Essay Topic: People attend colleges or universities for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, incread knowledge etc.). Why do you think people attend colleges or universities?
Sample Answer 15:
曲池穴位于In schools, we complete our primary and condary educations. Colleges or universities are there to provide the third stage of our education level. Only a few people are getting the opportunity to attend their tertiary level education. The reason why people attend to colleges or universities may differ from person to person.
Some people attend to colleges after leaving from school is to improve their skills such as vocational qualifications. This is a kind of career preparation for their life. They will learn new skills and new knowledge on vocational training such as dress makings, carpentry, welding, aluminium fittings, automobile, phone repairing, electrical and electronics are some technical training provided in some colleges.
编织手链>agree的过去式Some are attending to Universities to follow degree or diploma in education, agriculture, me
dicine, engineering, biochemistry and etc. The are to shape their future career by incread knowledge on a particular field. Many of the cours are teach as full time in government organisations and part time in many private organisations. Nowadays education became a competition since many are attending to universities and colleges. Each person needs to obtain a degree or diploma has become an esntial element to find a good job. The educational qualification is the ba to provide many good jobs in reputed firms and in higher positions. Therefore, many people attend to the places to improve their educational qualifications to get a good job. Other than this, educated people earn a higher salary than uneducated people. Nowadays money became as a life. To live a comfortable life, people try to improve their educational qualifications in order to find well-paid positions.
盆栽海棠花Educated people become prestigious position in the society. Others follow educated people’s value, rules and standards. People wanted to respect by others. Therefore, they need to get graduation, post-graduation, Masters’ degree, Honor, Doctorate and etc. Mentioning their educational qualifications behind their name is a prestige for many peopl
e. Therefore, some people attend to universities or colleges, to improve their prestige. Some want to spend the time productively. If a bachelor needs to spend the weekend, could be spent with their friends. Some of them though attend weekend class to complete a degree before they engage in important responsibilities in life.
Therefore, why people attend to colleges or universities may give many answers as per the need of the people. There may be one reason or many reasons behind the fact why they do this.