关于时间的英语演讲稿 time is valuable hello, ladies and gentlemen! it is m honor to share m topi ith ou here. and m topi is time is valuable. time flies. the artile ong ong of zhu ziqing also tells us time is rare. e all kno that :time is life, at home e have parents adviment, at shool e have teahers adviment. but ho treasures time as life?no let’s enjo a stor: one da a oung man visited great eduator banjieming. hen banjieming opened the door, to the oung man’s great surpri.: his hou as ver dirt. “i’m sorr, it’s too dirt. ait a minute plea. banjieming said and lod the door. “ok, ou ma go no. banjieming said , “but i , i havn’t remit to ou”. the oung man asked. “isn’t it enough? looking at the room,树的简笔画
“ banjieming said. “ou have been here for one minute.” “one minute? one minute, oh i kno. ou tell me a truth: e an do man things in a minute.” the oung man left ith satisfation.the stor is short but meaningful. just like the stor sas: one minute isn’t long. but our life is made of suh minutes. in fat onl treasure time , ill ou sueed, onl treasure time, ill ou realize our ideal. onl treasure time ill ou ahieve hat ou ant. e should make good u of time to stud hard or to do something meaningful for ourlf. so, e should plan 六年级上册语文思维导图
the time to stud and婚房装饰
言而无信是什么意思relax,espeiall at home.beau ladies and gentlemen: good morning , i am ver glad to stand here and give ou a speeh. first, plea allo me to introdue mlf. m hine name is _________, and m english name is________,i?m____ ears old. i ?m from
ingjili english training sh ool. toda m topi is “the value of time”. i hope ou ill like it. a proverb sas,time is mone. but in m opinion, time is even more preious than mone. h? beau hen mone is spent, e an earn it bak. hoever, hen time is gone, it ill never return. this is the reason h e must value time. it goes ithout saing that the time for our stud and ork is unusuall limited.beau, even an hour is extremel preious. e should make full u of our time to do uful things. as a student,i must make efforts to engage in m stud so as to rve our nation and people in the future. but it is a pit that there are a lot of people ho do not kno the importane of time. the do not realize that asting time is equal to asting a part of their valuable life.in a ord, e should form the good habit of saving time. do not put off hat an be done toda till tomorro. laziness ill not onl bring us failure but also lead us to the road of povert.时间的宝贵谚语说,“时间就是金钱。”依我看,时间比金钱更可贵。为什么? 因为钱花了,还可挣回来。时间流逝了,将会一去不复返。这就是我们应当珍惜时间的道理。不消说,我们用于学习和工作的时间是有限的,因此,哪怕是一小时也是极其宝贵的。我们应当充分利用时间去做有用的事
关于勤奋英语演讲稿关于勤劳和艰苦奋斗的英语演讲稿distinguished leaders, dear students, hello, everone: marh of the spring breeze brushed the inter old, rains of the eight honors and eight shame singing. proud of the hard ork in order劲爆的歌曲
to shame indolent; to take pride in hard ork in order to extravagane and dissipation ashamed this ntene makes i think man, man. thought of the et asino 10000 bees spend their hard ork results;
龅牙矫正thought vigorous, upright in pinus taianensis, ao ding aoama do not relax, he rved as east and est north and south korea fighting spirit of the ind; thought edisons genius is 99% at and 1% inspiration; thought of the lf-sharpening blade of sord out, plum blossom inen from the bitter old over there. thought more of us. earl morning, fling illo lake, there is the sound of reading aloud in order to improve the standard of english students to stud; night, lf-stud room, there are efforts to learn from the students of knoledge netar; holidas, there is the soial pratie in order to enhane their abilit or to redue the burden on parents bus doing the hard ork part-time students. in the proess, the dream ill be meriless to disturb alarm lok, ill their brains to think independentl to endure loneliness, even in diffiult orking environment, the boss suffered ritiism and blame. but more the jo, beau the same too hard ork, hard ork is the et taste of fruits. hoever, there are around us, suh as students, some lassroom pour over and sleep all da nothing to harvest; some in the restaurant to bu a lot of meals, but eat a small portion of the remaining one upside don, ignoring the labor of the peasants; some
lf-righteous naive, rather than to tough plae to sharpen. perhaps beau oung people are alas leading the onsumer the latest hard ork leads to suessgood afternoon! everone! nie to meet ou let me introdue mlf.m name is **.im from the ** **.and m topi is “hard ork leads to suess”.
i hope ou ill like it . first i ant to ask ou a question..hat brought people to suess? es,the anr is ou must ork hard .e have learned that tho ho ri to the heights in an field aren’t tho i th
the greatest natural talent,but tho ho orking harder and harder. of our,for hard ork to reall pa off,e need to ork effetivel,here’s ho: the first one is “follo our dream”.ou must have a diretion for our ork.t our objetives earl,then devote all our energies to ahieving them. and the ond is “blok out the time”to be benefiial,ou must be regular。for example,if ou ant to be an experiened engineer ,then ou must to give up man leisure time,ou must to studing hard,summing up our experienes for ears.. the third is “take one step at a time”.don’t aim to reah the top in a single ssion,just tr to improve b one perent over the ssion before. and the forth is “look bak”. ma be ou an ask ourlf frequentl.“am i have an “soft spots”?”if ou do,tr to find them a nd make some effort to identifthe eakness,then tr to do better tomorro. the last is “hold out a arrot”,hatever our ork needs,alas hold out a reard for our ahievement. for example ,if ou finish the da’s sheduled ork,ou an go out athing a movie or just eat ing ith our good friends, suh a reard ill inspire ou to ork harder and harder.ladies and gentlemen,e all kno ork is a hane to find ourlf.if ou think of ork as a punishment,ho an ou ahieve our goals?ladies and gentlemen,orking hard does have its drabaks ,its diffiukties and painful moments,sometimes mabe ou ant to give up the hole thing.but e all believe,after all the drabaks,ther
e’s a benefit. hard ork is the a to the end of the rainbo. ou have been a ver attentive audiene,thank
ou ,thank ou all. 刻苦努力才是成功之路大家下午好,很高兴看到你们。首先我做一下自我介绍,我叫**,来自***。我今天演讲的题目是“刻苦努力才是成功之路”,希望你们喜欢。首先我希望问大家一个问题: