虎视眈眈Dressing "in code": Clothing rules, propriety, and西岩山
真实的纪晓岚期刊名称: J Soc Psychol王者荣耀歌曲
作者: Gurung, Regan A. R.,Brickner, Michaella,Leet, Mary,Punke, Elizabeth
年份: 2017年
飞鸟集赏析关键词: Clothing rules;dressing in code;xism威尼斯的小艇教案
摘要:Does dressing in line with societal clothing rules make a woman appear more professional and competent? We ud a within-subjects design and tested if participants rated women dresd in compliance with school and workplace clothing rules more positively than women not dresd in compliance with rules. Participants (N=89) at a mid-sized mid-western university rated 10 pictures of women captured from the internet on 11 attributes. Participants rated the 5 women dresd following clothing rules higher on a composite measure of positive attributes (intelligent, competent, powerful, or
ganized, efficient, and professional), F(1, 86)=68.92, p<.001 · p 2 =.45. Participant's ratings did not correlate with their own lf-reported levels of xism. Participants' gender was not a significant correlate. Our findings indicate that