1. Explain the difference between “place-bad policies” and “people-bad
policies”, what the former could contribute to the society?
2. List the main points of community participation in urban regeneration and make your own explanation.
it is hoped that some unemployed residents will be able to gain direct employment in schemes which are part of the projects .
training schemes will equip others to find employment in regenerationg projects or elwhere in the city.
By providing rvices such as welfare advice centers,many people will be better equipped to take up benefits to which they are entitled but have not previously claimed
Local authorities will,either voluntarily or through pressure from residents,provide better rvices to the area.
The very act of participation it lf will reduce the alienation many excluded people feel from the political system.
And,finally,the process of participation may bring the community together,as they attempt to identify and articulate their interests,andtherefore enhance social cohesion in the area.
3. Talk about the major differences in U.S and Europe in terms of transport means, and explain their advantages and disadvantages by referring to their urban background.
The inhabitants travel virtually in automobiles in US.so the fluidity of the traffic permits average speeds is high.but average people in US spend much time in his/her cars.
while in Europe,20%-30%is assomplished inpublic transport..in Europe the number of daily motorized journeys is substantially lower,and the time spent in motorized journeys is thus significantly lower but the average duration of a journey is one-third greater than that obrved in the US.
锦绣丹华4. What is good transport in cities with different backgrounds, such as low-density, densit
y cities and problems related to investment in public transport and maintenance cost, etc.?
In low-density cities where the automobile dominates,one travels quickly and agreed deal ,but daily travel times are high. A high and moderate density and agood balance between transport modes,private and public,make it possible to reconcile the repuire ments of limiting travel periods and accessibility for everyone to urban activites.
5. What are the key priorities in London Mayer’s urban transport strategy? Are they also helpful for the situation in China?
1reducing traffic congestion,p[articularly in central London town centers;
2overcoming the backlog of investment on the Underground so as to safely increa capacity,reduce overcrowding,and increa both reliability and frequency of rvices;
3making radical improvements to bus rvices in London,including overcoming unreliability and slow journey times
4 better integration of the National Rail system with London’s other transport systems to facilitate commuting, reduce overcrowding and move towards a London-wide,high frequency “turn-up-and-go” metro rvice
5facilitate car travel in outer London, whilst developing and promoting alternatives of public transport, walking and cycling so that the proportion of trips made by the car is reduced.
6supporting borough’s local transport initiatives, including improved access to local town centers and regeneration areas, walking and cycling schemes, safer routes to school, road safety improvements, better maintenance of roads and bridges, and improved co-ordination of street-works;
7making distribution of goods and rvices in London more reliable and efficient,whilst minimizing environmental impacts;
海南冬天亚洲短片8bringing forward new integration initiatives to improve key interchanges, enhance safety and curity, and provide much better information and waiting environments;
9improving the accessibility of London’s transport system so that everyone regardless of an disability,can enjoy the benefits of living, working and visiting the Capital, thus improving social inclusion
10 increasing the capacity of London’s transport systems by major new cross-London rail links, improved orbital rail links in inner London, new Thames river crossings in east London, and new guided bus or tram projects in central, inner and outer London.染色体组的概念
大自然未解之谜6. There are four major types of agricultural landscape in Phoenix, what are their characters that will influence urban planning?
1traditional farm community 2 agricultural infrastructure 3 industrial scale farms and ranches,and4specialty crop farms.