From the Principal
Term 4 Week 3
Friday 30 October 2015
Is your family thinking of leaving East Adelaide School? If you are considering leaving our school community, plea inform Linda at reception or email the school by Friday 6 November. ***********************
We are about to begin our student placement process and enrolments are a critical factor in determining; numbers of year levels, straight class versus multi -age class, year level locations, space, and staffing.
Hats – Sunsmart School
All students must wear hats when outside in the yard. No hat no play. Plea remind your children to bring their hat to school. Plea refer to the East Adelaide School SunSmart Guidelines
Materials and Services Fees 2016
Parents and caregivers are invited to attend the Governing Council meeting to be held on Tuesday 3 November at 6.45pm for a 15 minute discussion and vote on the recommendation to increa the Materials and Services fees in 2016.
Vicki Stravinski
Pupil Free Day
Monday 23 November
Contact OSHC for bookings
8362 6585
News from Parents and Friends Committee
The Parents and Friends Committee major fundrair in 2015 is a Fun Run / Walkathon. This event will take place on Friday 13 November and all students from Reception to year 7 will participate, as part of the PE Curriculum. Information and a Sponsorship form will be nt home with students next week.
If you would like to join the Parents and Friends committee, plea email Barbara or speak with Barbara Sos or Zoe Woodstock.
Student Learning and Digital Technologies
BYOD 1:1 Years 5-7
Students are encouraged to have their own device in years 5-7. The only supported devices for u at East Adelaide School are ACER and HP devices. Parents have the opportunity to purcha the devices through our East Adelaide School Portal
Plea note pricing is all inclusive of GST and includes a bag, onsite warranty and shipping. School support is also included with this program.
HP - $925
Volunteer Thankyou Afternoon Tea
All the wonderful volunteers who support our school are invited to attend a thank you afternoon tea to be held on Thursday 19 November from 3.00pm in the School Gym as an appreciation for all your support and hard work this year.
Term 4 Calendar Amendment – Week 9
The following dates were incorrectly recorded on the calendar nt home in week 1, plea amend with the dates.
总经理助理岗位职责Thursday 10 December – Reports and class placement slips nt home / 2016 classroom visits (not Wednesday 9 December )
Friday 11 December – End of Year Asmbly (not Thursday 10 December )
Uniform Shop
New Stock just arrived
SHORTS Rugby Knit with zip pocket or cargo shorts with and without pockets
HATS Broad Brim and Bucket now available in all sizes!
The uniform shop is open Monday to Thursday 8.30am to 9.15am and Tuesday 3.15pm to 4.15pm
Road Crossing Monitors
Scholastic Bookclub
We would like to thank families for purchasing books this year. Points earned allows the school to purcha educational resources for the classrooms.
Remember, Christmas is coming and we have 2 catalogues out this term. The due date for the first catalogue is Monday 2 November.
I would like to thank Julie Lorenzetti for her amazing support in making this happen. If you would like to help plea contact me.
Vicki Angel
Mathematics Workshop for Parents
Join other parents for a 1 hour workshop in the Library. Tuesday 3 November 2015 at 5.45pm. The strategies shared will be the same ones from the popular Math Workshop last term, prented by Ann Baker (Educational Consultant from Natural Maths). To book your spot email ***********************
School Open Morning
Families wishing to enrol children at our school are invited to our Parent Information Morning and School Tour on Tuesday 10 November at 9.30am.
Plea email Linda or call 8362 1622 if you are interested in attending.
Parent Information Evening Term 1 2016
Parent’s Name:
Child’s Name: Child’s Room number:
I would be interested in attending Bill Hansberry’s talk on ‘Raising Beaut Kids ’.
I am not interested in attending, but would like to put forward the suggestion of the following
guest speaker(s):
News from Environmentalist Students
Student environmentalists visited Trinity Gardens Primary School to explore Nature Play areas, nsory trails, cubby hou building areas and fitness areas. We are investigating developing Natural Play spaces at East Adelaide School to complement the Landscape Masterplan. Some of the interesting features where the play pods, rocky creek, frog ponds, hammock and spinner play equipment, labyrinth and refrigerated drinking taps.
诗意句子News from Pastoral Support
Hello! I hope you have all ttled back into the rhythm, and are enjoying the final term for the year. Holidays are fast approaching! I have loved hanging out with you guys again in the yard, and helping some of you in your classrooms. Term 4 is off to an amazing start and I am so excited to e where it will take us.
This week, my focus has been on celebrating World Teachers’ Day and celebrating our wonderful teaching and support staff. A special morning tea was organid today by the leadership team, mylf and members of the local churches, to encourage and honor the amazing work our teachers do for all of our students at East Adelaide School. We hope they know how appreciated they are.
Next week, I am looking forward to spending some quality time with the students and teachers in rooms 15 and 16 on their camp at Narnu Farm. I am excited to spend some time getting to know the
students a little more, and to participate in some really engaging learning experiences. It should be a great couple of days filled with fun and learning.
In term 4, my focus continues to be on developing the Christmas program, as well as fostering student and staff wellbeing in and out of the classrooms.
Plea note, due to the number of school activities on this term, my times at the school may vary to meet the needs of the school community. Plea feel free to leave a message with the front office if you would like to arrange a time to e me, or you can always leave a note in my yellow letterbox in the front office.
Have an amazing week everyone!
温声细语Pastoral Care Worker
After School Sport
Term 4 is well underway, as are Summer Sports at East Adelaide. This ason we have an incread number of students participating in; Netball, Basketball, Cricket and Cheerleading. A big thank you to all our volunteers who support the After School Sports program to thrive and continue to grow, we have been very lucky to have so many wonderful volunteers to help coach and manage the teams.
Trophy and Medallion Collection
A reminder that children are able to collect there medallion and/or trophy during school hours on Monday/Wednesday/Friday, from the sports office. If I am not in my office, plea leave a note with your name and room number, and I will deliver it to the classroom.
Hot Weather Policy
The weather is slowly starting to get warmer. Practice after school will be cancelled when the predicted temperature for the day is 35 degrees or higher. Sessions held in the air -conditioned school gym can continue as scheduled unless cancelled at the discretion of the coach. Practice before school will be cancelled at the discretion of the coach.
The cancellation of matches is governed by the associations. Plea refer to the After School Sport Hot Weather Policy for up -to -date information on the various sporting associations’ policies and rules.
Catherine Natale
After School Sports Coordinator
****************************** Monday / Wednesday / Friday
Year 6 student designs of 2016 Year 7 jumpers
News from Year 6 and 7 Students
As part of our Term 3 Science theme, Middle Years Students explored various aspects of the properties of ‘light’. The included: light and shadow, prisms, and optical illusions. Students investigated the properties of light and transferred their knowledge across a range of learning areas. Below are examples of student work across the Middle Years.
“I enjoyed working with glass prism, putting it on different angles to make the light split”. (Paris-Room 3)
“We went outside with black and white paper. We made a small line of light with the black paper, shining it at the prism, making a rainbow on the white paper. It was an interesting experiment.” (Paras-Room 4)
Tea Cup Ballet
‘Tea Cup Ballet’ is a black and white abstract photograph taken by an Australian
德国景点artist Olive Cotton in 1935. It is an interesting photo portraying abstract angles of
ballet dancers. This is an opaque photo which shows six tea cups and saucers.
My first impression of ‘Tea Cup Ballet’ was dramatic and unique.
Olive Cotton us a number of inspiring techniques to bring her photo to life.
The include intriguing angular shapes, lighting and positioning in the
background to portray an akimbo theme. She arranges the cups in a triangular
shape insuring that there is enough space in between the shadows. The camera
positioning creates fantastic umbra effect onto the cups reprenting the upper
part of the dress and then fades into a penumbra onto the lower skirt bringing
dark silhouette contrasts into the background. Her creative photography shows
the tea cups from a different perspective enabling the viewer to e something
different to what the objects actually are. The artist creates a realistic effect onto
the cups making them look like ballet dancers.
I enjoyed this photo as the angular shapes bring the subject matter to life. Some people may think this photo lacks excitement as it is black and white, however it is unique and inspiring for tho who enjoy photography. By Monique F