Sino-US English Teaching, July 2022, Vol. 19, No. 7, 240-245
Analysis of “Chine Cultural Aphasia” in Integrated
English Teaching
XIAO Wenwen陆游的名句
Leshan Normal University, Leshan, China
Integrated English is a significant cour for the English majors in China. Now there is a phenomenon named
“Chine Cultural Aphasia”attracting the attention of the rearchers, for it’s not good to convey the Chine围巾用英语怎么说
culture. In Integrated English teaching, the teachers should try their best to solve the problem of “Chine Cultural
Aphasia”. This rearch is bad on the quiz and questionnaire, which are designed according to the Chine culture
in different fields, in order to make some suggestions in Chine culture introduction in Integrated English
Keywords: Chine Cultural Aphasia, Integrated English teaching, China
Integrated English is a very important cour for the English or related majors in China. The objectives of this cour are to comprehensively cultivate the ability of undergraduates in listening, speaking, reading, writing, and translating of the English language. Therefore, during this cour teaching, most teachers mainly focus on the English language learning as well as the English culture cultivating. On the other side, the Chine undergraduates also need to learn some Chine culture.
For the English or related majors, most cours are carried out bad on the English language and culture. Therefore, there is a phenomenon named “Chine Cultural Aphasia”.
Literature Review
The current rearch on the phenomenon of “Chine Cultural Aphasia”has mainly focud on the teaching of English as a whole. The concept of “Chine Cultural Aphasia”was introduced by Cong Cong (2000), who pointed out that this is a deficiency in English teaching in China and that traditional Chine culture should be expresd in English at all levels of teaching, so that students’ English proficiency, their level of expression of traditional Chine culture in English, and their understanding of Western culture should grow simultaneously. Culture should grow in parallel. Yang Juan (2015) analyd the danger of the problem of “Chine Cultural Aphasia”in English language teaching and the reasons for it, and propos measures to address it in a holistic manner. Yu Ying and Liu Miao (2014) studied the phenomenon of “Chine Cultural Aphasia” from an intercultural perspective, taking general engineering colleges as an example.
Acknowledgements: This paper is the rearch result of “A Study on the Phenomenon of ‘Chine Cultural Dissonance’ and the Path of Integrating Chine Tr aditional Culture in the Integrated English Cour”, 2021 Project of Ideological and Political
Education Study Center of Leshan Normal University (Project No. SZND202111).
XIAO Wenwen, lecturer, School of Foreign Languages, Leshan Normal University, Leshan, China.
For example, Feng Qiao’e (2014) analyzed the necessity and measures of integrating Chine traditional culture in the Integrated English cour. Zhao Huizhu (2016)propod a strategy for the infiltration of Chine culture in the teaching of the cour.
Rearch Methods
For this rearch, it was carried out: the quiz on the Chine cultural expressions in English and the questionnaire, in order to analyze the following questions:
(1) How is the prent ability of the Translation major undergraduates to translate the Chine cultural expressions into English?
(2) How to improve this ability in the following teaching?
This rearch aims to analyze the prent ability of the Translation major undergraduates to translate the Chine cultural expressions. Therefore, at first, the quiz on Chine-English translation of cultural expressions was carried out to evaluate their ability. Then, bad on the quiz, the students were asked to finish the questionnaire.
Step 1: The Quiz
In order to check the students’ ability to translate the cultural expressions from Chine to English, the quiz was designed, covering the expressions on festival, politics, policy, culture, fashion, environment protection, economics, study, tourism, history, and others. There are five expressions in each field, and the students were required to finish this translation task within one hour.
Step 2: The Questionnaire
The questionnaire was carried out bad on the finished quiz. After finishing the quiz within one hour, the students were required to finish the questionnaire on Wenjuanxing, to reflect the results of the quiz and their understanding of “Chine Cultural Aphasia”.
Rearch Results
The rearch results are also prented bad on the two steps. 51 students of Translation major in Leshan Normal University took part in both the quiz and the questionnaire. And the questionnaire was carried out after they took part in the quiz.
Results of Step 1: The Quiz
The score rate of each field can be en from Table 1.
Table 1
The Score Rate of Each Field
Field The score rate of quiz (%)
Festival 36.2
Politics 17.8
Policy 25.9
Culture 26.7
Fashion 26.4
Environmental protection 36.4
(Table 1 to be continued)
cad怎么画箭头Economics 20.6
Learning 34.5
Tourism 37.1
History 36.1
Others 6.7
Table 1 shows the score rates of each field. Among the fields, the score rate of tourism is the highest, 37.1%, while that of others is the lowest, 6.7%. Maybe that is related to the fact that this university is located in Leshan, a tourist city, so maybe the teachers mention some expressions on to
urism. No matter how, the score rates of the field are all lower than 60%, or even 40%, which indicates that the tested undergraduates really cannot translate the Chine cultural expressions into English in a good way. This table indicates that the students really cannot express the Chine culture in a good way.
Results of Step 2: The Questionnaire
After finishing the quiz, the students were required to finish the questionnaire on Wenjuanxing. The questionnaire is bad on the quiz, and there are 13 questions in all in order to get the students’ thinking on how they think about the quiz and how they think about the importance of introducing the Chine expressions into the related cours.
For the difficulty of the quiz, 9.8% of the students think it’s very difficult, 66.67% difficult, and 23.53% neither difficult nor easy, while in fact the result of the quiz indicates that it’s very difficult for them. 58.82% totally agree on that the Chine culture should be added into the English cours, 37.25% agree on that, and 3.92% neither agrees nor disagrees.
Table 2
The Familiarity of the Students on Chine Culture
Familiarity degree Percentage (%)
Very familiar 0
Familiar 9.8
Just-so-so 62.75
Not familiar 21.57
Very unfamiliar 5.88
As Table 2 shows, before becoming an undergraduate majoring in English, the students are not so familiar with the Chine culture: No one is very familiar; only 9.8%: familiar; 62.75%: just-so-so; 21.57%: not familiar; 5.88%: not familiar at all. The result indicates that most students have not enough knowledge in the Chine culture, so translating the expressions into English is more difficult for them.
On whether the Chine culture should be added in the English cours, 58.82% of the students totally agree, 37.25% agree, and 3.92% neither agree nor object.
For the purpos of putting the Chine culture into the English cours, the choices are as follows: to put
a solid foundation for the future translating or teaching (98.04%); to take part in the contests of translating
(86.27%); to pass related exams (such as TEM-4/8 or CET-4/6) (84.31%); to do better in reading comprehension (80.39%); and other purpos (47.06%).
Table 3
The Channels of Getting the English Expressions of the Chine Culture in Integrated English Class
Channels Percentage (%)
Checking the dictionary 49.02
Explanation of the teacher in class 92.16
Mentioning in the textbook 78.43
Preparation for the English exams (TEM 4/8 or CET 4/6) 60.78
Daily report or prentation of other classmates in class 70.59
Collecting by themlves 52.94
Internet 86.27
Other channels 35.29
The students get the English expressions of the Chine culture mainly through the following channels: explanation of the teacher in class (92.16%); Internet (86.27%); mentioning in the textbook (78.43%); daily report or prentation of other classmates in class (70.59%); preparation for the English exams (TEM-4/8 or CET-4/6) (60.78%); collecting by themlves (52.94%); checking the dictionary (49.02%); and other channels (35.29%).
Table 4
Students’ Deficiency in the English Expressions of the Chine Culture
Field Deficiency (%)
Festival 52.94
Politics 82.35
Policy 84.31
Culture 76.47
Fashion 78.43
Environmental protection 64.71
Economics 74.51
Learning 58.82
Tourism 70.59
History 84.31
Others 49.02班名
The quiz involves 11 fields, and among them students make a lf-asssment and 52.94% hold they do not do well in the festival area, 82.35% in the politics; 84.31% in the policy; 76.47% in the culture; 78.43% in the fashion; 64.71% in the environmental protection; 74.51% in the economics; 58.82% in the learning; 70.59% in the tourism; 84.31% in the history; and 49.01% in others.
Table 5
Contrast Between the Score Rate of Quiz and the Students’ Deficiency in the Questionnaire
Area The score rate of quiz (%) Students’ deficiency in questionnaire (%) Festival 36.2 52.94
Politics 17.8 82.35
Policy 25.9 84.31
Culture 26.7 76.47
Fashion 26.4 78.43
Environmental protection 36.4 64.71
(Table 5 to be continued)
Economics 20.6 74.51
Learning 34.5 58.82
Tourism 37.1 70.59
History 36.1 84.31
Others 6.7 49.01
In the table, the former number line shows the score rate of the quiz, while the latter one shows the students’ deficiency in their own opinion. Generally speaking, the two numbers should be negatively correlated.
For the features of the English major and other majors, they have deeper understanding of the Western culture, so they pay little or even no attention to the Chine culture (Wang, 2020). Through the quiz and questionnaire, it can be en that most of the English majors cannot express the traditional Chine culture in a correct way. The “Chine Cultural Aphasia” that has long been prevalent in academic circles is precily the cultural anxiety in the process of China’s ri as a great power and the revival of a strong nation, which is also the inevitable result of China’s cultural revival (Zhao, 2012). It’s still a long way for the undergraduates to understand the Chine culture and covey the culture to the outside world. Traditional Chine culture can be integrated into the Integrated English cour in the following ways.
拼多多登入1. Rai students’awareness of learning traditional Chine culture. And make students aware of that learning Chine and traditional Chine culture is now a trend among young people around the world, so that they actively want to learn Chine traditional culture and are happy to introduce Chine culture to young people from other countries in English.
2. Rai the awareness of cour in the dismination of traditional Chine culture. This will enable them to consciously disminate traditional Chine culture to students in the Integrated English classroom, to achieve correct value leadership, to enhance cultural literacy, and to cultivate humanis
迷雾水珠tic feelings.
3. Enrich the traditional Chine cultural elements in the cour materials and teaching resources so that they become an integral part of the Integrated English cour and students can deepen their understanding of traditional Chine cultural elements while learning about Western culture.
For the Chine students, “Chine Cultural Aphasia”is a common phenomenon. All the teachers and students themlves should try their best to introduce the traditional Chine culture into related cours, especially Integrated English. As the Integrated English teachers, they should solve the “Chine Culture Aphasia” from the perspectives of textbook, teachers’ thinking, students’ thinking, and so on. To understand our own culture is a good way to understand the outside world.
Cong, C. (2000.10.19). Chine cultural aphasia: Deficiency in English teaching in China. Guangming Daily, C1.
Feng, Q. E. (2014). Introduction of traditional Chine culture in integrated English language teachin
g. Contemporary Foreign Languages Studies, 35(5), 40-42.
Wang, L. (2020). An analysis of the caus and countermeasures of Chine cultural aphasia among English majors. Journal of Western, 8(8), 83-85.