by scienco@BDWM 2015年4月8日
以下内容中,右侧一列摘自国际地板球联合会(The International Floorball Federation, IFF)公布的2014年版地板球规则英文版。左侧为本人翻译的译文,若表述不一致,以国际地板球联合会公布的规则原文为准。
1 场地 1 RINK
101 场地大小101 Dimensions of the rink
长40米,宽20米。The rink shall be 40 m x 20 m.
102 场上标志102 Markings on the rink
球门区(大禁区)大小:4 m x 5 m。Goal creas measuring 4 m x 5 m…
守门员区(小禁区)大小:1 m x 2.5 m。Goalkeeper areas measuring 1 m x 2,5 m…
球门宽度:1.6 m。The distance between the marks is 1,6 m.
2 比赛时间 2 GAME TIME
201 常规比赛时间201 Regular game time
共3节,每节20分钟,节间休息10分钟,每节双方需互换场地。Regular game time shall be 3 x 20 minutes with two 10 minute intermissions, when the teams shall change ends.
上述比赛时间指的是有效比赛时间,即比赛中断时需暂停计时。Game time shall be effective.
Effective game time implies that time shall be stopped whenever play is interrupted by the referees’ whistle, and started again when the ball is played.
202 暂停202 Time out
暂停时长30秒。During the match each team shall have the right to request one time out.
Another additional signal after 30 conds marks the end of the time out.
203 加时赛203 Extra time
若加时赛后双方仍未决出胜负,则进行点球决胜。10 minutes extra time shall be played until one team scores.
Before extra time, the teams have the right to a 2 minute intermission, but no changing of ends shall take place.
If the score after extra time is still equal, the match shall be decided by penalty shots.
204 点球决胜204 Penalty shots after extra time
双方的五名场上队员(不包括守门员)均须上场罚点球。若未能决出胜负,则双方轮流罚点球直至决出胜负。Five field players from each team shall take one penalty shot each. If the score after this is still equal, the same players shall take one penalty shot each
until a decisive result is achieved.
301 运动员301 Players
运动员包括场上队员和守门员。Players may be field players or goalkeepers.
每队最多有六名运动员上场,其中可以包括一名守门员。During play at the most six players in each team, including only one goalkeeper or six field players only, may be on the rink simultaneously.
302 换人302 Substitution of players
随时均可换人,且无次数限制。Substitution of players may take place at any time and
an unlimited number of times during a match.
303 守门员的特殊规则303 Particular regulations for goalkeepers
在同一场比赛内,守门员不允许持球杆作为场上队参赛。A player marked as goalkeeper is not allowed to participate as a field player, with a stick, during the same match.
跃。球门区的边线属于球门区内。If a goalkeeper entirely leaves his goal crea during play, he shall, until he returns, be considered a field player, yet without a stick.
A goalkeeper is considered to have entirely left the goal crea when no part of his body touches the floor inside the goal crea. The goalkeeper is, however, allowed to jump within his own goal crea. The lines belong to the goal crea.
304 队长的特殊规则304 Particular regulations for team captains
除队长外,其他队员不得与裁判员交谈申诉。Only the team captain is entitled to speak to the referees.
306 裁判员306 Referees
每场比赛均设两名裁判员。 A match shall be led and controlled by two equally
authorized referees.
501 一般规则501 General regulations for fixed situations
四种发球情形包括:争球、界外球、任意球、罚点球。Fixed situations are face-offs, hit-ins, free-hits and penalty shots.
502 争球(802) 502 Face-off (802)
在中场争球时,双方队员均须回到己方半场。At the start of a new period and to confirm a correctly scored goal, a face-off shall be taken at the centre spot.
When a face-off is taken at the centre spot, each team shall be on their own side of the centre line.
一般情况下,在离比赛中断地点最近的争球点争球。A face-off shall be taken at the nearest face-off dot, according to where the ball was at the interruption.
除了负责争球的球员,其余运动员在争球时应自觉退至离球3米之外,包括所持球杆。All players, except tho taking the face-off, shall immediately, without summons from the referees, take a position at least 3 m from the ball, sticks included.
在中场争球时,客队有权决定把他的球杆放置在球的任意一侧。其余情况,防守方有此项权利。The defending team's player choos on which side of the ball to place his stick. If the face-off is on the centre line, the visiting team's player choos.
争球直接进球有效。 A face-off may go directly into goal.
503 进行争球的情形503 Events leading to a face-off
球在无意中损坏。When the ball is damaged unintentionally
球门移动之后,守门员有责任将球门复位。When the goal cage is moved unintentionally and cannot be put back within a reasonable time.
It is the goalkeeper’s responsibility to put the goal cage back as soon as this is considered possible.
进球无效,且不应判为任意球时。包括球不经过球门线进入球门。When a goal is disallowed despite the fact that no offence leading to a free-hit has been committed. This includes when the ball goes into goal without passing the goal line from the front.
罚点球未进。When a penalty shot does not result in a goal.
或者,裁判认为非犯规方故意拖延时间。When a delayed penalty is carried out becau the offending team gains and controls the ball.拌海虹
This includes when the non-offending team, in the referees’ opinion, is trying to waste time.
504 界外球(803) 504 Hit-in (803)
20以内不进位加法一方将球打出界外时,另一方发界外球。When the ball leaves the rink, a hit-in shall be awarded to the non-offending team.
界外球发球点离挡板不得超过1.5米。若在球门后出界,则在最近的争球点发界外球。A hit-in shall be taken from where the ball leaves the rink, 1.5 m from the board, but never behind the imaginary extensions of the goal lines.
If a team gets an advantage from taking a hit-in clor to the board than 1,5 m, this shall be allowed. A hit-in behind the imaginary extension of the goal line shall be taken from the nearest face-off dot.
防守方运动员在发界外球时,应自觉退至离球3米之外,包括所持球杆。The opponents shall immediately, without summons from the referees, take a position at least 3 m from the ball, sticks included.
应当用球杆将球击出。不得拖球、推击球或将球提起。The ball shall be played with the stick. It shall be hit, not dragged, flicked or lifted on the stick.
在球触及其他球员之前,发界外球的运动员不得触球。The player taking the hit-in shall not touch the ball again before it has touched another player or another player's equipment.
界外球直接进球有效。 A hit-in may go directly into goal. 506 任意球(804) 506 Free-hit (804)
午后低热离守门员区不足3.5米时,应在就近的离守门员区3.5米处发任意球。The free-hit shall be taken where the offence was committed, but never behind the imaginary extensions of the goal lines, or clor to the goalkeeper areas than 3.5 m.
A free-hit clor to the board than 1.5 m may be moved out to this distance. A free-hit behind the imaginary extension of the goal line shall be taken from the nearest face-off dot. A free-hit clor to the goalkeeper area than 3.5 m shall be moved out to the distance of 3.5 m from the outer line of the goalkeeper area along an imaginary line from the centre of the goal line through the place where the offence was committed.
防守方运动员在发界外球时,应自觉退至离球3米之外,包括所持球杆。The opponents shall immediately, without summons from the referees, take a position at least 3 m from the ball, sticks included.
应当用球杆将球击出。不得拖球、推击球或将球提起。The ball shall be played with the stick. It shall be hit, not dragged, flicked or lifted on the stick.
在球触及其他球员之前,发任意球的运动员不得触球。The player taking the free-hit shall not touch the ball again before it has touched another player or another player's equipment.
任意球直接进球有效。 A free-hit may go directly into goal. 507 判处任意球的犯规情形507 Offences leading to a free-hit
但如果在击打球杆之前已经触及到球,则不视作犯规。When a player hits, blocks, lifts, kicks an opponent’s stick (901, 902, 903, 912)
If the referees consider the player to have played the ball before hitting the opponent's stick, no action shall be taken.
握住对方队员或其球杆。When a player holds an opponent or opponent's
但若击球队员附近没有其他运动员,且此抬杆过高的动作不可能对其他运动员造成伤害,则不视作犯规。When a field player rais the blade of his stick above waist level in the back swing before hitting the ball, or in the forward swing after hitting the ball. (904)
A high swing is allowed if no other players are in the vicinity, and there is no risk of being hit.
在保证安全的前提下,允许用大腿触球。When a field player us any part of his stick or his foot, to play or try to play the ball above knee level. (904 913)
Stopping the ball with a thigh is not considered to be playing the ball above knee level, unless considered dangerous.
场上球员将其球杆、脚或腿部伸到对方球员的胯下。When a field player places his stick, his foot or his leg between an opponent's legs or feet. (905)
在控球或抢球时推对方球员,但用肩顶When a player, in control of the ball, or trying to reach
肩的方式除外。it, forces or pushes an opponent in any way other
than shoulder to shoulder. (907)
包括在罚任意球时,妨碍防守队员组成人墙。When a player, in control of the ball, trying to reach it, or trying to get a better position, moves backwards into an opponent, or prevents an opponent from moving in the direction intended. (908, 911)
This includes when the attacking team prevents or obstructs the formation of a defence line at a free hit awarded within 3.5 m of the goalkeeper’s area.
场上队员连续用脚踢球。When a field player kicks the ball twice, unless in
between it has touched the player’s st ick, another助教工作内容
player or another player's equipment. (912)
若场上队员身体的任一部分触及守门员区的地面,则视为进入守门员区。守门员区的边线属于守门员区。When a field player is in the goalkeeper area. (914) A field player is allowed to pass through the goalkeeper area if, in the referees’ opinion, play is not affected and the goalkeeper’s actions are not hindered.
If, when a free-hit for the opposing team is hit directly at the goal, a field player of the defending team is in the goalkeeper area, in the goal cage or, if the goal cage has been moved, in the area where the goal cage normally stands, a penalty shot shall always be awarded.
A field player is considered to be in the goalkeeper area if any part of his body touches the floor inside the goalkeeper area. A field player with only his stick in the goalkeeper area is not considered to be in the goalkeeper area. The lines belong to the goalkeeper area.
故意移动对方球门。When a field player intentionally moves the opposing
team’s goal cage. (914)
场上队员位于球门区或离守门员开始控球地点不足3米,并在无意中阻碍守门员掷球。When a field player passively obstructs the goalkeeper's throw-out. (915)
This shall be considered an offence only if the field player is inside the goal crea or clor to the goalkeeper than 3 m, measured from where the goalkeeper gains control of the ball. Passively implies unintentionally or through omission to move.
场上队员跳起停球。When a field player jumps up and stops the ball.
单脚或双脚在场外时触球。When a field player plays the ball from outside the
rink. (no offence sign)
Outside implies having one or both feet outside the