Trickery in April Fools day April Fools Day is the only day of the year when you can play tricks on people and neednt worry about them getting angry! Here we also introduce to you some moderate pranks. Just remember, play safe and have fun!
4月1日,一年中一个既特别又让人胆战心惊的节日,不知这一天会有多少神经细胞因劳神过度而含冤死去。今年的愚人节,我们除了向您介绍四个独具特色的庆祝方式之外,不得不紧随时代需要推荐三个无伤大雅的.恶作剧。在您释放心情的一霎那,愿您的朋友也能开怀一笑! 梦见自己拿刀砍人
Today Americans play small tricks on friends and strangers alike on the first of April. One mon trick on April Fool's Day, or All Fool's Day, is pointing down to a friend's shoe and sayin
g, Your shoelace is untied. School children might tell a classmate that school has been canceled. Whatever the trick, if the innocent victim falls for the joke the prankster yells, April Fool! 如今,每逢愚人节,不管对方是否相识,美国人都会开些小玩笑。在愚人节比拟常见的把戏是指着别人的鞋子说:“你鞋带没系。”学生可能会骗同学说学校放假了。不管是什么样的招数,只要那个无辜的受害者中技了,恶作剧的人就会尖叫:“愚人!”
Most April Fool jokes are in good fun and not meant to harm anyone. The most clever April Fool joke is the one where everyone laughs, especially the person upon whom the joke is played. American humorist Mark Twain has said that the first of April is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year. 愚人节开的玩笑根本都是挺逗人的,没什么恶意。最高明的愚人节玩笑能让在场的每个人都捧腹大笑,即使是那个被作弄的人也会忍俊不禁。正如美国幽默作家马克吐温所说的“只有在四月的第一天,我们才记起在过去一年的364天中我们是多么的愚蠢”。 正方体简笔画