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附录 常规茶叶介绍(中英文)
Tea Classifications
Green Tea
1、 我国的茶叶可分为十大茶类,绿茶是历史最悠久,品种最多,消费量最大的一个茶类。
Chine tea can be divided into ten main categories. Among them, green tea has the longest history and rank first in varieties and consumption.
2、 绿茶是没有经过发酵的茶,它的品质特点是“一嫩三绿”。即采的“茶青嫩,外形绿,汤水绿,叶底绿。”
Green tea is a non-fermented tea with qualities often known as one tender and three green
s. 玉米小饼One tender refers to tender tea leaves, and 文同three green refers to the green colored tea leaves, the green colored tea liquid, and the green colored tea dregs.
3、 差速离心龙井茶是绿茶,是最著名的历史名茶,创制于明代。
Longjing Tea (Dragon Well) is the most famous green tea, which was first produced in the ming dynasty.
4、 龙井茶原产于杭州,现在产于浙江省的广大茶区。
Originally produced in Hangzhou, dragon well tea is now produced in the large tea-producing area in Zhejiang Province.
5、 龙井茶具有“色绿、香郁、味醇、形美”四大特色,是清代的贡茶。
Longjing Tea (Dragon Well) has four unique qualities – its green color, excellent aroma, mellow taste and beautiful shape of its leaf. It is the tribute tea in the Qing Dynasty.
6、 碧螺春也是著名的历史名茶,创制于清朝早期,原产于太湖洞庭山。
Originally grown in the Dongting Hills of Taihe Lake, Biluochun Tea (Green Spiral) is also a famous green tea in history, which was first produced in the early Wing Dynasty.
7、 碧螺春的茶名是康熙皇帝起的。其特点是“一嫩三鲜”:采摘的叶芽嫩,色泽鲜绿、香气鲜爽、滋味鲜甘。
The name of Green Spiral is given by Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty. The characteristic of the Green Spiral is called one tender and three verdures. Green Spiral tea is known for having tender leaves, luscious green color, refreshing aroma, and sweet and fresh taste.
8、 最大的嘴黄山毛峰、六安瓜片、安吉白茶、都匀毛尖、太平猴魁、午子仙毫、凤风翠芽等都是绿茶中的名茶。
Huang Shan Mao Feng Tea, liuan Leaf, Anji White Leaf, Duyun Maojian Tea, Taiping Monkey King (Taiping Monkey Tea/Taiping Houkui Tea),Wuzi Xianhao tea, and Fenggang Cuiya Tea are all famous green tea.
9、 富锌富硒有机茶是贵州省凤风县特有的保健名茶。
Selenium-rich and zinc-rich organic tea from fenggang, Guizhou Province is best known for its health benefits.
China ranks the number one in the world in green tea output and exportation.
  Black Tea
1、 红茶属于全发酵的茶, 我国是红茶的创制国。
Black Tea is the complete fermented tea. China is the birth country of black tea.
2、 红茶色泽红艳、滋味醇厚、兼容性好。
Black tea is bright red in color, mellow in taste and has good compatibility.
3、 红茶既适合清饮,更适合加入牛奶、方糖、香料、果汁或者洒,调制成美味可口的浪漫饮料。
Black tea can be drunk alone, and also can be mixed with milk, cubic sugar, spicery, fruit juice or alcohol, to be rved as appetizing romantic beverage.
4、 我国的祁门红茶和印度大吉岭红茶、斯里兰卡乌伐红茶并列为世界和三大高香型红茶。
Chinas Keemun Black Tea, Indias Darjeeling Tea, and Sri Lankas Uva Tea are believed to be the worlds three major high-flavor black tea.
5、 祁门红茶主产于安徽省祁门县,始创于清朝1876年。
Grown in Qimen County of Anhui Province, Keemun Black Tea was first produced in the Qing Dynasty in the year of 1876.
6、 祁门红茶的香气浓郁,似蜜糖香,又带有兰花香,国际上称之为“祁门香”。
Keemun Black Tea has the rich aroma, which smells like honey combined with the fragrance of orchid. That is the world famous Keemun aroma.
7、 正山小种红茶、滇红、广东英德红茶、海南岛红碎茶都是我国著名的红茶品种。
Lapsang Souchong tea, Yunnan black tea from Guangdong Province, Broken black tea from Hainan Province are the famous black tea in China.
8、 正山小种红茶产于福建省武夷山,是世界红茶的始祖。
Grown in Wu Yi Mountain, Fujian Province, Lapsang Souchong tea is the ancestor of World Black Tea.
9、 正山小种红茶被誉为“茶中皇后”,深得英国皇帝珍爱。
Reputed as Queen of tea, Lapsang Souchong is the British Royal Familys favorite tea.
First grown in China, black tea has the greatest consumption in the world now.
Oolong Tea
1、 乌龙茶是半发酵茶类。今年高考分数线
Oolong tea is mi-fermented tea.
2、 乌龙茶主产于我国的福建、广东和台湾。
Oolong tea is mainly grown in Fujian Province, Guangdong Province and Taiwan.
3、 乌龙茶的品种很多,主要有大红袍、铁观音、凤凰单枞和台湾高山茶。
Oolong tea has big varieties, main types include Dahongpao Tea, Tieguanyin Tea, Phoenix Dancong Tea, Taiwan High Mountain Tea.
腊肠怎么炒好吃又简单4、 大红袍是“中国茶王”,产于福建武夷山。
Dahongpao (Big Red Robe), also known as the 望风披靡King of Tea, grown in Wu-Yi Mountain,
Fjjian province.
5、 铁观音是知名度最高的乌龙茶,产于福建安溪。
Tieguanyin Tea (Iron mercy Goddess) is the most famous Oolong tea, which is grown in Anxi, Fujian Province.
6、 凤凰单枞是香型最丰富的茶类,产于广东省。
Grown in Guangdong Province, Phoenix Dancong Tea (Fenghuang Unique bush) posss the largest varieties of fragrance.
7、 乌龙茶的特点是香高、味醇、耐冲泡。
What is special about Oolong tea is the rich fragrance, mellow taste, and resistance brewing.

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