IATF规则第五版认可解释IATF Rules 5th Edition –Sanctioned Interpretations IATF规则第五版 认可解释IATF 16949 第五版的获得并保持 IATF 认可的规则(“规则第 5 版”)已于 2016 年 11 月发布,并于 2017 年 1 月 1 日生效。以的解释由由确定并批准除非另有说明则解释在IATF Rules 5th Edition – Sanctioned Interpretations
The Rules for achieving and maintaining IATF Recognition 5th Edition for IATF 16949 (“Rules 5th Edition”) was published in November 2016 and is effective 1January 2017. The following Sanctioned Interpretations were determined and
approved by the IATF Unless otherwi indicated Sanctioned Interpretations are 以下的认可解释由由 IATF 确定并批准。 除非另有说明,否则认可解释在发布时适用。
修改后的文本显示为蓝色。变本身符approved by the IATF. Unless otherwi indicated, Sanctioned Interpretations are applicable upon publication.Revid text is shown in blue .
A Sanctioned Interpretation changes the interpretation of a rule or a requirement 认可解释改变了对规则或要求的解释,而规则或要求本身则成为不符合的基础。
SI 1 于 2017 年 6 月发布,自 2017 年 7 月 1 日起生效。
广东传统美食A Sanctioned Interpretation changes the interpretation of a rule or a requirement which itlf then becomes the basis for a nonconformity.SI 1 issued in June 2017, effective 1 July 2017.SI 25issued in October 2017effective 1October 2017SI 2-5 于 2017 年 10 月发布,自 2017 年 10 月 1 日起生效
SI 6-7 于 2018 年 11 月发布,自 2018 年 11 月 12 日起生效。
SI 8 于 2019 年 10 月发布,自 2019 年 11 月 1 日起生效。
SI 2-5 issued in October 2017, effective 1 October 2017.SI 6-7 issued in November 2018, effective 12 November 2018.SI 8 issued in October 2019, effective 1 November 2019.SI 1i d d i d i O t b 2019ff ti 1J 2020SI 1 于 2019 年 10 月修订并重新发布,自 2020 年 1 月 1 日起生效。
SI 9-10 于 2020 年 5 月发布,自 2020 年 6 月 1 日起生效。
SI 1 revid and reissued in October 2019, effective 1 January 2020.SI 9-10 issued in May 2020, effective 1 June 2020.SI 2 revid and reissued in August 2020, revisions effective 1 January 2021SI 1121i d i A 2020ff i 1J 2021
SI 2 于 2020 年 8 月修订并重新发布,自 2021 年 1 月 1 日起生效
SI 11-21 于 2020 年 8 月发布,自 2021 年 1 月 1 日起生效。SI 11-21 issued in August 2020, effective 1 January 2021.
a)符合ISO/IEC 17021以及进行ISO 9001审核的相关认可机构规则;
a) 符合ISO/IEC 17021以及进行ISO 9001审核的相关认可机构规则; b) 已经在制造业进行过至少六次ISO 9001第三方审核,其中至少三次为审核组
c) 拥有汽车核心工具的知识;并且
d)过去十五十年间内,在汽车制造满足IATF 16949使用范围的 d) 过去十五 十年 间 内,在汽车制造 满足 IATF 16949 使用范围的组织有过四
年适当的全职实践经验(包括两年致力于质量保证和/或质量管理活动) (见第 1.0 条) 。红海滩
e) 在参加新审核员培训和评估过程之前,应至少观察一次完整的 IATF 16949第三方审核
IATF 16949 审核员申请过程和准则4.2Application process and criteria for IATF 1修订Revid (不包括特殊审核),且持续时间至少为两天变更的理由:
1 允许更多汽车行业审核员来支持 IATF 16949:2016 过渡。(于 2017 年 6 月发布)
16949 auditors 4.2
2 在参加新审核员培训和评估过程之前,增加审核员对 IATF 方案的知识和经验。(于 2019 年
10 月修订)
The certification body shall have a process for lecting new auditor candidates for admission into the IATF auditor
肉馅饼qualification process. The contracted office of the sponsoring certification body shall submit for each candidate a completed application form and relevant supporting information to the relevant IATF Oversight office for approval and access to the IATF auditor qualification process.
The auditor candidate shall meet the following lection criteria:
a) is qualified according to ISO/IEC 17021 and the relevant accreditation body rule to perform ISO 9001 audits;
b) has conducted at least six (6) ISO 9001 third-party audits in manufacturing industries, with at least three (3) as audit team leader;
Note:Automotive manufacturing first-or cond-party system auditing experience may be considered
IATF 16949 Note: Automotive manufacturing first- or cond-party system auditing experience may be considered. c) has knowledge of automotive core tools; and
d) has four (4) years full time appropriate practical experience (including two (2) years dedicated to Quality Assurance and/or Quality Management activities) in within the past fifteen (15) ten (10) years in an automotive
我是乖宝宝manufacturing organization. Meeting the
applicability of IATF 16949(e ction 10)1修订Revid IATF 16949 审核员申请过程和准则4.2Application process and criteria for IATF 16949dit applicability of IATF 16949 (e ction 1.0) .
NOTE: Experience in industries with similar scopes of applicability (e.g., Aerospace,Telecommunications, Rail,Industrial Off-Road equipment, etc.) in chemical,electrical, or metallic commodities may be considered.
e) shall obrve a minimum of one (1) complete IATF 16949 third-party audit (excluding
special audits) with a minimum duration of two (2) days before attending the New
A dit T i i d E l ti
16949 auditors 4.2
Auditor Training and Evaluation process Rationale for change:
1、Allow for additional automotive auditor capacity to support the IATF 16949:2016
i i (d 201)
transition. (Issued June 2017)2、Increa the auditor’s knowledge and experience of the IATF scheme prior to attending the New Auditor Training and Evaluation process. (Modified October 2019)
- 以调查由于绩效投诉(见第 8.1 a 条和第 8.1 b 条);
- 导致的客户质量管理体系变化(见第 3.2 条);
- 客户现场重大变化;
证书暂停(见第 8.3 条); - 验证针对严重不符合所识别的纠正措施的有效实施(见第 5.11.4 条);
- 验证针对视为开放接受 2 但 100%解决的不符合识别的纠正措施的有效实施(见第5.11.3 c 条); - 验证所实施的纠正措施在实现客户绩效指标方面表现有所改善;
- 证书撤销(见第 8.7 条)。
认证机构应对每个特殊审核提供书面报告(见第 5.10 条和第 5.11.4 条),包括任何已确认的不符合项(见第
5.9 条)。
特殊审核以及原因要在审核末次会议后二十(20)个日历日录入 IATF 数据库。外部支持功能的特殊审核不应被录入 IATF 数据库。 如果需要进行特殊审核,认证机构应提前将情况告知客户。
特殊审核7.2Special audits
It may become necessary for the certification body to conduct special audits of certified clients:
- to investigate performance complaints (e ction 8.1 a) and 8.1 b);
- in respon to changes to the client’s quality management system (e ction 3.2);感恩企业
- significant changes at the client’s site;
-as a result of a suspended certificate(e ction83);
- as a result of a suspended certificate (e ction 8.3);
- to verify the effective implementation of identified corrective actions for major nonconformities (e ction 5.11.4); - to verify the effective implementation of identified corrective actions for nonconformities
considered open accepted2 but 100% resolved (e ction 5.11.3 c);
- to verify the implemented corrective actions are showing improvement in the achievement of the c
ustomer performance indicator(s);
- as a result of a withdrawn certificate (e ction 8.7).
Special audits shall not be terminated.
设备事故The certification body shall issue a written report for each special audit (e ction 5.10 and 5.11.4) including any identified nonconformity(e ction59)
坏疽性阑尾炎Special audits
nonconformity (e ction 5.9).
A special audit and the reason for the special audit shall be entered into the IATF databa within twenty (20) calendar days
from the closing meeting of the audit. A special audit of a remote supporting function shall not be entered into the IATF
The certification body shall make known to the client in advance the conditions under which the special audits are to be