1. Take a break: 休息一下
2. Take a chance: 抓住机会
3. Take a deep breath: 深呼吸
4. Take a guess: 猜一猜
5. Take a look: 看一看
6. Take a nap: 小睡一会儿
7. Take a picture: 拍照片
8. Take a at: 坐下来
9. Take a shower: 洗个澡
10. Take a step back: 后退一步
11. Take action: 采取行动
12. Take advantage of: 利用,占便宜
13. Take care of: 照顾,照料
14. Take effect: 生效,起作用
15. Take for granted: 视为理所当然
16. Take into account/consideration:考虑到,顾及到
17. Take it easy:轻松点,别紧张
生态环境保护18. Take notes:做笔记
19. take one's time:慢慢来,不急
倚怎么读20.take part in:参加
21.take place:发生
22.take responsibility for:对...负责
23.take risks:冒险
24.take someone's advice:听某人的建议
25.take someone's temperature:量某人的体温
26.take something into consideration/account :考虑到...
27.take something riously :认真对待...
28.take the bull by the horns :勇敢面对问题、挑战等;果断解决问题
29.take the lead:领先,带头 散文两篇
30.take the liberty of:擅自...
31.take the opportunity to do something:抓住机会做某事
32.take the plunge:冒险尝试
33.take things too riously :过于认真看待事情
34.take time off:休息时间
35.take turns to do something:轮流做某事
资产的英文36.take up something:开始从事某事;占据空间、时间等;拿起某物;吸收某知识等
37. take your pick: 任选其一
38. take a rain check: 暂时推迟
39. take it or leave it: 要不要随你便
40. take the high road: 做正确的选择