Is 0ffice Gossip Helpful or Hurtful
Do you take part in office gossip? I don't like to think of mylf as a gossip, but I have to admit I often do it In my turbulent industry,I justify my behavior -perhaps wrongly -by reasoning that gossip helps me get information and figure out what is going on.
Amid a ri in office gossip,rearchers are disagreeing over whether it is fundamentally good or bad. Some defend it as a way of building bonds among people and sharing esntial information. But others hold that office gossip can be savage and destructive, as the New York Times reports. (At one company, , which has a strict no-gossip policy, gossiping about colleagues can become a firing offen.)
服务怎么打开)In one ca analyzed in a scholarly journal, middle school teachers' gossip about their principal became so poisonous that the principal retaliated, many teachers fled the schoo1 and students' test scores declined. In this ca, gossip amounted to "a form of warfare that brought everyone down."
On the other hand, less malignant gossip that stops short of repeating lies or breaching confidences can rve as a source of understanding, Gossip helps us analyze the motivations of other people, and enables tho low on the food chain, in particular, to understand how power is ud in their organizations, says this New York Times article. It is relaxing, it brings people together, and as a pastime it beats gambling, drinking or doing drugs,this reasoning holds.
另一方面,没有重复谎言或泄漏机密的不存恶意的八卦可能带来互相理解。 《纽约时报》的文章说,闲谈可以帮助我们分析其他人的动机,尤其是那些处于食物链低端的人可以了解所处组织中的权力是如何使用的。它是一种放松,可以让人们融洽,作为一种消遣它比赌博、饮酒或吸毒要好,这种判断也不无道理。
紫荆花香港Whatever side you take, gossip is here to stay. It is a universal human practice and it is to
o complex to say it is either good or bad, a University of Colorado rearcher says. When rearchers at Ca Western University asked students to cite 1essons they had 1earned from gossip, the students gave the examples: "Infidelity will eventually catch up with you" and "Cheerfu1 peop1e are not oecessari1y happy." This positive dimension of gossip was featured receot1y in the news1etter Work & Family Life.
I have en gossip he1p co-workers in some places where I have work, giving ri to compassion or offers of support when someone is going though hard times. On the other hand, I have also en gossip over an office romance, for example-distract people from the work and even force unwanted transfers.
Career-Life" Crisis
In the new movie Up in the Air, Anna Kendrick stars opposite George Clooney as Natalie Keener, an ambitious new college graduate who takes a job at a company who business is to fire people.
Natalie quickly gets to work developing a videoconferencing system that saves the company millions by performing terminations online. While on a cross-country trip to learn
the rope,however, Natalie is shaken by the emotional implications of her prized job and quits.
The days, many people---young and old---are experiencing a career-life crisis, asking: "What do I do when I realize my dream job isn't so wonderful after all?"
Not long after Christine Hassler, 33 years old, of Los Angeles landed a prestigious and lucrative job as a Hollywood agent, she found herlf arriving at work with knots in her stomach and counting the minutes until the weekend.
"I didn't like the job, and I didn't like the person I was becoming while doing it-stresd out, irritable and unmotivated," she says.
Recognize the Impact
Securing a position in your most desired field is a major achievement, and when the day-to-day work doesn't turn out to be as great as you thought it would be, it's normal to feel depresd,disappointed and confud.