中 文 摘 要
2018年是什么年With the development of isolation theory and isolation technology, the performance of isolation structure is more and more remarkable. In the process of the development and maturity of the ba isolation technology, the interlayer isolation technology, which is an extension of the ba isolation technology, has been more and more recognized by people. In the current code of our country, it is stipulated that the isolation layer of the isolation structure should be t at the top of the foundation. However, in practical engineering, due to the limitation of topographic conditions and architectural functions, it is difficult to meet the requirements of norms, which has brought some limitations to the construction of buildings. Therefore, to break through this limitation, it is necessary to consider tting the isolation layer in a certain layer of the topside structure, which forms a new isolation system-the interlayer isolation system. The greatest advantage of the system is that it is more flexible in the lection and arrangement of isolation layers.
Taking an eight-layer frame concrete structure as an example, this paper makes a comparative study of the ba isolation scheme and the interlayer isolation scheme respectively. SAP2000 analysis software was ud to establish five structural models inclouding non-isolation structure, ba isolation structure, 2nd layer column top isolation structure, 4th layer column top isolation structure, and 6th layer column top isolation structure, respectively, and to conduct nonlinear time history analysis and energy method analysis. The analysis shows that isolation layer position is different, the structure of isolation performance is different also. Among them, the ba isolation structure and the 2nd layer column top isolation structure have excellent isolation performance, which also indicates that the isolation layer position is t low and its isolation effect is better. Finally, the parametric analysis of the isolation structures is carried out. Bad on the analysis of the horizontal stiffness parameters of the isolation layer, it is concluded that when the location of the isolation layer is t at a low level, the ismic respon of the structure increas with the increa of the horizontal stiffness of the isolation layer, and the variation amplitude is large. When the position of the isolation layer is t high, the ismic respon of the structure is little affected by the horizontal stiffness of the isolation layer, and the horizontal stiffness of the isolation layer does not play a major control role. When the horizontal stiffness of the isolation layer remains unchanged, the ismic respon of the structure decreas with the increa of the layer. Bad on the analysis of damping ratio parameters of isolation layer, it is concluded that the ismic respon of the
structure decreas with the increa of damping ratio of isolation layer. For the same isolation structure, the ismic respon of the topside structure decreas with the increa of the layer under the condition of constant isolation layer damping ratio.
Key Words: Interlayer Isolation Structure, Ba Isolation Structure, Nonlinear Time-history Analysis, Energy Method Analysis,Parametric Analysis
目 录
独创性声明 (i)
关于论文使用授权的说明 (i)
中 文 摘 要 (ii)
1.绪论 (1)
1.1 课题背景 (1)
1.1.1 传统抗震体系 (3)
18岁出门远行1.1.2 我国现阶段抗震情况 (4)
1.2 隔震技术原理 (5)
1.2.1 基础隔震基本原理 (5)
1.2.2 层间隔震基本原理 (5)
1.2.3 隔震支座简介 (6)思念一个人的心情短语
1.3 层间隔震技术国内外研究现状 (7)
1.3.1 国外研究现状 (7)
1.3.2 国内研究现状 (7)
1.4 研究的意义 (9)
1.5 本文的研究内容及方法 (9)
2.层间隔震结构动力反应原理及建模要点分析 (11)
2.1 层间隔震结构动力反应原理 (11)
2.1.1 层间隔震结构反应模型 (11)
2.1.2 动力方程的建立 (11)
2.2 能量法分析原理及反应方程 (15)
2.3 SAP2000软件简介及建模要点 (16)
2.3.1 SAP2000软件简介 (16)
2.3.2 建模要点 (16)
2.4 本章小结 (17)
3.某框架结构基础隔震与层间隔震对比分析 (18)
3.1 工程概况 (18)
3.2 地震波的选用及调幅 (20)
3.2.1 地震波选用 (20)
3.2.2 地震波调幅 (20)
3.2.3 地震波验算 (21)
3.3 隔震支座的选用 (22)
3.4 模态分析 (24)
3.5 罕遇地震下基础隔震和层间隔震结构非线性时程分析 (33)
3.5.1 最大基底剪力分析 (33)
3.5.2 层间剪力分析 (35)
3.5.3 层间位移分析 (43)
3.5.4 结构顶层加速度分析 (46)
3.5.5 支座最大水平位移校核 (49)
3.6 能量法分析 (52)
3.7 本章小结 (54)
4.隔震结构参数化分析 (55)
4.1 隔震层水平刚度的影响 (55)
4.1.1 周期变化 (55)
4.1.2 层间剪力分析 (56)
4.1.3 层间位移分析 (61)
4.2 隔震层阻尼比的影响 (67)
4.2.1 层间剪力分析 (67)
4.2.2 层间位移分析 (73)
4.3 本章小结 (79)
5.结论与展望 (80)
5.1 结论 (80)
5.2 展望 (80)
参考文献 (82)
致 谢 (86)
作者简介 (87)