XXXX-4-26 外交部新闻招待会
中国农业大学动物医学院Hong Lei started the press conference with the following announcement:
什么是精益生产 应海湾合作委员会轮值主席国阿拉伯联合酋长国外长阿卜杜拉·本·扎耶德·阿勒纳哈扬,埃及外长纳比勒·阿拉比,塞尔维亚共和国外长耶雷米奇,瑞士联邦主席兼外长卡尔米-雷伊和俄罗斯外长拉夫罗夫邀请,外交部长杨洁篪将于5月1日至7日赴阿联酋举行中国-海湾合作委员会第二轮战略对话并对埃及、塞尔维亚、瑞士、俄罗斯进行正式访咨询。
At the invitation of Foreign Minister Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan of the United Arab Emirates which holds the current rotating presidency of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), Foreign Minister Nabil Elaraby of Egypt, Foreign Minister Jeremic of the Republic of Serbia, President and Foreign Minister of the Swiss Confederation Calmy-Rey and Foreign Minister Lavrov of Russia, Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi will chair the Second China-GCC Strategic Dialogue in the UAE and pay official visits to Egypt, Serbia, Switzerland and Russia.
A: China appreciates the positive and helpful contact and dialogue between relevant parties including the DPRK and the US and hopes it is conducive to regional peace and stability and an early resumption of the Six-Party Talks. During the delegation's stopover in Beijing, Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi met with them, exchanging views on the situation on the Korean Peninsula and other issues of common interest.
答:爱护半岛和平稳固,实现半岛无核化和有关国家关系正常化,符合本地区有关各方的全然利益,也是中方处理半岛咨询题的全然动身点和落脚点。我们认为,通过对话协商、以和平方式解决争端是处理半岛咨询题的唯独有效途径。当前形势下,我们期望各方显示灵活,主动互动,尽快重启对话协商进程,共同引导形势进一步朝好的方向进展。中方愿同有关各方一道,连续为实现半岛和本地区的和平与稳固发挥主动的建设性作用。A: It is in the fundamental interests of the parties concerned in the region to maintain peace and stability on the Peninsula, realize denuclearization on the Peninsula and normalize relatio
ns between relevant countries, which is also China's position and objective in handling the Peninsula issue. We believe that a peaceful ttlement of the dispute through dialogue and consultation is the only effective way in handling the Peninsula issue. Under current circumstances, we hope all parties show flexibility, interact positively and resume dialogue and consultation as soon as possible in a joint effort to lead the situation in a good direction. China is ready to work with relevant parties to continue to play a positive and constructive role in achieving peace and stability on the Peninsula and in the region.
答:中方关注叙利亚局势的进展。叙利亚是中东地区的重要国家,我们期望叙利亚保持国家稳固和正常秩序。A: China follows the developments in the Syrian situation. Syria is an important country in the Middle East and we hope Syria maintains national stability and normal order.
答:关于第一个咨询题,我们差不多公布了有关消息。A: we have already relead information on your first question.
中国政府坚持以人为本,认真落实“国家尊重和保证人权”的宪法原则。中国在人权领域取得的进步有目共睹,对此中国人民最有发言权。中方愿连续在相互尊重、平等相待的基础上同有关国家开展人权领域对话、交流与合作,谋求共同进步和进展。The Chine Government puts people first and earnestly implements the constitutional principle that "the State respects and prerves human rights". China's progress in the human rights field is witnesd by all, over which the Chine people have the best say. China is ready to engage in human rights dialogue, exchanges and cooperation with relevant countries on the basis of mutual respect and equal treatment so as to ek common progress and development.stars怎么读
关于第二个咨询题,中美双方商定于4月27至28日在北京举行下轮人权对话。外交部国际司司长陈旭与美国助理国务卿波斯纳将共同主持对话,就人权对话原则、双方人权领域新进展以及联合国人权领域合作等共同关怀的咨询题进行交流。On your cond question, China and the US have agreed to hold the next round of human rights dialogue in Beijing from April 27 to 28. Director-General Chen Xu of the Department of International Organiz
ations and Conferences of the Foreign Ministry and US Assistant Secretary of State Posner will jointly host the dialogue and have exchanges on the principles of human rights dialogue, new progress in the human rights field of the two countries, human rights cooperation in the UN and other issues of common interest.
连消带打 答:柬埔寨与泰国差不多上东盟成员国,也是中国的友好邻邦。中方期望柬泰双方保持平复、克制,通过协商解决分歧。A: Both Cambodia and Thailand are ASEAN member states and China's friendly neighbors. We hope both sides stay calm, exerci restraint and resolve disputes through consultation.
答:杨洁篪外长此次将与阿卜杜拉外长以及下任海合会主席国沙特外交部负责人、海合会秘书长扎耶尼共同举行中国与海合会第二轮战略对话,就中国与海合会关系及共同关怀的国际和地区咨询题深入交换意见。中方期望通过本轮战略对话,进一步深化双方政治互信,促进务实合作,造福双方人民。A: Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi will chair the cond China-GCC Strategic Dialogue together with Foreign Minister Abdullah, a nior official of the foreign ministry of Saudi Arabia which holds the next presidency of the GCC and GC
C Secretary General Zayani to have an in-depth exchange of views on China-GCC relations as well as international and regional issues of common interest. China hopes the dialogue will further deepen political mutual trust and promote practical cooperation to benefit the two peoples.
海合会是海湾地区的重要组织,长期以来,为促进地区经济进展及爱护地区和平与稳固发挥着重要作用。中国同海合会组织及其成员国关系友好,双方在政治、经贸、能源等领域合作全面深入进展,海合会国家已成为中国重要的经贸和能源伙伴。继中阿合作论坛后,中国与海合会战略对话机制的建立成为中国与海湾阿拉伯国家集体合作的又一重要平台,有利于推动中国同海合会国家各领域友好合作关系持续向前进展。The Gulf Cooperation Council, as an important organization in the Gulf region, has played a significant role in promoting regional economic development and safeguarding regional peace and stability for a long stretch of time. China enjoys good relations with the GCC and its member states, as bilateral cooperation in political, economic, energy and other fields has developed both in scale and scope and GCC member states become important
trading and energy partners of China. After the China-Arab Cooperation Forum, the China-GCC Strategic Dialogue rves as another major platform for the collective cooperation between China and the Gulf Arab states, contributing to the advancement of friendly cooperation between China and GCC member states in various fields.