就知道她是为了自己所追求的梦想,而选择了去那留学,她一直以来的梦想是用更高的文化知识充实自己,历练自己,她特别希望能去新西兰留学,她觉得去新西兰留学有如下好处:(1)提高英语纯正水平,加强中西文化的普遍的交流。 (2)她想去的学校是符合她所需求的。(3)她想学习的课程是
Support letter of fiancé
Dear sir,
I am the fiancé of Yangxin, I declare that I will give her both the mental and spiritual support, and try my best to support her dream of studying aboard.
We have been lovers for over 3 years, since I e her at the first glance, I have decide she is the most important girl in my life. I will marry her and live together with her till I pass away. During the period of we stay together, we trust , love , and respect with each other. We always look at each other with deep love. In the eyes of our relatives and friends, we are the most well-matched couple . And they are all waiting for our wedding dinner. But we always think that we should work hard for our business when we are still young, we won’t marry until we succeed a little in our business. Our emotion is stable all the time.
During the years of I get along with her, I find that her love and study intensive for her job is from her heart, I also support her work very much. In order to have some achievement, she also go to the library to read some relative academic books for rearch , and go to study in the academic class during her rest time . So when she told me that she wanted to go to New Zealand for her study, I knew she was for her dream and she decided to study there . She always wanted to improve herlf with higher cultural knowledge, and exerci herlf. She wants to study in New Zealand very much, becau she think there are so many advantages as followed:
数字短信>补肾生精丸first, to improve her English pure level and enhance the prevalent communication of China and west countries. Second, the school she wants to go accord with her need. Third , the cours she wants to learn are .Forth, to get the highest diploma is very important for her pursue and development in the future I respect her decision, after all this is the dream of her whole life.. I also told her that I would help her take care of her parents so that she could study well over there and need not concern her family. I will go on taking part in t黑暗古堡he entrance exams for postgraduate schools, and study hard and wait f
or her back.
She will never forsake her parents and I , just becau she wants to stay in New Zealand , and she won’t abandon her dream of opening a company in China. Our dream is in China, our country is becoming stronger and stronger , the prospect is also very cheerful.. I believe she will certainly go back China when she accomplishes her study.
Supporter: Mujun