
更新时间:2023-06-27 16:34:30 阅读:24 评论:0

Phonics Songs 字母歌歌词
The alphabet song
I know the letter a say A and a,
i know the letter b says bbb,
i know the letter c says kkk,i know my alphabet, i know the letter d says ddd,
i know the letter e says E and e,
i know the letter f says fff,i know my alphabet,
i know the letter g says ggg,
i know the letter h says hhh,
i know the letter i says I and i,i love my alphabet, i know the letter j says jjj,
i know the letter k says kkk,
i know the letter l says lll,i know my alphabet, you bet.
i know the letter m says mmm,
i know the letter n says nnn,
查询工商营业执照i know the letter o says O and o,i know my alphabet.
i know the letter p says ppp,
自由式滑雪i know the letter q says kw kw kw,
i know the letter r says rrr,i know my alphabet.
i know the letter s says sss,
i know the letter t says ttt,
书籍伴我成长i know the letter u says U and u,i love my alphabet, i know the letter v says vvv,
i know the letter w says www,
i know the letter x says ks ks ks,i know my alphabet.
i know the letter y says yyy,
i know the letter z says zzz,
i know the sound each letter makes a to z,i know my alphabet.
No sweat!
Track one Long A
The long sound of A
(A A A long A is fun to say, I say it every day, A A
A In Angel, Apron, Acorn, Apricot, A A A long A is fun to say, I say it every day A A A)-(kids repeat) Track Two The A B
C song
Track Three The letter a
a a a a a a a a a a a a I sing a song of a and here’s what a can say a a a a like apple antlers, ant, alligator, a a a a I sing a song of a and here’s what a can say a a a a, would you like to sing along with me, great a a a a I sing a song of a and here’s what a can say a a a a like apple you say it –apple- good job, antlers- antlers ant-ant, yep alligator-alligator, great! a a a a, I sing a song of a and here’s what a can say a a a a, Thanks that was fun.
Track Four the letter b
b b b b b b b b says the letter b, boy! How I like the sound of b, b, b says letter b boy! How I like the sound of b, with words like baby, bear, bouncing-ball, b says b, boy! how I like the sound of b letter b b says letter b boy! How I like the
sound of b.
Let’s say some b’s together-here we go b says letter b, boy! how I like the sound of b, with words like baby-your two-baby, bear-bear. Bouncing-bouncing. Ball-ball. B says letter b, boy! how I like the sound os b. You’re brilli ant.
Track Five The letter c
c c c c c c c c I cry hooray for c, come call it out with me c, c, c, c like cat, card, corn candy-cane, c c c c I cry hooray for c some call it out with me, c c c c can you sing it? Come on let’s go, c c c c I cry hooray for c come call it out with me c c c c like cat-cat card-car
d corn-corn, candy cane-candy cane.
C c c c I cry hooray for c come call it out with me c c c c congratulations.
Track six The letter d
d d d d d d d d d, Let’s sing words that start start with d delicious as can be, d d d d lik
e dolphin,
donut, dog, dinosaur, d d d d, let’s sing words that start with a delicious as can be d d d d. Do you want to do the a song with me? d d d d, Let’s sing words that start with d, delicious as can be d d d d like dolphin, do it! –dolphin. donut donut, dog-dog, dinosaur-dinosaur.
Track ven the long sound of E
E, E, (E, has a long sound, my goodness it’s E, E, E, E, E, and E starts some words that are easy for me. like E E C S, Eal Eal, evening and eleven, Ehas a lo ng sound my goodness it’s E, E, E, E) I’m eager to sing this with you now, Ready? Here we go-(Repeat with kids) I have so much fun singing with you! Thank you.
Track eight The letter e
(e e e I love the letter e say it now with me e e e like exit, elf egg, escalator e e e, I love the letter e,
say it now with me e e e ) Here we go e e e (Repeat with kids) I love you!
Track nine The letter f
F f says letter f friends how I like the sound of f, f f says letter f friends how I like the sound of f. With words like frog and fish foot and fork f f says letter f, friends how I like the sounds of f. f f says letter friends how I like the sound of f, let’s have some fun! F f says letter f friends how I like the sound of f. f f says letter f, friends how I like the sounds of f with words like frog-frog, fish-fish, foot-foot, fork-fork, f f says letter f, friends how I like the sound of f, f f says letter f, friends how I like the sound of f –FANTASTIC.
Track ten The letter g
G g g g says the letter g, grabbing my attention, giving words to me like ghost, girl, gift, gate, g g says the letter g grabbing my attention g g, good,
get ready, here we go! G g says the letter g, grabbing my attention giving words to me like ghost now you-Ghost, girl-girt, gift-gift, gate-gate, good g g says the letter g grabbing my attention g g. Goodness gracious, that was gorgeous you are gifted singers.梅朵儿
Track eleven The letter h
H h h h h is the sound of the letter h h h h and h has some words that are really great, like head, hair, hat, humming bird and hor h is the sound of the letter h h h h. How about singing h with me, Here we go, h is the sound of the letter h, h, h, h and h
has some words that are really great, like head, your turn-head, hair-hair, hat-hat. Humming bird and hor-humming birds and hor h is the sound of the letter h h h h-Hooray.
Track 12 The long sound of I
I (I, I, I, I like to try long I, I sing it with a sigh. I I I广西科技大学鹿山学院
I like Ice cream, island luy I cicles, I I I I I like to try long I, I sing it with a sigh. I I I I ) I think its time for you to sing along with me, here we go. (Repeat with kids) –I think you’re terrific.
Track 13 The letter i
i i (i i says the i interesting letter on which I do rely in igloo itch, inct, iguana, i i says the letter I interesting letter i i ) Its about time for you to join me in saying the letter i. (Repeat with kids)-incredible!
Track 14 The letter j
j j (j j says the letter J, just a little letter that makes me want to say. Jellybeans Jeuels, Jack in the box, Jam J J says the letter J, just a little letter J J ) Join me now, Jump on in and sing, (Repeat with kids)-just right.
Track 15 The letter k
k k k is the sound of the letter k k k k k and k
begins words that are so fun to say, like king, kite, kangaroo and kitten k is the sound of the letter k k k k) okay it’s your turn to sing along. (Repeat with kids)-kind a fun eh?
Track 16 The letter L
L L L L L (L says letter L I like to hear the lilt of L L L says letter L, I like to hear the lilt of L with words like lion, lamp, leaf and lamb, L says letter L, I like to hear the lilt of L, L says letter L I like to hear the lilt of L) I love it when you sing with me, would you like to sing L. (Repeat with kids)-That was luscious.
Track 17 The letter M
M m m I live the letter m, here’s the sound of m, m m m like munching muffins, macaron, m m m I love the letter m, here’s the sound of m m m m. m! m! m m m I love the letter m here’s the sound of m m m m like munching, your turn-munching good
muffins, your turn-muffins ah! ah! mushrooms-mushr ooms, you’ve got it, macaroni-macaroni great! m m m I love the letter m here’s the sound of m m m m, that was great!
焦灼的意思Track 18 The letter n
N n n n n n is the sound of the letter n, n n n
n and n starts some words that I u now and then, like no, nails nest nut, n is the sound of the letter n n n n n n. Now let’s sing it together, n is the sound of the letter n, n n n n and n starts some words that I u now and then, like no, now you, -no, nails-nails, nest-nest, nut-nut, n is the sound of the letter n, n n n n n, Nice work.
Track 19 The long sound of o
(o o o long o’s the way to go! I’m overjoyed and so, I sing o o o like oatmeal, overalls, ogre, overcoat, o o o long o’s the way to go, I’m overjoyed and so, I sing o o o) okay here we go! (Repeat with kids) oh
oh singing about oatmeal makes me hungry. Excu me!
Track 20 The letter o
(o o o I love the letter o, here’s how o can go, o o o like olive, ostrich, officer, octopus, o o o I love the letter o here’s how o can go o o o ) obviously you know w hat’s coming up. (chorus with kids) I could just go on and on about you.
Track 21 The letter p
P p p (p is the sound of the letter p p p p and p starts some words that are perfect for me, like puddles, puppies, popcorn, pizza and potatoes, p is the sound of the letter p, p p p) plea sing along with me. (Repeat with kids)-practically perfect. Track 22 The letter Q
Q Q (Q says letter Q how quickly can you find a Q Q Q says letter Q how quickly can you find a Q, with words like quiver,
queen, quarter, quilt. Q
says letter Q, how quickly can you find a Q, Q Q says letter Q how quickly can you find a Q) Alright everybody, ready? Quickly, here we go. (Repeat with kids) That was wonderful.
Track 23 The letter R
R R R I live the letter R here’s the sound of R R R R, like Rabbit, rocket, river, rock n’ roll R R R, I love the letter R, R R R I love the letter R, here’s the sound of R, R R R, Like Rabbit, repeat-Rabbit, rocket-rocket, river-river, rock n’ Rock-Rock n’Roll, Great, R R R I love the letter R, here’s th e sound of R, R R R –Really, Remarkable.
Track 24 The letter s
S s s s says the letter s softly, slowly, sighing, starting words like this, slip, slide nd snake s s says the letter s, softly slowly sighing, s s sounds nsational, lets sing it again, s s says the letters softly, slowly, sighing, starting words like this, slip,
say it-slip. Good slide-slide it’s wonderful, nd-nd, snake-snake, oh yes, s s says the letters, softly, slowly, sighing s s, such super singers.
Track 25 The letter T
T T T T is the sound of the letter T T T T, and T starts some words that are fauourites for me, like tiny, turtle, tickly, twist and twirl and tumble T is the sound of the letter T T T T Do you like to says that sound? Says it with me now, here we go! T is the sound of the letter T T T T and T start some words that are fauourites for me, like tiny, your turn, -tiny, turtle, go ahead-turtle, tickle-tickle, good, twist and twirl and tumble. T is the sound of the letter T T T T Terrific.
Track 26 The Two Vowel Rule
Track 27 The long sound of U
U U (U U nothing el will do long U is fun to u so sing it with me too, in unicorn, uniform, united
states, unicycle, U U nothing el will do, long U is fun to u, U U) as usual let’s sing his together, Ready? Here we go. (Repeat with kids)
Track 28 The letter u
u u (u u u u I love the sound of u and here’s what you can do u u u u , there’s uncle, under, umbrella, upside-down, u u u u I love the sound of u and here’s what you can do u u u) Alright everybody, now all of us can sing it together. (Repeat with kids) Track 29 The letter v
V v (v v says the letter v, revving like an engine, starting words for me, like van, vegetables, violets, violin, v v says the letter v, revving like an engine v v) very nice, now u your best voices and sing with me. (Repeat with kids) e how valuable ‘v’ can be.
Track 30 The Vowel song
Track 31 The letter w
W w w w w (w says w well w is warm and wild w w says w well w is warm and wild, with words like witch and wand, worm and water melon, w says w, well w is warm and wild) well well well, you know what to do. (Repeat with kids) Wow! That was wonderful.
Track 32 The letter x
X x x x (x is the sound of the letter x x x x x and x ends some words that I love to the max, like box, axe, fox, chicken pox, x is the sound of the letter x x x x ) This would be and excellent time to sing with me. (Repeat with kids) you are so good at x’s. Track 33 The letter y
Y y (y says letter y, I love to yell the letter y, y y says letter y, I love to yell the letter y, with words like yellow, yam, yo yo, yacht y says letter y, I love to yell the letter y, y y says letter y, love to yell the
letter y) yep you guesd if it’s time to sing along. (Repeat with kids) yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!
Track 34 The letter z
z z (z z z z I sing of letter z as buzzy as can be z z z z like zipper, zig zag zebra, zoo and zero z z z z I sing of letter z as buzzy
as can be z z z z ) Pretend you’re a bee and z z z with me. (Repeat with kids) z z z z z 分享:

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