alternating current交流 direct current直流 high-voltage高压 high-tension line高压线路 distributing substation配电变电站 in parallel并联 damaged ction故障段 power-factor-correcting 功率因数补偿(调整) synchronous condenrs同步调相机 step up升高电压 step down降低电压 frequency changer变频器 pha converter换相器 five-wire design三相五线设计 four-wire design三相四线设计 three-wire design三相三线设计 return current返回电流 distribution system配电系统 stray voltages寄生电压 magnetic fields磁场 overhead line架空线路 phone wire电话线 water pipe水管 open neutral中性点 surge arrester涌流避雷器 | |
electrical appliances in the home家用电器 electrical power电功率 electrical supply equipment电源 maintenance costs维修费用 line construction线路架设 voltage factor电压因数 current (amps) flow电流 cross-ction横截面 square of the voltage电压的平方 line loss线路损耗 step-up升高电压 alternating current generators交流发电机 power demand功率需求 transmission lines输电线路 extra high voltage超高压 step-down the voltage降低电压 industrial building工业建筑物 incandescent lighting白炽灯 fluorescent light荧光灯 | |
cost effective效益 power transformer电力变压器 internal faults内部故障 electromechanical force电动力 type testing定型试验 inrush current涌流 electromagnetic force电磁力 magnetomotive force磁动力,磁动势 axial forces轴向力 mechanical overstress机械过应力 step up transformer升压变压器 radial magnetic field径向磁场 three-legged transformer三绕组变压器认识你真好 finite-element method有限元法 magnetic stray field杂散磁场 | |
knife switch闸刀开关 disconnecting switch隔离开关 air-break switch空气断路器 control switch控制开关 auxiliary switch辅助开关 oil switch油断路器 SF6 breaker switch六氟化硫断路器 vacuum switch真空断路器 一年级下册数学magnetic-impul switch磁吹断路器 bell crank双臂曲柄 arcing horn灭弧触头 As a general rule一般的 arc chute灭弧隔板,灭弧罩 be directly proportional to与…成正比 | |
fusible element可熔元件,熔件 cross-ction横截面 rated current额定电流 time-current characteristic时间电流特性 fiber tube纤维管 current limiting devices限流装置 菠菜豆腐汤的做法circuit breakers断路器 in-rvice在运行中 System splitting系统解列 distribution systems配电系统 intimate contact密切接触 inductor or resistor电感器或电阻器 superconducting conductors超导体 cross-field tube横向肋片管思想道德与法治 charged capacitor充电电容器 saturable reactor饱和电抗器 parallel-ries resonant circuits并串联谐振电路 | |
Voltage transformer电压互感器 volt-meter电压表 trip coil跳闸线圈 load demand负荷需求 exciting current激磁电流 magnetic density磁场强度 iron loss铁心损耗 core loss 铁心损耗 burn out烧毁 in ries串联 connected across 并联 Current transformer电流互感器 line current线电流 ampere turn安匝 steps down降低 difference of potential电位差 wave form波形 | |
spark gap火花间隙 lightning arrester避雷器 medium voltage network中压供电网 EHV=extra-high voltage超高压 Discharge resistor放电电阻 Insulating material绝缘材料 Absorbed energy吸收能 Uniformly mixed均匀混合 Temporary overvoltage短时过电压 Instantaneous voltage瞬时电压 earth fault接地故障 transient condition过渡状态 索道的英语switching surge操作过电压 GIS=gas-insulated substations气体绝缘变电站 overhead transmission line架空输电线路 | |
post insulator柱状绝缘子 aerial conductor busbar裸导体母线 cap and pin insulator 帽销悬式绝缘子 long rod insulator棒形悬式绝缘子 leakage current泄漏电流 Epoxy resin环氧树脂 current transformer电流互感器 neutral connection中心线 dielectric stress电介质应力 tensile strength抗拉强度 Toughened glass钢化玻璃 抽奖活动方案Post insulator 柱状绝缘子 solid core cylindrical insulator 实心柱状绝缘子 hollow insulator空心柱状绝缘子 voltage transformer电压互感器 cable bushing电缆套管 operating rod操作杆 interrupting chamber灭弧室 | |
power cables 电力电缆 voltage drop电压降 thermal stability热稳定性 direct burial直埋 pulled into duct管道敷设 laid on cable rack放置于电缆架 contact surface接触面 Oil-impregnated, paper-insulation cable油浸纸绝缘电缆 thermo tting material热固材料 melting point熔点 current carrying capacity载流量 cross-linked molecular structure交链分子结构 fatigue resistance propertie抗疲劳特性 solidly earthed固定接地,直接接地 pha-to-neutral voltage相对地电压 galvanized steel电镀钢 | |
load flow studies潮流计算 short circuit studies短路计算 genetating stations电厂 transmission lines输电线路 power capacitor电力电容器 p.f.=power factor功率因数 electtical network电力网 a.c. network analyzer模拟网络分析器 pha angle相位角 special purpo特殊用途 P-V bus P-V节点 slack bus松弛母线 nonlinear algebraic equation非线性代数方程式 loop frame of reference回路参照系统 independent variable独立变量 impedance matrix阻抗矩阵 admittance matrix导纳矩阵 | |
High-voltage direct-current (HVDC) transmission高压直流输电 thyristor valve可控硅阀 converter station换流站 intermediate compensation station中间补偿站 overhead line架空线路 valve bridge可控硅阀控整流桥 Smoothing Reactor滤波电抗器 in ries with串联 shunt capacitor并联电容器 synchronous condenr同步调相机 current densitie电流密度 surface voltage gradient表面电位梯度 | |
Steady state stability静态稳定性 Transient stability暂态稳定性 power/load angle characteristics功角特性 pull out power牵出功率 power system电力系统 Dynamic stability动态稳定性 turbine governors,轮机调速器 reduction of load减负荷,甩负荷 induction motors感应电动机,异步电动机 interconnected systems互联系统 data collection数据采集 | |
synchronous generator同步发电机 transmission line传输线路 short-circuit短路 protective relay继电保护 voltage regulator电压调节器 prime mover governor原动机调节器 time span时间间隔 on-load transformer tap changer变压器有载分接开关 reactive power无功功率 time domain时域 | |
fault location 故障定位 wye-grounded 星形接地 broken delta 开口三角形 ballast resistor 镇流电阻 ferroresonance 铁磁谐振 distributed system 分布系统 saturation 饱和 neutral inversion 中性点倒置 distorted waveform 畸变波形 step-down voltage transform 降压互感器 | |
step time 顺时 Inver-time 反时 differential protection 差动保护 coordination or lectivity 配合性或选择性 transient inrush 暂态涌流 zero-quence 零序 radial circuit 径向电路 feeder circuit 馈路 cut and try 切除和尝试 trip direction 跳闸方向 | |
Multiterminal lines 多端线路 apparent impedance 视在阻抗 remote terminals 远程终端 misoperation 误动 a breaker 断路器 current distributions 电流分布 line-side 铁路沿线 voltage sources 电压源 | |
differential protection 差动保护 power distribution 功率分布 magnetize 爱护眼睛保护视力使磁化 inrush current 涌流 damp 衰减 transformer banks 变压器组 transformer taps变压器抽头 harmonics 谐波 pickup current 始动电流,灵敏电流 the operation coil 动作线圈 | 琥珀怎么鉴定真假|
synchronous machines 同步机 steady-state 稳态 transmission line 输电线 distribution line 配电线 passive 无源的 Flexible AC Transmission System 灵活交流输电系统 wheeling power 旋转功率 a lossless line 无损导线 tapped-lines 多分支线 loop power 循环功率 | |
voltage profile 电压分布 ries capacitive compensation 串连容性补偿 pha shifter 移相器 shunt-connected var compensation 并联无功补偿 the nding-end 发送端 the receiving-end 接受端 effective transmission impedance 有效传输阻抗 active 有源的 real power 有功功率 reactive power 无功功率 megawatt兆瓦 | |
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