1.登记 Registration
Plea show me your ID card or passport for registration.
第一站 Fisrt station 下一站 Next station 没问题 No Problem
坐下 sit down 躺下 lay down
2.采血 pick blood
Show your arm like me.
Plea press it about three minutes(to prevent bleeding).
身高high、体重weight,body weight
脱鞋 take off your shoes
Just stand on the machine and up your head
Rai your head
血压 Blood pressure(BP)
测量血压 Test your blood pressure
结果在正常范围 The result is in normal range
4.内科 Internal Medicine
Plea lay down
Heart and lung auscultation ['ɔ:skəl'teiʃən] ['环卫工人扫地图片ɔsk!teʃən]大班音乐游戏
Or: Listen to your heart
5.外科 surgery
Check your skin、thyroid财务报表数据分析>ppt计时、spine、breast、prostate and so on.
6.眼科Ophthalmology [,ɔfθæl'mɔlədʒi]
视力 eyesight / vision
Cover one eye by this, first test another, and you need tell her the direction of letter ”E”, up or down, left or right.
眼压 eye pressure
7.口腔 Oral Examination杉树寄生的功效与主治
张开嘴 Open your mouth
8.观看警示教育片心得体会心电图 Electrocardiogram (ECG)
躺下 lay down
Lift up your shirt and one 仁至义尽什么意思trours
深呼吸 deep breathe 放松relax / take easy
9.彩色B超 Colorful B-ultrasound
躺下 lay down
检查肝胆脾胰肾等 check up liver、gall-bladder、spleen、pancreas and kidney.
脂肪肝 Fatty liver
前列腺 prostate take off your belt for check your prostate
10.放射 X-Ray
胸片 Chest radi’ography 颈椎 Cervical spine
面朝机器 face to machine
肩靠紧机器 keep your shoulder clo with the machine
双手叉腰 With arms akimbo [ə'kimbəu]
11.骨密度 Bone density
脱下一只鞋和袜子 take off one shoe and sock
Eat this pill directly. After 15min we’ll come back to test
Keep it in your mouth about five minutes,inhale though no and exhaled though mouth.
13.肺功能 Pulmonary function ['pʌlmənəri] / lungs function
三个步骤 three step
第一步 first step
Calm breath three times, then take a deep breath, breathe out slowly.
第二步 cond step
Calm breath two times, then take a deep breath, breathe out quickly.
第三步 third step
Quickly breath about 15 conds,just like after running.