现在做什么生意最好Incoming Material Inspection Procedure
对所有外来生产用物料和外包商提供的产品进行来料检验,确保来料品质符合要求,及时发现来料不良问题,防止不良品流入。Checking all incoming material including sub-contractor provide products to ensure the quality meet requirement and nonconformity is found in time so as to prevent relead nonconforming incoming material.
本公司所有生产用来料(窗户的英语除制模来料及免检产品)学成教育,包括客户提供物料和外包商提供的产品。 All incoming materials (Expect some material for mold making and ship-to-stock material), including customer-supplied material and sub-contactor supplied products.
3.1定义 Definition: N/A
3.1RMT: 物料进仓单的英文简写。 RMT is the short form of Receiving Move Ticket.
3.2MRB 仓库:指仓库中指定的摆放不良品的区域/位置。MRB Store means the rejected area assigned by store.
4.1职责维修太阳能 Responsibility:我们还在路上
4.1广告促销IQC负责物料的检验与测试。IQC is responsible for the inspection and test of all in-coming material and parts.