英语求职信范文20篇Univers it in J ul80, I rved ith Ja mes Co. as se retar u ntil la st mont h. Besi des I a m skill ed
in a lmost a ll kind s of of fie mah ine. So I feel onfide nt of m abilit to fil l a pos ition s uh as o u annou ne as v XXnt an d giveentiresatisfa tion in the di shargeof m du ties. T rusting ou ill give m applia tion ki nd onsi deratio n and h oping t o hearfavorab l fromou at o ur onve niene.Yours f aithful l, Samp le 11 敬启者:顷阅星期四X X报,获悉贵公司招聘人才。本人曾担任新世界产
清迈市这是我急于离开现职的主要原国。本人现任职的公司老板,对我的工作雄心颇为许,因此,愿协助找另谋他职。如果方便的话,我愿亲赴贵公司办公室晋见阁下,以便详细说明。 xx启 DearSir, Fo ur ears as a s enior l erk insales d epartme nt of t he Ne W orld Pr oduts C ompan h ave, Ibelieve, given me the experi ene toqualiffor the job ou advert id in Thursd a's nespap er. Sin e81 I h ave bee n respo nsiblefor all offiedetails in the admini stratio n of sa les, in ludingritingmuh ofthe
orr esponde ne. Inthe our of m ork, I have b ee fami liar it h the v arioussales t erritor ies, an d havealso in m spar e time
experie ne of h andling busine ss prob lems ot her tha n m pro per sph ere. Th e earsbeforeI as em ploed a t the N e World, I asa ret ar forLong Br other,an aoun ting fi rm. The re I be ame
fam iliar i th aoun ting te rms and proedu res. Ias grad uated a t Wah Y an Coll ege, in June7
4. I am ten t-fiveears of age an d singl e. I am leavin g m pre nt po sitionbeauI an us e m apa bilitie s morefull in a posi tion it h idersope. M pren t emplo er knos of m a mbition and is helpin g me to find a ne pla e. Ma I e ou at our offieto tell ou mor e about mlfand sho ou jus t ho el l I ando theork ourequire. Yours faithf ull, S ample 12 贵公司在六月二日布里斯多报上所刊登征求的职位正是本人想要得到的。我今年十九岁,这个月即将从布里斯多高工毕业。在学三年中,我操作过各
机械,曾协助学校工场机器的建立和修理工作。家父为一名司机,我时常帮他修理汽车。去年夏天,我加入一群远征队旅行三周,在西伊平地方没有修理站,我的机件严重损坏,我不得不迳行修护两门汽缸,装配一支暂用的驾驶盘。附上我的简历表和相片,希望二者令您满意。至于我的品德您可函询布里斯多高工机械科主任,史列德先生。倘若您能考虑我的申请,并给予面试机会,我将十分感谢。(签名) 309 Lake A ve. Bri stol, O hio Ju ne,- C ron Lau ndr Co.Bristo l, Ohio Gentl emen: I n replto ouradverti mentin theBristol Nes of June 2, I ish to sathat Iam ek ing the kind o f posit ion our offer. I am n ineteen ears o ld, and expetto grad uate fr om theBristol Tehnia l HighShool t his mon th. Dur ing thr ee ears of the ourI havebeen or king it h man k inds of mahine r and h ave hel ped tot upand rep air the mahine r in on e of th e shool shops. M fath er is a hauffe ur, and I help ed himin repa iring a utomobi les. La st summ er I to ok a pa rt of e xursion ists on a thre e
eeks‘tour. W hile eere inWest Ep ping, X X fromrepairshops,m mahin e as ba dl dama ged. Ihad torepairto lind ers and rig up a temp orar st eeringheel. Enlod ou ill find a op ofm
甜言蜜语短句resum e-and m photo. I beli eve the ma befound s atisfat or.
Con erningm harat er I am permit ted torefer t o Mr. H. L. Sl ed, Hea d of th e Mehan ial t ion ofthe Bri stol Te hnial H igh
求职信高考英语作文1求职信高考英语作文 I.开篇点题,交代消息来源、写明写信的目的.常用句式:II. 介绍个人简历,重点放在与所申请的工作相关的知识技能的介绍上,要有详有略. 常用短语: gr aduatefrom… be good skill ed at… enjo d oing st h in
on e’s spa re time…get on ell it h… III. 表达盼望尽快收到答复的迫切愿望并表明感激之情. 常用句式:
求职信的结构及常用句型 A :第一段开头:
写信的目的(p urpo)
1.I learn ed from our ad vertise ment th at ou a re in n eed ofa …
水仙盆 I sa f rom our advert iment in est erda’sChina D ail tha t … 3.Havi ng knon that o ur offi e needs a … Iould li ke to a ppl for the po st.
4.I’minteres ted inthe pos t hih o u adver tid i n
ester da’s Ch ina Dai l.
5.I’m l ookingfor a j ob as a…and ou ld be g rateful if ouould on sider m e for s uh a po st in o ur firm. 第二段:自我介绍(s elf-int rodutio n)
1.I’m g ood at
如何给自己定位4.I’ll be fit fo r the j ob.
5. I’l l get o n ver e ll ithm fello orkers.
6.One I’m hired, I’lldevotemlf t o the a u ofthe. 3. In 201X I orked能力:
1、I havelearned Englis h for 8ears.I am ve r goodat Engl ish, so I have been a n edito r of mshool's En glish P aper in the
pa st to e ars.
2、I’man exel lent st udent,among t he top5 in mlass of 50 stu dents.M grade s are a mong th e bes
tones in m depa rtment.
3、I enjo o rking i th peop le. I’m oung a nd heal th, del ightful, helpf ul. I a n speak standa rd Chin e and I’m go od at E nglish.
I oneon thefirst p rize of Engli sh pet ition i n our o llege.
I’m ver intere sted in travel ing and kno ma n plaes of
int erest i n China.
4、I am fa miliarith put er oper ation a nd offi e softa res,
1、I f I oul d havethe opp ortunit to get the jo b I ill be qui te
appr eiative. Thank ou for our on siderat ion. Ilook fo rard to hearin g fromou.
2、 I t hink I’m suite d for t he job. If ouan letme have this h ane I i ll tr m best t o do it ell. Expetin g ou an r. Yo u an on net meb posti ng a le tter to No 4MiddleShool o f Zhuzh ou or d ial thi s numbe r:0733-848362
3、Iill bequite a ppreiat ive ifI am of fered t he oppo rtunit. Thankou forour ons iderati on. I i sh to g et ouranr s oon. 如果我能有机会得到这份工作,我会非常感激。谢谢您的考虑。我盼望着您的回信。3 模板:
Dea r Sir o r Madam, I rit e thisletterto appl for th e
posit ion tha t ou ha ve adve rtidin____________Thank o u
for o nsideri ng m ap pliatio n, andI am lo oking f orard t o meeti ng ou.Yours s inerel, Li Min g 例
100左右 Dear Sir M adam, I learne d fromthe nes paper t hat our pan ne eds anEnglish reta r. I’mreall i nterest ed in t he posi tion an d hopeI an or k for o u. I’mears ol d and i ll
be g raduati ng from Xinxin g Forei gn Lang uage Sh ool thi s Jul.I’m anexellen t stude nt, amo ng thetop 5 i n m las s of 50 studen ts. I’m good a t Engli sh, esp eiall s poken E nglish. I ofte n u t he pute r and I tpe ve r fast. In m s pare ti me, I r ead a l ot. Poe ms arem favor ite. Ienjo mu si vermuh too. Being an ati ve oung person, I lik e sport s and o utdoorativiti es.民主建设
Bes ides, I’m easto getalong i th andI liketo make friend s. I’mlooking forard to our repl.Sinerel ours,Li Hua 4 写日期注意下列各点:
① 年份应写全。例如不能用“99”来代替“1999”;
② 月份应写英文名称,可用缩写,如:
Se pt., Ot.。但不要用数字来代替,如7499或7,
3,4……31等,也可用序数词1st, 2nd, 3rd,4th… Un iversit majori ng in ... andexpet g raduati on this June.?