Lesson 40 Who's who真假难辨
New words and expression 生词和短语
hoax [həʊks] n.骗局,戏弄 (v. 捉弄,欺骗)(小孩说“狼来了”)
(A fal warning of danger, mischievous trick played on sb for a joke)
play a hoax/trick on sb. 戏弄
play a joke on sb. 开玩笑 The boy student is thinking how to play a hoax on his classmate.
a bomb hoax 声称有炸弹的骗局
hoax call : a telephone call that gives fal information 电话骗局
eg. Dickey’s private collection of modern paintings was nothing but a hoax.
coax [kəʊks] v.(耐心地)说服 (vt. 哄;哄诱;慢慢将…弄好vi. 哄骗;劝诱)
(to persuade sb to do sth that one is not willing to do by talking to him in a kind, gentle, and patient way)
coax sb into doing sth
coax sb out of doing sth
eg. 学无止境The mother coaxed the baby into a sound sleep.
fool n/v (n. 傻瓜,愚人vt. 欺骗,愚弄,戏弄vi. 开玩笑,犯傻)
make a fool of sb愚弄某人,欺骗某人
eg. He is no fool. eg. Their strong accent couldn’t fool a native speaker. 当地人一听就知道他们是外地的。
trick n./v.
1) 戏法,把戏,圈套
magic trick 魔术
play a trick on sb 对某人搞恶作剧
a dirty trick/a rotten trick 恶意的玩笑
trick sb into doing sth 骗,坑(to deceive someone in order to get sth from him or to make him do sth)陈安宁
eg. Mum tricked me into taking the medicine.
trick sb out of sth
eg. The corporation was tricked out of $20 million.
deception [dɪ'pʃ(ə)n] n.欺骗,骗局(指无关紧要的欺骗,有时也指利已的不诚实行为)
She referred to the pills as sweet, so the harmless deception made it easy for her child to take them.
deceit [dɪ'si:t] 强调一个人对另一个的故意欺骗(指歪曲实情,惯于说谎或蓄意欺骗。)
We are incapable of deceit.
fraud 一般用于犯罪行为的欺骗,通常指怎么复合政治或经济活动中的舞弊行为。
trickery 语气上比deception严厉,着重指有步骤的诡计以追求私利
He had gained control of the company by trickery.
deceive [dɪ'si:v] v. 欺骗;行骗
deceive 表示隐瞒真相或以假相骗人。如:The boy deceived the teacher by lying.
cheat 欺骗,常用词,主要指为了自己的利益欺骗人。
trick 哄骗,表示耍手段进行欺骗,强调在行骗时使用计策,有时也指并非出于恶意的欺骗。
Tom cleverly tricked his mother into approval.
lf-respecting a.自重的
lf-taught adj.自学的
lf-confidence 自信 ←→ lf-distrust 不自信
eg. Worry, fear, lf-distrust忧虑,恐惧和不自信
lf-reliant [rɪ'laɪənt] adj. 自力的 reliant 依赖的; 依靠的(rely的形容词) be reliant on
reliable adj. 可靠的;可信赖的
lf-contained 独立自足的(do not need help or resources from outside.);设施独立的(独门独户的指毋须与他人共享厨房、厕所等)) 注意:独立自主是 independent
a lf-contained flat 独立的公寓
lf-sacrifice 自我牺牲
indulge [ɪn'dʌldʒ] v.使沉迷(to let yourlf do or have sth that you enjoy, especially sth that is considered bad for you)(1、做某事或者于某物,2、引出对象的介词用in)
indulge onelf in尽情享用,沉溺于== be indulged in
He was indulged in smoking and drinking. He indulged himlf in smoking and drinking.
indulge的第二个语义是“纵容”“迁就”(spoil)(中国话 惯孩子)
She indulges her only son.
abandon onelf to sth 放纵,放肆,尽情(to feel an emotion so strongly that you let it control you completely)
eg. He abandon himlf to grief 他不胜悲痛。(恣意,忘情)
abandon onelf to alcohol 酗酒
take to sb/take to doing sth attend to照看,照料
1)like sb/doing sth 开始喜欢上…
eg. He took to her at the first sight.
2)to start doing sth as a habit 开始有…习惯,开始上瘾
通讯诈骗eg. All this bad news is enough to make him take to drinking. 就这个坏消息足以让他借酒消愁。
唐之韵eg. I have taken to getting up at 6 and going jogging.
pneumatic [nju:'mætɪk] a.气动的(2、充气的)(worked or driven by compresd air)
pneumatic drill 风钻
pneumatic tires 充气轮胎
pneumatic pump 气泵
pneumatic brake 空气制动器 ; 电动气动制动器 ; 气闸 ; 气刹
pneumonia [nju:'məʊnɪə] 肺炎 atypical pneumonia [eɪ'tɪpɪk(ə)l; æ-] 非典型的
drill n.钻 (n. 训练;钻孔机;钻子;播种机;演习(操练) vi. 钻孔,钻探;训练vt. 钻孔;训练;条播)
drill 侧重进行有系统的,严格和重复的练习 (消防演习a fire drill 军事演习a military drill)
training 普通用词,泛指为从事某种职业而进行的身体或智力方面的训练。
practice 指把所学的理论或知识拼音翻译中文用于实践以获得技艺与技巧。
exerci 主要指为强壮体魄而进行的锻炼,也可指进行练习以保持已经获得的技巧。个人规划和目标怎么写
pneumatic drill气钻 参考水钻(高压水枪,金属可以切割) 广泛用应用于家电制造,房屋装修,汽车船舶制造,航空航天工业制造及维修行业,功率大,无火花,在高瓦斯矿井中,尤其能体现其安全性。
silly a.无意义的,无聊的
1) not nsible 愚昧的,愚蠢的,不明智的
a silly thing to do做了一件蠢事,说了一句蠢话 /a silly thing to say
eg. I left my keys at home, which was a pretty silly thing to do.
2) 无聊的,没有意义的
陶诗play a silly joke on sb 同某人开无聊的玩笑
3) not practical 不实用的
foolish 强调愚蠢的,笨的,不明智的 I remonstrated him not to do anything foolish.
Silly 表示无意义的,无聊的,无知的 Being called silly is not compliment. Don't play such a silly play.
stupid 强调人及言行缺乏良好的判断力,及一般的智能(主要指天生迟钝) His son is as stupid as all.
dull 指理解迟钝,或健康状况不佳、工作过度而导致的缺乏敏锐的头脑
The old man's hearing has become dull. She is a dull girl.表示人很呆
advance a.n.预先的,事先获得的
advance information 预先获得的信息/ in advance 提前
v./n./ adj.
1) to move forward 向前
eg. The troops advanced on the enemy. 部队朝敌军开进。