get familiar with造句
1. As a new employee, I need to get familiar with the company's policies and procedures.风险系数
2. It takes time to get familiar with a new city, but eventually, you'll find your way around.
3. I need to get familiar with this new software before I can start using it efficiently.坐大
4. It's important to get familiar with the safety protocols before starting any construction work.
写字先生5. As a student, I need to get familiar with the cour material before the exam.
6. It's a good idea to get familiar with the local customs and traditions before traveling to a new country.
7. Before starting a new job, it's important to get familiar with the company culture and values.
8. As a new member of the team, I need to get familiar with everyone's roles and responsibilities.
老舍原名叫什么9. It's esntial to get familiar with the equipment before operating it to avoid accidents.
儿童谜语300则10. To become a proficient musician, you need to get familiar with the different musical instruments and their sounds.