There was a frog living in a narrow well. He never went out of the well but he lived a happy life under the well. In his opinion, the sky is just as big as the mouth of the well.
One day, a crow came to the well and saw the frog. The frog asked: “Where are you from?” Then the crow said: “I come from far away, and I have flown more than one hundred li. Now I am so tired and thirsty.”
“Really? Are you kidding me? The sky is only as big as the mouth of the well. How can you fly over one hundred li?”
The frog was very surprid and said. The crow heard that and laughed: “Exactly! The sky is endless. But you always stay in the well, so you don’t know how big the sky is.”
However the frog still didn’t believe in the crow. The crow said: “You can come out of the well and have a look by yourlf!” In the end, the frog jumped out of the well and he was really stunned by the size of the sky! He was ashamed and said: “I am just a frog under the well!”
一天,一只乌鸦飞来,落在井沿上。青蛙问乌鸦:“你从哪儿飞来呀?” 乌鸦回答道:“我从很远的地方飞来,已经在天空中飞了一百多里,现在又累又渴,想找点水喝。” 青蛙听了,不以为然,笑道:“朋友,别说大话了!天不过井口那么大,还用飞那么远吗?” 乌鸦说道:“你弄错了,天无边无际,大得很哪!” 青蛙笑了,说:“我天天坐在井里,一抬头就看见天。我不会弄错的.” 小鸟也笑了,说:”朋友,你是弄错了。不相信,你跳出井口来看一看吧。”
There were two mountains between Jizhou in the south and Heyang in the north. Both of them were very high. An old man, called Mr. Fool, lived in the north of the mountain with his family. He was nearly ninety years old. Becau of the two high mountains, the whole family had to walk a long way from one side to the other side of the mountains.
One day, Mr. Fool called all his family together to talk about moving the two mountains to other place. All of them agreed. So it was decided. His children started to dig the mountains with him.
The next day, a man called Smart came and said: “ Why did you do that? The two mountains are so high and you are so old and weak! How can you move the mountains?” Mr. Fool laughed and said: “It’s not difficult at all! Look! Tho two mountains are still there, but I have my children, and my children will have their children, generations after generations, there’s no end. I believe someday the mountains will be moved.”
高三数学辅导相传古时候有两座大山,一座叫太行山,一座叫王屋山。那里的北山住着一位老人名叫愚公,快90岁了。他每次出门,都因被这两座大山阻隔,要绕很大的圈子,才能到南方去。一天,他把全家人召集起来,说:“我准备与你们一起,用毕生的精力来搬掉太行山和王屋山,修一条通向南方的大道。你们说好吗!” 大家都表示赞成。于是,愚公带着儿孙们开始挖山。虽然一家人每天挖不了多少,但他们还是坚持挖。直到换季节的时候,才回家一
怎么种韭菜次。有个名叫智叟的老人得知这件事后,特地来劝愚公说:“你这样做太不聪明了,凭你这有限的精力,又怎能把这两座山挖平呢?”愚公回答说:“怎么不可能!这又有什么难的?即使有一天我死了,还有我的儿子在这里。儿子死了,还有孙子,孙子又生孩子,孩子又生儿子。子子孙孙是没有穷尽的,而山却不会再增高,为什么挖不平呢?” 当时山神见愚公他们挖山不止,便向上帝报告了这件事。上帝被愚公的精神感动,派了两个大力神下凡,把两座山背走。从此,这里不再有高山阻隔了。
Mencius’s mother is a great mother of Zou State. To make her son get a good education, she moved her family three times.
激光打印机和喷墨打印机哪个好When Mencius was a child, he lived near a graveyard. Therefore, he often played near the grave and imitated people’s crying or digging the tombs. When his mother saw this, she said: “It’s not a good place for a child to live in.”
Then she moved the family to a hou near a market. Soon Mencius began imitating people’s hawking and bargaining. He found it interesting and played again and again. His mother found this place still not good for a child to live in. She decided to move away again.
At last they ttled down near a school. Before long, Mencius began imitating the students’ reading and writing. He became more polite and hardworking. Then his mother said: this is a good place for a child to live in.