
更新时间:2023-06-28 16:58:55 阅读: 评论:0

1. Exportador (Exporter)
2. Productor (Manufacturer)
3. Importador (Importer)
4. Clasificacion
(H.S. Code)
5. Descripcion y Cantidad de la(s)
(Description & quantity of merchadi)
6. Factura
7.Criterio de
(Origin Criteria)
8. Pais de Origen
(Country of origin)

9. Persona o Entidad que Certifica
(Company that certify)
Declaro bajo protesta de decir verdad, que la informacion
Contenida en este documento es verdadera y exacta. Me
comprometo ha comunicar por escrito a todas las
personas a quienes entregue el prente certificado, de
cualquier cambio que pudiera afectar la exactitud o
Validez del mismo. Este certificado compone de
__1___ hojas, incluyendo todos sus anexos.
10. Declaracion del Importador
(Importer's declaration)
Declaro bajo protesta de decir verdad, que la informacion
contenida en este documento es verdadera y exacta y me hago
responsible de comprobar lo aqui declarado. Estoy conciente
倡议书500字que re responsible por cualquier declaracion falsa u omision
hecha en o relacionada con el prente documento. Me
绿色沙漠comprometo a conrvar y prentar a la autoridad competente
la informacion, documentos y pruebas necesarios que respalden
el contenido del prente certificado, asi como comunicar por
escrito a dicha autoridad de cualquier cambio que pudiera
afectar la exactitud o validez del mismo.
90马和96鼠可以结婚吗11. Organismo o Autoridad Extranjera (Foreign Organization)
Declaro que he tenido a mi vista informacion, documentos y pruebas suficientes a mi buen entender, para comprobar que
la informacion contenida en el prente certificado es verdadera y exacta.
(Ciudad,pais, fecha, firma y llo)
Field 7 - Preference Criteria Explained
A. Wholly obtained or produced entirely
A good qualifies if every material, part component, etc. entering into the manufacture or production of the item is wholly obtained or produced in one or more of the NAFTA countries.  This includes all materials brought from suppliers in any of the NAFTA countries.  To qualify under this criterion, an audit trail proving the source of each and every item or ingredient is required.  NOTE:  The mere purcha of a good in the NAFTA territory does not necessarily render it "wholly obtained or produced."
B. Specific classification/regional value content rules
NAFTA outlines specific classification and regional value content rules that must be met by a particular product.  To determine the applicable rule, the H.S. code of the product must be known.  Then, an analysis must be done to ensure any non-originating (non-NAFTA) items have undergone the necessary shift in tariff classification and/or satisfy the regional value content requirements as stated in Annex 401.
C. Origination rule
Under this criterion all materials, items, components or ingredients ud to produce the final product must qualify as "originating".  This means that each and every item purchad from a domestic supplier has undergone sufficient transformation in its own right to qualify under NAFTA.  NOTE:  No constituent materials may fall within the definition of "wholly produced or obtained" the goods must be produced exclusively from originating materials.
D. Parts/unasmbled or disasmbled goods
This criterion applies in limited circumstances where non-originating materials cannot undergo a change in tariff classification but the regional value-content requirement has nonetheless been satisfied.  The two applicable circumstances are: 1) where the final item and its parts are classified under the same H.S. code; and 2) where unasmbled or disasmbled products are classified as an asmbled good pursuant to H.S. GIR 2(a).  This criterion does not apply to Chapter 61 through 63 of the H.S.写景的作文
E. Automatic data processing goods
This criterion is specific to certain data processing goods and their parts subject of Annex 308.1.
F. Agricultural goods
This rule pertains to Mexico only and relates to certain Agricultural Products specified in Annex 703.2 This criterion does not apply to goods that wholly originate in Canada or the United States and are imported into either country.

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