Subject Interpretation File No.
VIII-1-07-6808-1260 VIII-1-07-7208-1259 Figure UW-13.1,Dished .VIII-1-07-6608-1396 Thickness of Heat Transfer Plates in Plate-Type VIII-1-07-7308-948 U-1(e)(3)and UG-120(e),Requirements for Elliptical Manway and Handhole VIII-1-07-6708-1399 U-2(g),UW-20,Part UHX,UHX-11.5,UHX-15,and Appendix A:Tube Expansion
Depth Ratio and Tube VIII-1-07-7108-1286 UG-34and UG-39,Blind .VIII-1-07-6908-1562 VIII-1-07-7008-1725
Subject:Figure UW-13.1,Dished Intermediate Head
Date Issued:October20,2008
Question:Does Section VIII,Division1provide any details or requirements for attaching a spherically dished intermediate head to the inside of a cylindrical shell using a weld through the thickness of the intermediate head?
Reply:No,e U-2(g).
Note:This interpretation was inadvertently omitted from Vol.59of the interpretations. Interpretation:VIII-1-07-67一周情侣活动
Subject:U-1(e)(3)and UG-120(e),Requirements for Elliptical Manway and Handhole Bolting Materials Date Issued:October29,2008
Question:U-1(e)(3)includes pressure retaining covers of manways,handholes,and their attaching bolting and nuts within the scope of the Code,and UG-120(e)requires that pressure retaining covers and their attaching bolting and nuts be recorded on the manufacturer’s data report.Some manways and handholes are designed such that the coverfits on the inside surface of the vesl and the al/
gasket is compresd by the internal pressure acting on the cover.The yoke and bolts associated with such designs are not required to resist any pressure loads and are only ud to hold and position the pressure retaining cover until pressure is applied.As the yokes,bolts,and nuts are not pressure retaining components,are they required to be of Code materials and listed on the manufacturer’s data report?大明劫观后感
Note:This interpretation was inadvertently omitted from Vol.59of the interpretations.
Subject:Code Ca2235-9
Date Issued:January5,2009
Question(1):Does Code Ca2235-9require an ultrasonic examination plan capable of detecting indications transver as well as parallel to the weld centerline?
Question(2):Are the acceptance criteria specified in Tables1,2,and3of Code Ca2235-9applicable to indications oriented transver as well as parallel to the weld centerline?
Reply(2):Yes.Per para.(c),the ultrasonic examination shall be performed in accordance with a written procedure conforming to the requirements of Section V,Article4.
T-472of Section V,Article4identifies examination requirements when using the Distance Amplitude Technique,such as Linear Phad Array ultrasonics,and T-474covers Non-Distance Amplitude Techniques. From T-472,weld joints shall be scanned with an angle beam arch unit in both parallel and transver directions(four scans)to the weld axis.
Note:This interpretation also appears as VIII-2-07-11.
Subject:UG-34and UG-39,Blind Flange Thickness
Date Issued:January5,2009
Question:If an opening in a blindflange is greater than that allowed by provisions of ASME B16.5,is it required to u UG-34(c)(2)and UG-39to determine the required thickness and reinforcement in lieu of the dimensions and pressure ratings that are given in B16.5?
Subject:UG-37and UG-40
Date Issued:January5,2009
Question(1):UG-37(a)allows nozzle reinforcement calculations to be bad on the required thickness of a sphere when the nozzle and all of its reinforcement are included within the spherical part of an F&D head or within80%of the diameter of an elliptical head.When the limits of reinforcement of UG-40extend beyond the spherical part of an F&D head or beyond80%of the ellipsoidal head diameter,is
it acceptable to u the required thickness of the sphere if only that material within the spherical part of an F&D head or within80%of the diameter of an ellipsoidal head is considered as reinforcement?
Question(2):In the definition of“t”in UG-37(a),does the phra“not including forming allowances”mean that any additional thickness added as a forming allowance shall not be considered in determining the value of“t”?
Subject:U-2(g),UW-20,Part UHX,UHX-11.5,UHX-15,and Appendix A:Tube Expansion Depth Ratio and Tube Joint Loads
Date Issued:January30,2009
Question(1):In accordance with the rules given in UHX-11.5.1(a),shall the tube expansion depth ratio ()be equal to zero when the tubes are not expanded to the ,welded only)?
Question(2):Does Part UHX have rules for calculating the tube-to-tubesheet joint load?
Reply(2):No,e U-2(g).
Note:File05-484is open to develop rules to calculate the tube-to-tubesheet joint load.
Question(3):For tube-to-tubesheet strength welds(full or partial)defined in UW-20,do UW-20and UHX-15require that the tube-to-tubesheet joint load be determined and compared with the maximum allowable load in either direction on the tube-to-tubesheet joint(L max)whether or not the Code has rules for determining the tube-to-tubesheet joint load?
Question(4):For tube-to-tubesheet joints that do not meet UW-20,does the Code have mandatory rules for determining the tube joint load and the tube joint strength of tube-to-tubesheet joints in shell-and-tube heat exchangers that meet the requirements of Part UHX?
Reply(4):No,e U-2(g),UHX-15,and Nonmandatory Appendix A.
Subject:Code Ca2235-9
决世Date Issued:February10,2009
Question(1):Per Code Ca2235-9,para.(c),may a side drilled hole be ud to reprent aflaw for qualification purpos?
Question(2):Per Code Ca2235-9,para.(c),may a notch that has been machined by conventional methods on the end of a block and left ,not totally embedded so that the UT procedure cannot demonstrate detection of both ends)be ud to reprent aflaw for qualification purpos?
Question(3):Per Code Ca2235-9,para.(c),may electric discharged machined(EDM)notches be ud to reprent embedded or surfaceflaws for qualification purpos?
Question(4):Per Code Ca2235-9,para.(c),for a production weld with a60deg included , 30deg bevel angle)joint detail,must the plane of theflaws in the qualification block be oriented at a30deg angle to the block’s surface and parallel to the fusion line?
Note:This interpretation also appears as VIII-2-07-12.
卷曲的英语Subject:Thickness of Heat Transfer Plates in Plate-Type Heat Exchangers
Date Issued:March2,2009带金的名字男孩
Question:Does Section VIII,Division1contain design rules that may be ud to establish the minimum required thickness or MAWP of the heat transfer plates in plate-type heat exchangers?
Reply:No,e U-2(g).