7 Ways to Say “No” Without Offending Anyone
“No” without offending anyone’s feeling? Well, there is “No, I can’t”, “No,
I don’t have time” and “No, I don’t want to”. But the problem is
that many of us try to avoid situations that require us to say “No” to people.
In almost every culture this little word is associated with rejection, failure,
egoism and a lack of tact and empathy towards others.
I can
not recall how many times I have eaten burnt, undercooked, bland and poorly
tasting dishes simply becau I did not want to hurt the feelings of the person
who had cooked them. Or the times when I bought something, I did not need,
becau I felt guilty leaving a shop empty-handed after spending 20 minutes of
六年级数学卷子the shop assistant’s time.血豆腐的做法
it is our manager, a customer rvice reprentative or an acquaintance asking
for a favor, for some unexplainable reason many of us feel mental resistance
王凯歆when we have to voice a straight-forward “No”.
If you
are a rare exception, who has no problem saying “I wish I could, but I do
北京跑步not want to” plea share your cret! What is running through your head
when an 8-year old with huge blue eyes offers you to buy a box of Girl Scouts
cookies? Or when your boss asks you in a matter-of-fact voice if you can stay
after hours to finish a project?
How do
you say “No” without offending anyone or feeling guilty afterwards?
On the
other hand, how do you NOT say “No” when you know that if you go along with
everything other people want from you, you would be physically, mentally and
emotionally exhausted?
本田crv价格believe the answer to this question lies in the wisdom of the Eastern world.
You e, many oriental cultures, Chine being one of them, do not even have a
“N”- word. Instead, they u thousands of ways to express their disagreement
and none of them involves saying a straight-forward “No”.
is a great lesson to be learned from such approach to communication.
just like me, you sometimes find it difficult to be direct about saying “No”,
you can still be asrtive and express you disagreement in a more subtle, yet
equally powerful way. The great thing about this method is that it gets your
point across without making you look bad, unprofessional, innsitive or
are 7 Sneaky Ways to Say “No” without Offending Anyone
“This sounds interesting, but I have too much on my plate at the moment.”
you start your disagreement with a compliment: “this sounds interesting”, it
makes the person less defensive and gives you a valid reason to decline “I have