Non-intrusive appliance load monitoring system bad on a modern kWh-meter
Hannu Pihala
VTT Energy
This licentiate thesis has been submitted for official examination for the degree of Licentiate in Technology in Espoo, May 1998.
ISBN 951–38–5247–4 (soft back edition)
ISSN 1235–0621 (soft back edition)
ISBN 951–38–5248–2 (URL: www.inf.vttt.fi/pdf)
ISSN 1455–0849 (URL: www.inf.vtt.fi/pdf)
Copyright © Valtion teknillinen tutkimuskeskus (VTT) 1998
Valtion teknillinen tutkimuskeskus (VTT), Vuorimiehentie 5, PL 2000, 02044 VTT
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tel. växel (09) 4561, fax (09) 456 4374
Technical Rearch Centre of Finland (VTT), Vuorimiehentie 5, P.O.Box 2000, FIN–02044 VTT, Finland phone internat. + 358 9 4561, fax + 358 9 456 4374
VTT Energia, Energiajärjestelmät, Tekniikantie 4 C, PL 1606, 02044 VTT
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VTT Energi, Energisystem, Teknikvägen 4 C, PB 1606, 02044 VTT
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VTT Energy, Energy Systems, Tekniikantie 4 C, P.O.Box 1606, FIN–02044 VTT, Finland
phone internat. + 358 9 4561, fax + 358 9 456 6538
Technical editing Leena Ukskoski
Pihala, Hannu. Non-intrusive appliance load monitoring system bad on a modern kWh-meter. Espoo 1998, Technical Rearch Centre of Finland, VTT Publications 356. 68 p. + app. 3 p. Keywords electric loading, load control, electric measuring instruments, watt hour meters, wattmeters, monitoring, load identification algorithms
Non-intrusive appliance load monitoring (NIALM) is a fairly new method to estimate load profiles of individual electric appliances in a small build-ing, like a houhold, by monitoring the whole load at a single point with one recording device without sub-meters. Appliances have special electrical characteristics, the positive and negative active and reactive power changes during the time they are switched on or off. The changes are called events and are detected with a monitoring device called an event recorder. Different NIALM-concepts developed in Europe and in the United States ar
e generally discusd. The NIALM-concept developed in this study is bad on a 3-pha, power quality monitoring kWh-meter and unique load identification algorithms. This modern kWh-meter with a rial data bus to a laptop personal computer is ud as the event recorder. The NIALM-con-cept of this prentation shows for the first time how a kWh-meter can be ud at the same time for billing, power quality and appliance end-u monitoring.
An esntial part of the developed NIALM-system prototype is the software of load identification algorithms which runs in an off-line personal com-puter. The algorithms are able to identify, with a certain accuracy, both two-state and multi-state appliances. This prototype requires manual-tup in which the naming of appliances is performed.
The results of the prototype NIALMS were verified in a large, single family detached hou and they were compared to the results of other prototypes in France and the United States, although this comparison is difficult becau of different supply systems, appliance stock and number of tested sites. Different applications of NIALM are discusd. Gathering of load rearch data, verification of DSM-programs, home automation, failure analysis of appliances and curity surveillance of buildings are interesting areas of NIALM. Both utilities and customers can benefit from the applications. It is possible to develop an automatic-tup NIALMS for houholds but it needs a larg
e data ba of signatures of different appliances.
This report is a conquence of four years rearch and development work concerning non-intrusive appliance load monitoring. The idea to begin this work originated in 1993 when the national energy rearch program (LVIS-2000) for buildings was finished. During the program the u of electricity for different loads in certain buildings was monitored and it was found to be very difficult and expensive to install intrusive recorders.
The work has been supervid by professor Tapani Jokinen. I am grateful to him for his cooperation and support. I owe many thanks to rearch profes-sor Seppo Kärkkäinen from VTT Energy for rearch management, enthusi-asm and support while studying the new matters.
During the development of the prototype NIALMS many persons have par-ticipated in this work. Mr. Martti Siirola from VTT Automation wrote the source code for the event recording software and performed many record-ings in the laboratory. Mr. Pekka Koponen from VTT Energy and Mr. Seppo Vehviläinen from Mittrix Oy were responsible for developing the power quality monitoring kWh-meter which was modified according to the needs of NIALM. Mr. Juho Farin from VTT Energy designed an
d devel-oped the cluster analysis part of the load identification software. Mr. YrjöRantanen from VTT Energy offered his home as the field testing site for a number of years and there performed veral parate recordings in order to verify NIALMS results. He also designed and constructed the unique, non-intrusive portable briefca metering system. It was possible to perform the verification of results with the equipment borrowed from the Electricity As-sociation in the United Kingdom thanks to Mr. David Cooper. Mr. Juha-Pekka Rissanen has collected, during his Master’s thesis work, appliance data which will be very valuable during further development of the proto-type. Mr. Matti Simppala from Imatran Voima Oy installed meters in com-mercial buildings and participated in follow-up results in the sites. I want to thank all the persons and also many others not mentioned individually who have participated in this work from VTT and at the monitoring sites. For the financial support I want to thank VTT Energy, the Association of Finnish Electric Utilities, Technology Development Centre TEKES and Imatran Voima Foundation.
Finally I want to thank Mr. Harvey Benson for his good rvice in checking the English manuscript.
Espoo 15 April 1998
Hannu Pihala
1.1 Overview of NIALM history and status today 8
1.1.1 T he United States 8
1.1.2 F rance 10运动会观后感
1.1.3 O ther countries 10
1.2 E DEVE cooperation in Europe 11校园文创
1.3 G oals 11
2.1 Appliance signatures 12
2.1.1 S teady-state or event signatures 12
2.1.2 T ransient signatures 16
2.2 D evelopment of the event recorder 16
2.2.1 P ower quality monitoring kWh-meter 17新年祈福
2.2.2 E vent recording system 18
3.1 T otal load model 20
3.2 A ppliance models 22
4.1 M odification of raw data 27
4.2 F orming the appliance register 30
4.2.1 A dapting signatures and appliance names 30
搜狗音乐播放器4.2.2 L ights and small power appliances 34
4.3 I dentification of different types of loads 36
4.3.1 L oad identification software 36
4.3.2 I dentification of two-state appliances 38
4.3.3 I dentification of multi-state appliances 39
4.3.4 I dentification of small appliances 40
5.1 F ield testing site 41
5.2 T otal electricity consumption 43
5.3 V erification of results 44
5.3.1 P arallel instrumentation 44
5.3.2 D efinition of error criterion 45