卡蜜尔台词孩子把你的手给我1. Making a plan is the first step towards achieving your goals.
樱桃的营养价值与食用功效2. She improved her cooking skills by making different dishes every day.
淡竹叶3. Making a decision can be difficult, but it is important to weigh all the options.
4. He became a successful businessman by making smart investments.
中国十大名牌大米5. Making time for exerci is crucial for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
6. She learned to play the guitar by making a commitment to practice every day.
7. Making a budget can help you save money and avoid overspending.
8. He achieved his dream of becoming a writer by making time to write every day.
雨水节气的古诗9. Making a positive first impression is important in job interviews.
10. She overcame her fear of public speaking by making a conscious effort to practice and improve.