GMDSS 英语阅读试题200-3002009年05月21日 星期四星期四 19:02
200. 200. Every Every Every ship ship ship _____on _____on or or after after after 1 1 February 1995 1995 shall shall shall comply comply with with all all the the applicable applicable requirements of Chapter Four. A. constructs B. constructed C. has constructed D. was constructed
201. Effort made for marine safety ______ the Titanic tragedy in 1912.
A. started / after
B. has started / since
C. was beginning /when
D. begins / after
202. The first communication satellite was ud for the purpo of ______ .
A. taking the place of the radio system
B. introducing a new life-saving system
C. saving the vesls in distress
D. improving the communication on land
203. The purpo of the GMDSS is to ______ safety of life and property at a all over the world.
A. promote
B. improve
C. guarantee
D. both a and b
204. The world’s first communication satellite, Telstar, was put into orbit in ______ .
A. 1962
B. 1960
C. 1957
D. 1966
205 .______ is is the the the united united united nations nations nations agency agency agency responsible responsible responsible for for for the the the Radio Radio Radio Regulations Regulations Regulations among among among other other things.
D. WMO 206. 206. From From From IMO’S IMO’S IMO’S point point point of of of view, view, view, INMARSA INMARSA T’s most most important important important function function function is is is the the the provision provision provision of of ______ .
A. general radio communication
C. improved distress and safety communication
D. bridge-to-bridge communication
207.______ communication are intership VHF radio telephone communication .
A. ship-to-shore
B. shore-to –ship
C. bridge-to-bridge
D. a,b and c
208. The ______ is that arch and rescue authorities ashore, as well as shipping in the immediate vicinity of the ship in distress, will be rapidly alerted to a distress incident so they can assist in a coordinated SAR operation with the minimun delay.
A. common communication system
B. distress traffic system
C. basic concept of GMDSS
D. SAR operation procedure 司马懿是哪里人
209. Actually, the date for entry into effect will be 1st February ______. Though the text does not tell us about it.
A. 1995
B. 1998
C. 1999
幼儿教具D. 2000
210. The frequency 156.525MHZ and 156.8MHZ should be ud in the band of ______.
211. Some radio waves ______ the surface of the earth becau of its______.
A. are capable of following / distance
B. can follow / altitude
C. can hardly follow / shape
D. are unable following / angle
212. We ______ the distress signal on our own radio before the shore station relayed it to us .
A. received alreadly
B. have received
C. had received
D. was receiving
213. In the GMDSS, distress alerting can be transmitted in ______ directions.
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
214. When receiving a distress alert, the SAR authorities ashore and the ships in the vicinity of the ship in distress will ______ soonest.
A. reach the distress area
B. conduct a ctor arch
C. nd rescue vesls
D. assist coordinately in SAR operation
215. What channel is general communication ud ?
A. any appro9priate channel except public communication
如何激发学习动机B. any appropriate channel other than public communication
C. any appropriate channel in addition to public communication
D. any appropriate channel beside public communication
216. A ship station on receiving a shore-to-ship distress alert should ______.
A. keep silence
B. interfere with such communication
C. establish communication as directed and render such assistance as is required and appropriate
D. refu communication as directed and render such assistance as is required and appropriate 217. General radio communications in the global system are shoes between ____
__ concerning the management and operation of the ships and may have impact on their safety.
A. SAR party and the ship in distress
B. SAR authorities and the ship in distress and survival craft
C. A ship station and any coast station
D. Ship stations and shore-bad communication network
218. All stations which receive a distress alert shall immediately cea ______.
A. any transmission
B. any harmful transmission
C. to u radiotelephone
D. using radiotelephone
219. The ARQ mode should be applied ______.
A. when two stations communicate with each other
B. in any radio system and at any time
C. when one ship nds a message to another station
D. for communication among some stations
220. What should be made known in the lists of coast and ship stations ?
A. the rvices of the stations open to public correspondence
B. the information on charging
C. what kind of the public correspondence
D. A and B
221. A SART can be fixed on ______.
A. a mother ship
B. a lifeboat
C. a life craft
D. all of A,B,C
222. It is possible for ships to receive safety message transmitted by a NA VTEX station ______. A. in any Inmarsat regions B. in each NA V AREA
C. at any distance
D. in area A3 and A4
223. The broadcast of MSI is made on two dedicated systems. “dedicated” means ______.
A. special
B. different
C. expensive
D. valuable
224. In the GMDSS, MSI broadcasts will be made on two dedicated systems: ______ and ______. A. NBDP/VHF radio B. Inmarsat safety NET/NA VTEX
C. Safety rvice/Inmarsat-A 怎样炒菜好吃
D. Long range/short range
225. The concept of NA VTEX is of a ______ system for the broadcast and receipt of MSI .
A. arch and rescue
B. safe
C. co-ordinated
D. hydrographic
226. The NA VTEX receiver can be mounted on ______.
A. on the bridge
B. in the coast station
C. on the forecastle
D. on starboard side
227. A Navtex station in each NA V AREA is usually allowed to have ______ for transmission.
A. 10 minutes every 4 hours
B. half an hour every other hour
C. irregular period of time
D. 5 minutes every two hours
228. The difference between international and national Navtex Service is limited to ______.
A. frequency allocated
B. both language and frequency
C. language ud
D. transmission power and time
229. Navtex transmitter identification character ______ is ud to identify the broadcasts which are to be accepted by the receiver and tho are to be rejected.
A. B2
B. B1
230. All NA VTEX messages ______ owing to their nature of importance.
A. can suppress
B. can be suppresd
C. can not be suppresd
D. are to be suppresd
231. The coordinated broadcast and automated reception of MSI via the INMARSAT EGC system using English to meet the requirements of the SOLAS Convention: ______.
A. international NA VTEX Service
B. FleetNET Service
C. SafetyNet Service
232. 232. Why Why Why should should should the the the SES SES SES operators operators operators be be be very very very careful careful careful when when when the the the ship ship ship enters enters enters the the the area area area where where where three three ocean regions overlap? Becau ______.
A. the weather is always terrible
B. the condition there is complicated
C. the signals are too strong
D. their SES may recive the signals from unwanted satellite
233. The INMARSAT consists of ______ major components.
A. 4
B. 9
C. 8
D. 5
234. In addition to meeting the requirement of Sea area A1, every ship engaged on voyage in Sea area A2 shall be provided with ______.
A. MF radio installation with DSC
C. MF/HF radio telephone installation
D. 2187.5Khz watch receiver
235. The INMARSAT system has five major components, they are :
A. Space Segment, NCC, RCC, SES, and CES
B. Space Segment, a satellite system, C system, NCC and NCS
C. Space Segment, NCC, NCS, CES and SES
D. A system, C system, satellite system, earth stations and NCS
236. The satellites over the major ocean regions cover the globe ______.
A. besides the polar regions
B. including the North Pole and South Pole
C. above 70N and below 70S
D. as far north and south 70
237. 237. There There There is is is actually actually actually an an an overlapped overlappe
d overlapped area area area of of of ______ ______ ______ ocean ocean ocean regions regions regions somewhere somewhere somewhere in in in Western Western European waters.
A. two
B. three
C. more than two
D. more than three
238. The position of the POR satellite in the Inmarsat system is ______ above the equator.
A. 55.5W
B. 64.5E
C. 15.5W
D. 178E
239. The GMDSS defines four a area bad on the______.
A. location and capacity of the facilities located on board ships
B. Position and type of a sincre sintion
C. Capacity and location of shore bad communication facilities
D. Position and capacity of mobile communication stations. 240. The NCC is located in the ______.
A. IMO Headquarters in London
B. Inmarsat Headquarters building in London
C. Western European Maritime Organization
D. International Maritime Safety Committee
241. There are ______ NCSs in total, one in each ocean region, the AOR (E and W), IOR and POR.
A. 3
B. 2
C. 1
D. 4
242. Any ship with SES can ______ and ______ through the Inmarsat satellites when nding a distress alert.
A. enter the system rapidly / wait for rescue
B. have an absolute priority to enter the system / contact with a CES
C. establish contact with the RCC / enter the port
D. enter the system gradually / get the rescue
243. A mobile earth station in the maritime mobile-satellite rvice, which is located on board ship, is called ______.
A. an LES
B. an SES
C. a ship station
D. a land Mobile Station
244. After has permit the commissioning, the ______ will permit the SES access to system.
245. Who has permit the SES enter the system after successful commissioning ?
A. Network
B. The CES preferred by the applicant
D. The SES itlf
246. To establish a communication channel for the telex rvice in the INMARSAT-A terminal, you should first ______.
A. establish a communication channel from the CES, via the international Telex Network to the final destination
B. t up a communication channel from your SES, via a satellite, to a CES within your ocean region
C. t up a channel directly to the addre at the destination
D. establish a channel from your terminal, via the International Telex Network to a CES within your ocean region
247. The maritime access code for the AOR-E is ______ in INMARSA T-A Telex Service.
A. 581
B. 582
C. 583
D. 584
248. When you you have have have received GA+ received GA+ from from the CES the CES for for the the the INMARSA INMARSA T -A telex communication, you should immediately lect ______ and ______ you require .
A. an CES/telex mode
B. an SES/telex rvice
C. the rvice/the subscriber
D. a satellite/an ocean region
249. Every ship must be fitted with SART, and two-way VHF radio telephone.
A. 1, 2
B. 2, 3
C. 2, 1
D. 3, 2
250. 250. The The The maritime maritime maritime access access access code code code of of of telephone telephone telephone mode mode mode in in in INMARSA INMARSA T -A terminal terminal for for for the the the AOR(W) AOR(W) is .
A. 871
B. 872
C. 873
端午赛龙舟D. 874
251. The sources of energy fitted in GMDSS complying vesls must be.
A. the main source of energy
B. emergency source of electrical power
C. the rerve source of energy
D. all of above 252. When the power of s SART is on, it will ______ .
A. transmit distress signal
B. nd respon signal
C. transmit the signal of ship’s position
D. be started by X
-band radar 253. Distress signal are always stored in the memory so as to start ______ .
A. local-mode soverage
B. SAR operations
C. data process
D. continuous broadcast
254. EGC is a ______ part of INAMARSA T-C .
A. component
B. supportable
C. combined
D. complimentary
255 .______ will form the basis for distress alerting and safety calling .
256. 256. An An An area area area within within within the the the coverage coverage coverage of of of at at at least least least one one one MF MF MF shore shore shore station station station in in in which which which continuous continuous continuous DSC DSC distress alerting is available is ______ .
A. Sea area A1
B. Sea area A2
C. Distress area
D. GMDSS area
257. ______ are ud for distress alerting as a rule .
B. SART/radiotelephone
D. both a and c
258. 258. If If If a a a ship ship ship station station station relays relays relays a a a DSC DSC DSC distress distress distress call call call to to to an an an appropriate appropriate appropriate coast coast coast station, station, station, it it it means means means that that ______ .
A. the ship has received the DSC distress call on a HF frequency
B. the coast station concerned has not acknowledged it within 5 minutes
C. the ship will take command of arch and rescue in 5 minutes
D. A and B
259. Distress and safety communications following DSC calling will be performed by radiotelephony or ______ .
夏朝有青铜器吗A. NBDP
B. EGC receiver
C. NBDP or both
D. EGC receiver or both
260. DSC distress acknowledgements are normally transmitted by ______ in respond to a receiver DSC distress call .
A. Ship stations
B. Coast stations
261. 261. Ships Ships Ships sailing sailing sailing in in in area area area A2 A2 A2 will will will at at at least least least be be be capable capable capable of of of transmitting transmitti
ng transmitting a a a ship-to-shore ship-to-shore ship-to-shore slert slert slert on on ______ .
B. 156.525MHZ DSC
C. 2187.5khz DSC and satellite EPIRB
D. 2182khz R/T and satellite EPIRB
262. As each MSI message will have a unique identity, the printing of messages already received correctly is ______ .
A. automatically suppresd
B. finished by the operator
C. manually suppresd
D. done again
263. Ships sailing in ______ are able to receive and print out EGC message .
A. a fixed area or Navarea in any ocean region
B. a Navarea or weather forecast area
C. the designated area or given geographic position
D. anywhere of the world
264. Ships sailing in ______ are able to receive and print out EGC message .