xcopy 命令
Windows have different tools and commands to copy file, folders and subfolders. Xcopy is one of the most popular copying command. Xcopy comes builtin with all Windows operating systems. In this tutorial we will look different usage types and examples of Windows xcopy command.
Windows具有不同的⼯具和命令来复制⽂件,⽂件夹和⼦⽂件夹。 Xcopy是最流⾏的复制命令之⼀。 Xcopy随附于所有Windows操作系统。 在本教程中,我们将介绍Windows xcopy命令的不同⽤法类型和⽰例。
帮帮我 (Help)
Help about xcopy command can be get with the following.
$ xcopy /?
复制⽂件(Copy File)
Basic usage of the xcopy command is copying gives file. We will just specify the source file and destination file name and path. We can also specify in relative paths like below.
xcopy命令的基本⽤法是复制给定⽂件。 我们将只指定源⽂件和⽬标⽂件的名称和路径。 我们还可以指定相对路径,如下所⽰。
Copy File网贷的危害
While copying we specify the source as sfile with F . After copy operation is completed information about the operation is printed like file count source file name etc.
复制时,我们使⽤F将源指定为sfile。 复制操作完成后,将打印有关该操作的信息,例如⽂件计数源⽂件名等。
复制资料夹 (Copy Folder)
Copy folder is an other uful feature of the xcopy command. We will copy cygwin64 source folder as new_cygwin64 in the example below.
复制⽂件夹是xcopy命令的另⼀个有⽤功能。 在下⾯的⽰例中,我们将cygwin64源⽂件夹复制为new_cygwin64 。
$ xcopy cygwin64 new_cygwin64
Copy Folder
失业英语递归复制所有⽂件夹和⼦⽂件夹(Copy Recursively All Folder and SubFolders)
In previous example we have given the source folder. The only file contents of the source folder is copied in to the destination folder. We can u /S option to copy all folders, sub folders and related files recursively like below.
在前⾯的⽰例中,我们提供了源⽂件夹。 源⽂件夹的唯⼀⽂件内容被复制到⽬标⽂件夹中。 我们可以使⽤/S选项以递归⽅式复制所有⽂件夹,⼦⽂件夹和相关⽂件,如下所⽰。
$ xcopy /S cygwin64 new_cygwin64
Copy Recursively All Folder and SubFolders
As we can e from screenshot all sub folders and files are copied.哈佛大学申请条件
如何搜索微信群开始复制前提⽰ (Prompt Before Starting Copy)
Another uful feature is prompting before starting copying. This will prevent accidental copying or unwanted overwriting of destination files and folders. We will u /W option for this feature.
另⼀个有⽤的功能是在开始复制之前提⽰。 这将防⽌意外复制或意外覆盖⽬标⽂件和⽂件夹。 我们将/W选项⽤于此功能。
$ xcopy /
在每次创建⽂件之前提⽰ (Prompt Before Each File Creation)
Another alternative for ur acceptation by prompting is prompting in each file creation. This may be a uful feature for some file and folder copy but in bulk operation this is not so uful. We will u /P option to prompt for each file copy operations like below.
通过提⽰进⾏⽤户接受的另⼀种⽅法是在每次创建⽂件时提⽰。 对于某些⽂件和⽂件夹副本,这可能是有⽤的功能,但是在批量操作中,它并不是那么有⽤。 我们将使⽤/P选项来提⽰每个⽂件复制操作,如下所⽰。
$ xcopy /
Prompt Before Each File Creation
龟兔赛跑读后感复制具有存档属性的⽂件(Copy Files With Archive Attributes)
While copying files by default some files attributes are not copied. Archive attributes are some of them. We can enable copying archive attributes with /A option like below.
默认情况下,在复制⽂件时,不会复制某些⽂件属性。 存档属性就是其中⼀些。 我们可以使⽤/A选项启⽤复制存档属性,如下所⽰。
$ xcopy /
复制隐藏⽂件和系统⽂件 (Copy Hidden and System Files)
Hidden and System files are important part of the operating systems. They are u by Windows operating system internally. If we are making copy on the type of files they are not copied by default. We cna enable copying them with /H .
隐藏⽂件和系统⽂件是操作系统的重要组成部分。 它们由Windows操作系统内部使⽤。 如果我们要在这些类型的⽂件上进⾏复制,则默认情况下不会对其进⾏复制。 我们可以使⽤/H复制它们。
准驾不符怎么处罚$ xcopy /
复制特定⽇期之后更改的⽂件 (Copy Files Tho Changed After Specific Date)
For copy operations tho are done same period there are some uful features which will make copy more efficient. We can specify some date and time where the will be ud to which files will be copied after that time. In this example we will only copy files tho are changed after 01-01-2017
对于在同⼀时期完成的复印操作,有⼀些有⽤的功能将使复印更加有效。 我们可以指定⼀些⽇期和时间,在这些⽇期和时间之后将这些⽂件复制到这些⽇期和时间。 在此⽰例中,我们将仅复制01-01-2017之后更改的⽂件
$ xcopy /D:
了解更多信息如何使⽤“ fur”匹配⽤户和流程xcopy 命令