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David Easley and Mukul Majumdar
Department of Economics, Cornell University, USA
Keywords:  uncertainty, decision, utility, risk, insurance, games, learning
生发的方法1. Introduction
2. Expected Utility
2.1 Objective Expected Utility
2.2. Risk Aversion
酸笋鸭2.3 Subjective Expected Utility
3. Sequential Decision Making
3.1 Discounted Dynamic Programming
3.2 Characterization of Optimal Policies
3.3 Learning
4. Games as Multi-Person Decision Theory
4.1 Nash Equilibrium
4.2 Bayes Nash Equilibrium
5. Us and Extensions
世事难料Biographical Sketch
Often decision makers are uncertain about the conquences of their choices. Expected utility theory provides a model of decision making under such uncertainty. This theory deals with both objective and subjective uncertainty. It provides insights into actual decisions and it may be ud as a guide for decision making. The theory has been extended to incorporate decisions made over time and the learning that results from the decisions. It also provides the basis for the analysis of interacting decision makers in a game.
1. Introduction
“The basic need for a special theory to explain behavior under conditions of uncertainty”, noted Kenneth Arrow, “aris from two considerations: (1) subjective feelings of imperfect knowledge when certain types of choices, typically involving commitments over time, are made; (2) the existence of certain obrved phenomena, of which insurance is the most conspicuous example, which cannot be explained on the assumption that individuals act with subjective certainty”. The literature is too vast for a survey, and, in veral directions lead to subtle issues of philosophy, economics and probability theory. At one extreme are models that focus on a single  decision-maker (an investor, a central planner). At the other extreme are models - in the tradition of Walras - with a large  number of agents. In between are models - in the tradition of Cournot -
E S C O  – E O L S S S A M P L E  C H A P T E R S with a small number of interacting agents.  The earliest treatments of decision making under uncertainty dealt with uncertain cash flows and assumed that only the expected value mattered. The St. Petersburg paradox (a random cash flow with infinite expected value that is clearly not worth more than a finite amount) showed that this approach was unsatisfactory. In 1738, Daniel Bernoulli propod valuing uncertain cash flows according to the expected value of the utility of money using a logarithmic utility function. Hence, both expected value and risk matters. This approach was arbitrary, but it emed more reasonable than assuming that decision makers care only about expected values. (It does not, however, solve the St. Petersburg paradox. Consider repeated tossing of a fair coin that pays exp(2n ) if a head appears for the first time on the n th  toss.) In 1944, von Neumann and Morgenstern, in their analysis of games, provided a t of axioms for decision makers preferences over uncertain objects that lead to Bernoulli’s formulation with general utility functions over the objects. This approach had the advantage that the reasonableness of the axioms would be more easily judged than could the direct assumption of expected utility maximization. von Neumann and Morgenstern’s formulation dealt only with objective uncertainty. This is a limitation as often uncertainty is not objective, and can only be su
bjectively accesd. In 1954, Leonard Savage extended the theory to deal with this complication. His approach is elegant, but difficult. In this article we follow a simple treatment.  2. Expected Utility  For models with a single agent, a basic agenda of rearch has been to cast the problem of optimal choice under uncertainty in terms of maximization of “expected” utility. We begin with the ca in which the uncertainty the decision-maker faces is objectively known. The basic ingredients of the single agent model of choice under uncertainty are:  1. A t X  = {x 1,...,x n } a finite t of prizes or conquences. 2. A t P  = {(p 1,...,p n ) ∈ R p n i t n +=∑:1 = 1} of probabilities, or lotteries, on X . 3. Preferences ≥ defined on P .  Formally, preferences ≥ are a binary relation on P . That is, pairs of alternatives, in P  are ranked. If the decision-maker regards probability p to be “at least as good as” probability q , then we write p  ≥ q . The preferences reflect the decision-maker’s valuation of prizes as well as his attitude toward risk.
2.1 Objective Expected Utility
The challenge has been to isolate axioms that enable one to impute to the decision-maker a utility function u  on X , reprenting the decision-maker’s preferences. One shows that, under some assumptions on preferences, the decision maker prefers one probability p to another probability q if and only if the first probability yields a higher expected utility, i.e. E p (u (x )) > E q (u (x )) where the
expectation operation is taken with respect to the probability distribution p  or q  on X .
E S C O  – E O L S S S A M P L E  C H A P T E R S The requirements for such a reprentation to exist are:  1. Completeness: for all p,q ∈ P  either p ≥ q , q  ≥ p  or both.  2. Transitivity: for all p,q,r  ∈ P  if p ≥ q  and q  ≥ r, then p  ≥ r . 3. Continuity: for all p,q,r  ∈ P  the ts {α ∈[0,1]: αp  + (1-α)q  ≥ r } and {α ∈[0,1]:r  ≥ αp  + (1-α)q } are clod. 4. Independence: for all p,q,r  ∈ P  and α ∈(0,1), p  ≥ q  if and only if αp  + (1-α)r  ≥ αq  + (1-α)r .  To interpret independence it is uful to break the probability αp + (1-α)r  into two lotteries. Consider the (compound) lottery with probability α on “prize” p and probability 1-α on “prize” r . The two lotteries αp  + (1-α)r  and αq  + (1-α)r  place probability 1-α on the same prize r. With the remaining probability, α, the first gamble gives p and the cond gives q where p  ≥ q . So it ems intuitive that p ≥ q if and only if α p + (1-α) r ≥ αp + (1-α) r  as long as the decision-maker cares only about the conquences of gambling and not the process of gambling itlf.  Theorem 1. A preference relation ≥ on P  satisfies completeness, transitivity, continuity and independence if and only if there exists a function u : X  → R 1 such that for any two probabilities p  and q  on  X , we have p / q  if and only if E p (u (x )) ≥ E q (u (x )).  Clearly, the reprentation u(⋅) given in Theorem 1 is not unique. If u (⋅) is an expected utility function for some preferences /, then s
o is V (x ) = a  + b  u (x ) for any numbers a and b  > 0.  Expected utility theory, which is developed here for the ca of finite prize ts, extends straightforwardly to continuous prizes. We focus on prizes x  ∈ ;R 1+ think of amounts of money. The distribution on outcomes can be described by a cumulative distribution function
F : R +1 → [0,1]. To tie this notation back to our earlier notation for discrete prizes note that in the discrete ca F (x ) = p x i x x i ()<∑ where p (x i ) = p i . For continuous prizes, P  is the space of cumulative distribution functions on R +1. If a decision-maker has preferences on P  that satisfy the axioms above then there is utility function u: R R +→11 such that for any F ,
汇总英语G ∈ P  we have F  ≥ G  if and only if
()()()().x dG x u x dF x u ∫∫≥
2.2. Risk Aversion
A decision-maker who dislikes uncertainty prefers the expected value of any distribution to the distribution itlf. Such an individual is said to be risk aver .
Definition: A decision-maker is risk aver if for any cumulative distribution function F ,
U N E S C O  – E O L S S S A M P L E  C H A P T E R S
()().x dF x u x xdF u ∫∫≥
This definition is equivalent to concavity of the utility function u . The curvature of the individual’s utility function provides a measure of his degree of risk aversion. This curvature cannot be measured by u”(Α) as the cond derivative is not uniquely by ≥. However; u”(x )/u’(x ) is invariant to the reprentation chon and it can be ud as a measure of risk aversion.
Definition: The Arrow-Pratt coefficient of (absolute) risk aversion for an expected utility function u (x ) is
λ(x ,u ) = -u”(x )/u’(x ).
This measure is positive for all x , for any risk aver decision maker. The measure is increasing in the curvature of u (⋅) and thus it is a reasonable measure of risk aversion. Formally, if u (x ) = f (v (x )), for all x , for an increasing concave function f (⋅) then λ(x ,u ) ≥ λ(x ,v ) for all x.
A typical application of this theory is to the choice of insurance. Suppo that an individual begins with wealth w  > 0. With probability p 1 he will lo L 1, with probability p 2 he will lo L 2 and with probability 1 - p 1 - p 2 he will retain his initial wealth. He is offered a menu of insurance policies that pay πi  in the event of loss L i  with cost or premium C  = α(p 1π1+p 2π2). The individual can choo any level πi  ≤ L i , and he pays a premium determined by C . If α = 1 then this actuarially fair insurance. Suppo that the individual is risk aver with utility function on money given by u (⋅). Then an optimal insurance contract maximizes expected utility p 1u (w -C-L 1+π1) + p 2u (w-C-L 2+π2) + (1-p 1-p 2)u (w-C ) over feasible payoffs.
比例尺怎么画For actuarially fair insurance it is immediate from the first order conditions for this maximization problem that πi  = L i  for all i . That is, the individual fully insures and his wealth will be w  - C . For α > 1, the solution involves a deductible D. The optimal policy is characterized by L i -πi =D  > 0 for all  i , where the optimal deductible depends on how risk aver the individual is and on how unfair the insurance is.
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Allais M. (1953). Le comportement de l’homme rationnel devant le risque, critique des postulats et axiomes de l’école Américaine. Econometrica  21, 503-546. [A paradox that challenges expected utility
E S C O  – E O L S S S A M P L E  C H A P T E R S theory]
Anscombe F. and Aumann R. (1963). A definition of subjective probability. Annals of Mathematical Statistics  34, 199-205. [A modern treatment of subjective expected utility theory]
Arrow K. (1971). Essays in the Theory of Risk Bearing . Chicago: Markham. [A collection of essays on choice under uncertainty, some of which are landmarks in the progress of  economic theory]
Bernoulli D. (1738). Specimen theoriae novae de mensura sortis, in  Commentarii Academe Scientiarum Imperialis Petrogolitanae , 5, 175-192. [An early article arguing that expected utility of prizes rather than the expected value of prizes is relevant for decision making]
Berry, D.A. and Friestedt, B. (1985). Bandit Problems , Chapmen and Hall: London [A monograph dealing with bandit problems has an extended list of references]
Blackwell, D. (1965). Discounted dynamic programming. Annals of Mathematical Statistics  36 226-235 Fudenberg D. and Tirole J. (1991). Game Theory . Cambridge: MIT Press. [A standard game theory textbook]
Harsanyi J. (1967-68). Games with incomplete information played by Bayesian players. Managment Science  14, 159-182, 320-334, 486-502. [A ries of articles on decision making and games with incomplete information] Majumdar M. (1998). Organizations with Incomplete Information . (ed. Mukul Majumdar) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press [A collection of essays and review articles dealing with decision making  with incomplete information] Mas-Colell, A.,Whinston, M.D. and Green, J.R. (1995). Microeconomic Theory , Oxford University Press: New York [Chapter 6 provides a uful exposition of choice under uncertainty] Myerson R. (1991). Game Theory: Analysis of Conflict . Cam
bridge: Harvard University Press. [A standard game theory textbook] Savage L. (1954). The Foundations of Statistics . New York: Wiley [The pioneering work in subjective probability] Simon, H.A. (1972). Theories of bounded rationality. In Decision and Organizations  (eds. McGuire, C.B. and Radner, R.), North Holland: Amsterdam 161-176 Von Neumann J. and Morgenstern O. (1944). Theory of Games and Economic Behavior . Princeton: Princeton University Press. [The original axiomatic development of expected utility theory]  Biographical Sketches  David Easley  is H. Scarborough Professor of Economics at Cornell University. A Fellow of the Econometric Society,  he is a leading contributor to the literature on decision making under uncertainty.  Mukul Majumdar  is H.T. and R.I. Warshow Professor of Economics at Cornell University and has made wide-ranging contributions to economic theory.什么是宽容

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