作者:周谦 高笑男 高敬林 冯章英 王明霞
任务驱动教学法 摘 要 目的:系統评价抗凝药物预防或治疗癌症患者静脉血栓栓塞症(VTE)的药物
经济性。方法:计算机检索PubMed、Emba、Cochrane图书馆、中国知网、万方数据、维普网、中国生物医学文献服务系统以及The NHS Economic Evaluation Databa、The Healthy Technology Asssment Databa、EconLit等数据库,并辅以手工检索,收集不同抗凝药预防或治疗癌症患者VTE的经济学评价研究,检索时限为建库至2020年11月12日。经筛选、提取后,采用卫生经济评估报告标准清单评价纳入文献的质量。采用描述性的方法总结纳入文献的基本特征,并根据用药目的和不同干预分组归纳其经济学结果。结果:共纳入15篇文献,3篇质量优秀,10篇质量良好,其余2篇质量适中。研究分布于中国(1项)、美国(7项)、加拿大(3项)、法国(2项)、荷兰(1项)、巴西(1项)、奥地利(1项)等不同收入水平的国家。对于预防癌症患者VTE,华法林和低分子肝素(LMWH)的经济学评价有待更新;在VTE中高风险的癌症患者中,新型口服抗凝药(NOACs)在中国的经济优势不如美国,但是其在VTE高风险人群中的经济优势却在增加;阿司匹林对比依诺肝素预防骨髓瘤患者VTE具有绝对经济优势。对于治疗癌症患者VTE,LMWH对比华法林在美国不具有成本-效用优势,但是在加拿大和北欧等国家具有明显的经济优势;NOACs对比LMWH能节省总成本,但是美国和巴西的增量效果正负相反。敏感性分析显示,经济学结果对药物价格、血栓发生风险基线率以及不同干预下的不良事
关键词 抗凝药物;癌症;静脉血栓栓塞症;药物经济学;系统评价
中图分类号 R956 文献标志码 A 文章编号 1001-0408(2021)07-0850-10
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: To systematically review the pharmacoeconomics of anticoagulants for the prevention and therapy of venous thromboembolism (VTE) in cancer patients. METHODS: Retrieved from PubMed, Emba, Cochrane library, CNKI, Wanfang databa, VIP, SinoMed, The NHS Economic Evaluation Databa, The Healthy Technology Asssment Databa and EconLit, supplemented
by manual retrieval, the economic evaluation studies on the prevention and therapy of VTE in cancer patients with different anticoagulants were collected. The retrieval time was from the inception to Nov. 12th, 2020. After screening and extracting, the Consolidated Health Economic Evaluation Reporting Standards (CHEERS) was ud to evaluate the quality of the included literatures. The basic characteristics of the included literatures were summarized by descriptive methods, and the economic results were summarized according to medication purpo and different intervention grouping. RESULTS: A total of 15 literatures were included. Three literatures were of excellent quality; ten were of good quality; and the other two were of moderate quality. Included studies were widely conducted in countries of different economic levels, including China (1 piece), the United States (7 pieces), Canada (3 pieces), France (2 pieces), the Netherlands (1 piece), Brazil (1 piece) and Austria (1 piece). For preventing VTE in cancer patients, the economic evaluation results of warfarin and low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) needed to be updated. Novel oral anticoagulants (NOACs) for the prevention of VTE were less cost-effective among can
cer patients with medium- and high-risk venous thrombosis in China than in the United States, but the economic advantage incread among the high-risk patients. Compared to enoxaparin, aspirin was absolutely dominant to preventing VTE in patients with myeloma. For the treatment of VTE in cancer patients, LMWH was not cost-effective, compared to warfarin in the United States; but it was cost-effective in Canada and some countries of Northern Europe. Compared with LMWH, NOACs could save total cost, but the incremental utility in the United States and Brazil were opposite. Sensitivity analysis showed that economic results were nsitive to drug prices, the baline rate of thrombosis risk, and the risk of adver events (thrombosis recurrence, major bleeding and death) of different interventions, the first two of which could rever the conclusions. CONCLUSIONS: For the prevention of VTE in cancer patients, compared with no intervention or placebo, the economic advantages of NOACs were different in different countries or for patients with different thrombosis risk; the economics of warfarin and LMWH were not yet clear. Aspirin had obvious economic advantages compared with enoxaparin. For the treatment of VTE in cancer patients, LMWH had diff
erent economic advantages compared with warfarin in different countries; NOACs could save costs compared with LMWH. Economic strategies are greatly affected by the risk of dias, medical systems, drug price, patient preferences and values, economic levels, cost-utility threshold standards in different countries. Therefore, the final economic strategies need to be bad on the contexts of different countries.
KEYWORDS Anticoagulants; Cancer; Venous thromboembolism; Pharmocoeconomics; Systematic review
静脉血栓栓塞症(VTE)是造成癌症患者死亡的重要原因之一,主要包括深静脉血栓(DVT)和肺栓塞(PE)[1]。在癌症患者中,VTE的累计发生率约为1%~8% ,是普通患者血栓风险的4.1倍[2]。同时,癌症相关血栓(CAT)患者在抗凝治疗期间还面临复发和出血的风险[1]。最近一项研究发现,伴有VTE的癌症患者住院率是不伴有VTE的癌症患者的3倍,且医疗费用增加了30 538美元[3]。因此,预防或治疗癌症患者VTE不仅需要考虑抗凝药物的安全性和有效性,而且还需要关注其经济性。