR validity
•ICAR coordinator assigns and issues ICAR to owner, and record in QCN share folder: \\Cn-
file01\public\Quality\Quality Ca Summary •Rejection only when mis-assigned, ICAR coordinator then reassign to the right owner •ICAR should be issued, replied, and verified in English
•QA 专门人员签发ICAR给责任单位并在QCN中记录,ICAR需要使用英文签发,回复和验证
?ICAR Owner
?Manager of ICAR Owner •ICAR owner needs to determine if containment actions are required. If needed, owners needs to
respond with the containment action to QA within
2 working days
•ICAR owner to analyze root cau and determines the corrective action plan, submit the plan to
manager for approval, manager submits to QA for review and target implement date
•Finisar target turn around time for this process is
10 working days
•ICAR Coordinator reviews the containment action within 1 working day
•ICAR Coordinator reviews the root cau and corrective action plans and submits to QA
manager for approval, QA manager then submits
to Global ICAR team for approval
无奈的诗句•QA 专门人员审核临时措施并在一个工作日内r 反馈责任单位
?ICAR Owner
?ICAR Coordinator •Owners implement the correction actions according to the approved plan
•QA tracks the status through weekly meeting •ICAR owner to submit details/evidence to QA once the corrective actions have been
?ICAR Coordinator ?QA Manager
?Global ICAR Team •Validation period is indeterminate to ensure effectiveness of corrective actions •Validation evidence need to be filed at QCN share folder: \\Cn-file01\public\Quality\Quality Ca
•Once justified that the ICAR is effective, ICAR coordinator nds to QA manager for approval,
QA manager then nds to Global ICAR team for approval
•确认ICAR有效的证据需保存在QCN文件夹\\Cn-file01\public\Quality\Quality Ca Summary •一旦判断纠正措施有效后,送QA经理批准,QA经理再送总公司ICAR组批准
•Save the ICAR and all supporting evidence in QCN folder::
•将ICAR及验证资料保存在QCN文件夹中:: \\Cn-file01\public\Quality\Quality Ca Summary
?ICAR Coordinator